Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter eight hundred and thirtieth: Harmful to others

"The idea of ​​solving the problem, as well as which chapter of the book the formulas involved are written out in detail." Li Guangyi said, "Why didn't I write part of it?"

"Is it because you didn't have time to write? Or..." Li Guangyi paused and said, "Or, you can't either?"

Tan Mo raised his eyebrows, "What you said is very interesting. I don't know, so where did the answer come from? You mean, I read the information, or the answer I found on the Internet?"

"I originally planned to talk about this matter during class." Tan Mo said lightly, "It's time for class, so go back and sit down first. As soon as the class bell rings, I'll tell you why."

Li Guangyi lifted his eyelids slightly, observing Tan Mo's expression, as if he wanted to see something similar to a guilty conscience from her face.

"Okay." Li Guangyi nodded, "I hope Senior Sister Tan Mo can give me an answer after class. If you forget, I will remind you. I just hope that when the time comes, don't say that you don't want to occupy Teacher Yang's class. time."

"No, don't worry." This sentence was not said by Tan Mo.

It was Associate Professor Yang's voice.

Li Guangyi turned his head in surprise, and saw Associate Professor Yang coming over, and said with a serious face: "On the way here, Tan Mo told me to take up a little time in class, and I will answer your questions first."

As for other things, Associate Professor Yang didn't say anything.

He was dissatisfied with the ignorance of these students, so he turned around and told Principal Mu that it was.

Just talking to this one student won't do much.

Li Guangyi was surprised that Tan Mo actually made an agreement with Associate Professor Yang, and he was not delaying time.

That's okay, he just took a look at what Tan Mo was going to say in class.

However, in front of Associate Professor Yang, he always felt that Associate Professor Yang was a bit too serious.

As if dissatisfied with them?

Li Guangyi's scalp was numb, and he felt a little stressed.

He seemed to go back to his seat in desperation.

As soon as I sat down, the class bell rang.

Associate Professor Yang first said: "Because many students sent emails to Tan Mo the night before yesterday asking some difficult questions,

Some of the questions need to be explained in class by Tan Mo. So, let Tan Mo talk about it first, and then we come to class. The content of Tan Mo's lecture is also the content of the class, and it does not occupy class time. I hope everyone understands. "

After speaking, Associate Professor Yang gave up the position of the podium to Tan Mo.

Tan Mo carried the questions she had printed out, walked to the podium, and wrote the questions on the blackboard.

"The night before yesterday, I received a lot of emails, which were questions sent to me by everyone." Tan Mo said, "I divided these questions into two categories, one gave very detailed ideas for solving the questions, because this kind of questions, Although there is a little over-the-top. But you are all people who can extend themselves outside the classroom. This over-the-top should be normal for you. But for the other part, I only gave the steps and answers, not the The idea of ​​solving the problem. Because that part of the questions is directly searched according to the difficulty, which is out of your reach. Even if I write the idea of ​​solving the problem, it is just a waste of each other's time."

"Just like this question." Tan Mo said, "What needs to be used is the Newton-Leibniz formula."

"Because f satisfies the Lipschitz condition, f is an absolute function, for any x1, x2 ∈ [a, b], x1

"According to the Newton-Leibniz formula..." Tan Mo wrote on the blackboard while speaking.

"And f is a bounded variogram and therefore a bounded function..."

"By Lebesgue's Bounded Convergence Theorem..."

Tan Mo wrote a bunch of eloquently on the blackboard, "Do you understand what I'm writing on the blackboard now?"

Tan Mo saw the bewildered expressions of the students below.

Tan Mo smiled, "Everyone has only attended one class in total. Even if you have learned all the content of this semester, and then go on self-study and extension on the basis of these, you will not be able to extend this part."

"So, it's unnecessary to spend time looking for difficult problems just to test me. I'll write the answers for you, but you can't understand them. It's a waste of my time. Although you can't understand them, you have read them several times. It’s a waste of everyone’s time to look for questions.” Tan Mo said lightly, “Let’s save trouble for each other. If you don’t know what to do, welcome to ask me. But I won’t answer questions like this in the future. .”

"But how does she know that the students really don't understand? Maybe they have really learned that level by themselves?" Someone whispered from below.

But Tan Mo's ear strength, although not as good as Wei Zhiqian's, can still hear all the whispers in his ears.

Tan Mo smiled and said, "I still have some sense of judgment."

"Besides, if you can learn this level by self-study, although you can't count as a math genius, you can still be cultivated by the school in mathematics." Tan Mo raised his eyebrows, "If anyone sends me such a question again, I won’t answer it anymore, I’ll just recommend him to the school.”

Tan Mo smiled and said: "At that time, the school will conduct an assessment to see if it is really that good. If so, you should be able to directly enter our school's math class. If not, you won't be able to enter. There is no loss at all. It’s just going to lose some people.”

Tan Mo is not the Holy Mother, so he doesn't want to answer questions for these people endlessly.

Sure enough, a few people changed their faces.

Originally, they thought that even if Tan Mo saw it, they would still find some problems to embarrass Tan Mo.

Even talking about ink clubs can cause some trouble for her and take up more of her time.

It's not good for them to trouble her like this, but they are happy as long as they trouble Tan Mo.

But now that he heard what Tan Mo said, he had to weigh it carefully.

Trouble Tan Mo, not to mention harming others and benefiting oneself, but also embarrassing oneself.

Moreover, from what Tan Mo said just now, she will indeed.

A few people who went to Director Yao's office yesterday couldn't help but think of what the senior brothers and sisters who were studying in graduate school said.

Those brothers and sisters who are studying for Ph.D. will ask Tan Mo for advice when they encounter questions they don’t know.

So, is Tan Mo's mathematics really that good?

But if it is, Tan Mo is just now in graduate school, and he is still studying mathematics.

What else does she have to learn?

If you leave aside the senior brothers and sisters who are studying for a Ph. D., they will all encounter questions that they don’t know, and they will go to Tan Mo for advice on this.

Although Tan Mo has just entered graduate school, it is not difficult to solve their freshman problems at all, which makes sense.

Talking about ink didn't take up a lot of time.

After explaining clearly, she returned to her own seat.

Associate Professor Yang continued the lecture.

However, because of what Tan Mo said, many people were often distracted in this class.

By the end of a class, they realized they hadn't heard anything at all.

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