Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter eight hundred and twentieth: Scalper go away

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"Blogger, you have too much content in brackets! [laughing and crying]"

"Look at what's going on with people now."

Others posted records of their WeChat chats with their friends.

This time it was a friend who went, but she didn't.

Regret's intestines are green.

Even scalpers came out to join in the fun, "He vomited blood, I should have stocked up on more tickets if I knew it earlier. Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen are on the same stage. At this level, the first row can get nearly 10,000 votes."

Of course, under this Weibo, many people scolded him.

"Bah! Scalpers go away!"

"It is recommended to learn from the "I Sing" program group in the future. Don't release the program list in advance, and don't give scalpers a chance."

"Nearly ten thousand? What are you thinking about! I'm a die-hard fan and I won't buy it!"

There is also a marketing account that sorts out the regretful Weibo screenshots posted by netizens, each one is funny like a joke.

Ge Guangzhen watched as he slid down the page, becoming more and more frightened.

He backed away in shock, tapped his finger on the top of the screen, and the page automatically returned to the top.

[Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi, Lu Xiangchen are on the same stage] This trending search is still in the first position, and the popularity is crushing, surpassing the second by a lot. It seems that it will stay in the first place for a long time one.

Ge Guangzhen clicked in to watch, Kefeng Video, Donghua Satellite TV, and the official blog of "I Sing" all posted the pure stage of each guest.

And this hot search was naturally the stage where Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi, Lu Xiangchen and Tan all sang together.

There was also a stage video of the three of them after the results of the guest competition came out, instead of talking all the time.

Ge Guangzhen shook his hand, "I Sing" really invited all three of them over.

No, it should be all the talk.

As their junior juniors, Tan Jinsheng's success rate in inviting them is much higher than that of the "I Sing" program group.

Didn't Liu Jingshen just want to talk all the time before,

Have you been to the recording site of "The Voice"?

It's just that I didn't expect that not only Liu Jingshen, but also Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen could talk so well!

Lu Xiangchen was still busy on tour, so they rushed back to broadcast live.

Ge Guangzhen was watching when he received Chen Xinghan's voice.

Ge Guangzhen didn't want to watch their stage either, so he switched to WeChat to see what Chen Xinghan had said to him.

Chen Xinghan: "Director, have you seen the news about "I Sing"? Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen have all gone!"

Ge Guangzhen: "...just saw it."

Such a depressing thing, why remind him again?

Chen Xinghan: "I heard that Liu Jingshen and Ji Jiayi haven't accepted jobs recently, but anyone who approached them was pushed away. It's just for this live broadcast of the decisive battle night, to be a guest for Tan Jinsheng."

Ge Guangzhen: "..."

The three of Liu Jingshen really talked so well.

"Even when Lu Xiangchen was touring outside, he took time to come back and rehearse with them." Chen Xinghan added.

"Anything else?" Ge Guangzhen didn't want to hear it anymore.

Chen Xinghan hesitated for a moment and said, "Director, tell me... can our ratings this time be compared to "I Sing"?"

"There is nothing we can do about the webcast. We didn't synchronize the webcast at first, so we can only compare the playback volume of the video platform. But the live broadcast, although we are recording and broadcasting. But it is also with "I Sing" at the same time tonight It was broadcast. In terms of the lineup, except for the three brothers Liu Jingshen, the others, our lineup does not lose at all, and is even better than them."

Chen Xinghan didn't dare to expect to win "I Sing", he just hoped that they wouldn't lose too badly.

It's just that he didn't dare to tell Ge Guangzhen directly.

He directly stated that he felt that "Singing" could not win against "I Sing". Although Ge Guangzhen knew it well, he still had to scold him.

"If there were no Liu Jingshen and those three, it would be possible. But now there are more of them..." Ge Guangzhen's heart stopped, "There may not be a next season of "Singing"."

He is mentally prepared for every variety show, and sooner or later there will be an end.

I never thought that "Song" would end so soon.

Only four seasons.

Each of those popular variety shows has lasted until six or seven seasons, and there is no tendency to end them.

There may be a downward trend, but it is far from falling to the value that is about to end.

Unexpectedly, "The Voice of Songs" is coming to an end after only four seasons.

And in such an unseemly way.

It is regrettable that it is not the end, and it makes people feel sad.

It makes people feel that, with such poor grades, it's time to end.

Chen Xinghan was silent for a long time before sending another voice, "Director, tell me... If there is no "I Sing", can our show last longer?"

At least two more seasons are fine.

Ge Guangzhen thought, is it?

He actually knew that the show had entered a period of exhaustion.

However, if there is no "I Sing", I can indeed persevere.

"In other words, if we agreed to Tan Jinsheng's request and let him play well, instead of directly signing a one-term contract and letting him follow the script. Let Tan Jinsheng join "The Song", will the current situation be different? Reverse it?"

""I Sing" will get no attention, and our show will get better and better. Will Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen come to our show?" Chen Xinghan knew that it was useless to say anything now.

But he just panicked and felt that this matter was too useless.

Obviously they were the ones who invited them first to talk.

But he forgot that at the beginning, he was also the one who used the tone and attitude in the conversation.

Moreover, with Ge Guangzhen's temperament, would Tan Mo be allowed to give opinions and ideas to the program crew?

Even if Tan Mo had an idea, would Ge Guangzhen accept it?

Neither Ge Guangzhen nor Chen Xinghan knew that the original idea for "I Sing" was given by Tan Mo.

"There are so many ifs." Ge Guangzhen snorted, not knowing whether he was mocking himself or Chen Xinghan.

It's too late to say anything now.

At that time, seeing Liu Jingshen came to Tan Jinsheng, he already regretted it.

Naihe has already offended him by talking all the time.

"Okay, go to bed early." Ge Guangzhen didn't have the strength to lose his temper with Chen Xinghan now, "Let's see how bad the ratings are tomorrow."

"Okay." Chen Xinghan replied, "Director, you should go to bed early too. No matter what, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ge Guangzhen didn't reply again, and went to read netizens' comments on "I Sing".

The more he watched, the more unwilling he became.

Why is "I Sing" so lucky!

He looked and watched, and then came across Tan Jinsheng's backstage interview.

Director: "We have seen the real-time feedback from the audience. Everyone said that they want to hear the original version of your song. Because I know that this song has been adapted by Brother Shen, it is more suitable for the four of you to sing. I did not say that Brother Shen's adaptation is not good. Good idea."

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