"Agreed to let Tan Mo teach us, or continue to resist, today is not enough. It is not suitable to go in today." He Qishan said, "They said that about us just now, if we want to go in at this time, we just hit the gun Mouth?"

Everyone agreed with He Qishan's words.

No matter how they choose in the future, it is not suitable to go in and find Director Yao now.

Go in and let them say what?

Say you agree to Tan Mo as a teaching assistant?

There is no need for them to talk about it.


The brothers and sisters in the office all called them fools.

Everyone seemed to have opinions on them, and they went in and said they disagreed, as if they didn't know what to do.

So, the crowd came, but left quietly.

There is no class for Tanmo today, and the class for Tanmo will be tomorrow.

On the day when there was class, Tan Mo's textbooks were packed in his bag, and he carried a thick stack of papers in his arms.

When Associate Professor Yang saw it, he asked in surprise, "What are you hugging so much?"

Tan Mo smiled and emailed the students to her, and the emails were all about the topic.

"Part of it is that although there is a little bit beyond the outline, according to the study habits of Peking University students, they will not be satisfied with the content in the textbook. They will extend it based on the content in the textbook. So this part of the email , I'm not sure, how many of these questions really want to learn, and how many just want to test me. But no matter what kind, these questions are very measured, so I will answer them in detail one by one .”

"As long as everyone really wants to learn. Moreover, even if it is to test me, there is nothing wrong with learning useful knowledge while testing me." Tan Mo said, "So for this kind, I put What formula was used, why it was used, which lesson in the textbook mentioned it, and several deformed questions were also collected together for them to reply to the past."

"You replied in such detail, how long have you been busy?" Associate Professor Yang was surprised.

These kids are too clueless.

Principal Mu arranged for Tan Mo to be a freshman.

They were not satisfied yet, and they caused so much trouble for Tan Mo.

"It's okay, it didn't take too much time." Tan Mo said with a smile.

Although Tan Mo said so, Associate Professor Yang felt that it was obviously unnecessary to take up Tan Mo's rest time at night.

Without the embarrassment of these students, Tan Mo could have a good rest.

The teachers and old students at the school all know how busy Tan Mo is.

During the day, Tan Mo hardly had time to relax, he just kept on spinning.

In the evening, in addition to completing my own studies, I also have to prepare for the lectures, and I also have to answer the difficult problems deliberately brought by the students.

The more Associate Professor Yang thought about it, the angrier he became.

This is tantamount to taking up Tan Mo's rest time.

Associate Professor Yang decided to talk to Principal Mu after class.

Tan Mo is a rare talent in their school, there is no reason to put a bunch of ignorant freshmen in such a difficult situation.

Tan Mo didn't have the same knowledge as them, and even had the tolerance of a teacher. Under such circumstances, he still thought about how to treat the students well.

Associate Professor Yang became even angrier.

With such a good teacher, those children don't know how to cherish it.

He also used Tan Mo's tolerance to bully others.

This is too much!

"What about the other part?" Those who work with numbers are very careful and pay attention to details.

Professor Yang has not forgotten what Tan Mo mentioned earlier, this is only part of it.

"The other part is not just a question of how much is beyond the syllabus. It's about finding very difficult questions for them. For them, so far, even extracurricular extensions have not been able to extend such questions. Tan Mo smiled, "Because of this, even if they want to change it, it seems that they can't do the problem they are doing, so they can only copy the original problem and send it to me."

"This kind of behavior is pure embarrassment. I just sent the answer, and didn't explain the way to solve the problem." Tan Mo said, "What I'm holding on to now is this part of the question, and I plan to follow it carefully in class. Let them talk."

"By the way, Teacher Yang." Speaking of this, Tan Mo still needs the cooperation of Associate Professor Yang, "Can I take up your class time? I will talk about some problems in class. There are many problems, but I will not discuss them in detail. One talk, just pick two topics and talk about it.”

"Anyway, they don't understand this level of difficulty. I just want to embarrass them and stop wasting each other's time with such questions." Tan Mo said.

Of course, Associate Professor Yang had no problem, and readily agreed, "You can talk as long as you want. You are arranged to teach them as a freshman, but they don't know how to cherish it, and waste time looking for problems that they don't need to deal with now. There is At this time, it is better to learn more content that is suitable for them now. Since they don’t know how to cherish the limited time, there is nothing to be afraid of talking less in class.”

Associate Professor Yang is also angry with these students.

The students of Peking University have always been very good. Of course, there are also a small number of disappointing ones.

But never before has it been so irritating.

Tan Mo thanked Associate Professor Yang with a smile, and the two entered the classroom together.

The class bell hasn't rung yet.

But many students have already found seats to sit down.

As a teaching assistant, Tan Mo has a small table beside him.

Associate Professor Yang sat behind the podium, sorting out the content of this class.

Tan Mo was sitting behind the small table next to her, and was also sorting out the questions she had printed out.

Li Guangyi and the others exchanged glances, and Li Guangyi walked towards Tan Mo.

"Senior Sister Tan Mo." Li Guangyi called while standing in front of Tan Mo's desk.

Because he was standing, Tan Mo was sitting.

Li Guangyi felt somewhat condescending.

"What's the matter?" Tan Mo looked up, remembering this student.

It's not that Li Guangyi is so impressive.

It's about good memory.

Associate Professor Yang likes to roll names in class.

As long as the class bell rang, he would roll the roll and tick off the names.

If you are absent from class without reason, points will be deducted from the final exam.

Therefore, Associate Professor Yang's class is full of people.

Of course, this is also a compulsory course, and few people would skip class.

Especially those who come to Peking University, study hard every day, for fear that if they miss a class, they will not be able to keep up with the progress.

Therefore, when Associate Professor Yang called the roll call, everyone was present.

Click on a person's name, and someone will call out.

Tan Mo also remembered these students.

"I would like to ask, I sent you an email to ask your question, why did you only write me the answer, but not the steps?" Li Guangyi asked.

"I also asked other students, and many of them were not like this. Some students got very detailed answers to their questions." Li Guangyi said.

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