Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 858: Why do you want to go home today?

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"Huh?" Tan Jinqi had visible surprise on his face.

The joy of Tan Jinsheng appeared on his face more bluntly, his eyes lit up, "Why do you want to go home today?"

Tan Mo: "..."

Look at what the second brother said, it seems that she has no conscience and no family.

However, seeing the surprised look of the eldest and second brothers, Tan Mo also felt guilty, and felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but reflect on herself, did she go home too infrequently, and said that she wanted to go back today, just to make her elder brother and second brother happy like this?

"Aren't you going to discuss with third brother about using third brother's painting in the opening title of "Broken Continent"?" Tan Mo confirmed again, "Should you talk to third brother tonight?"

"Well, I've been at home recently, and we plan to ask him what he means when he comes back tonight." Tan Jinqi nodded.

"So, I will go back with you, let's discuss together." Tan Mo said, "How can I not participate in the third brother's matter?"

"Okay." Tan Jinqi nodded with a smile, "Then let's wait downstairs in your office and go home with you later."

Nothing happened to Wei Zhiqian.

Tan Mo went to pack up his things, and taking advantage of Tan Jinqi and Tan Jinsheng's absence in the office, Tan Mo called Wei Zhiqian.

Said she was going home tonight.

"Then I'll pick you up after get off work." Wei Zhiqian said.

"No, my eldest brother and second brother are here, and I happened to go back with them," Tan Mo said.

Wei Zhiqian: "..."

It's hard to guard against.

"You don't work overtime today?" Tan Mo asked.

Although after being with her, Wei Zhiqian tried his best not to work overtime.

But it is inevitable that there will be two or three days in a week when you need to work overtime.

"Not today,

Ben wanted to pick you up earlier, let's go home earlier. "Let's pass the two-person world earlier.

Tan Mo could hear the regret in Wei Zhiqian's voice, even a little bit of grievance.

She originally wanted to stay at home, but now it's hard to speak.

Following closely, Wei Zhiqian said, "Are you going to stay at home tonight?"

Tan Mo: "..."

It's hard for her to speak out now.

"I...try to go back as soon as possible." Tan Mo could only say, she briefly told Wei Zhiqian what she wanted to discuss with Tan Mo, "So, I'm not sure how late we have to talk, there are many more The details need to be discussed."

"Then I'll go there after work." Wei Zhiqian said.

If Tan Mo wants to live in Tan's house, then he will live there too.

Anyway, he has gradually changed the guest room arranged by Tan's family into his own bedroom.

Clothes and daily necessities all have a share in the family.

Very convenient.

Tan Mo answered, hung up the phone, and hurried downstairs.

She didn't dare to talk to Wei Zhiqian on the phone in front of her brother.

The brothers would stare at the phone tightly, wishing they could have laser eyes that could penetrate the phone.

This made Tan Mo feel a lot of pressure when talking on the phone.

Tan Mo went downstairs to join Tan Jinqi and Tan Jinsheng, and the three of them walked to the school gate together and got into Tan Jinqi's car.

After talking about chess, I didn't go back to the studio.

The same goes for talking.

He usually doesn't go to the studio very much, he bought another three-bedroom house outside.

One is used as a creative room, dedicated to composing songs and songs, and it is sound-proofed so that it will not affect the surrounding neighbors.

Put the musical instruments he needs in the room, such as piano, keyboard, guitar, bass, drum kit and so on.

Sometimes after talking all the time, I think about what is missing, so I continue to buy.

Fortunately, the room is big enough.

Anyway, no furniture is placed inside, and all musical instruments are placed inside, so it is quite spacious.

The other room is a formal study, desk, and computer.

It is convenient for him to contact people, and it is also convenient for him to listen to the recorded music, and then find the shortcomings from it, and make changes bit by bit.

The third room is used for daily rest.

When you are tired from work, take a break.

There are no major changes in the living room and dining room.

Still played their original function.

It is so that when family members and people from the studio go there, there is at least a place to sit and a place to eat.

Tan Jinsheng did not buy a villa specially like his big brother Liu Jingshen.

After all, he usually does not live alone, but lives with his family. He only creates a quiet place to work without disturbing his family when he is creating.

If he bought a villa, he would be there by himself, and it would be really empty.

Since I was a child, I was used to having a lot of people talking about the family, and the four brothers and sisters were lively and lively all day long.

He is really not used to letting him live in such a big place by himself.

Although Tan Jinqi has been working on the second season of "Broken Continent" recently, the studio has already officially started operation.

Many things are done by the staff of the studio.

He just needs to be responsible for making decisions, and he doesn't have to be in the studio.

So the three brothers and sisters went home together.

Tan Wenci was still at the company, so he wasn't at home until it was time to get off work.

Seeing the three of them coming back, Xu Mingzhen said in surprise, "Why did you three come back together?"

Tan Jinqi told Xu Mingzhen what the three of them had discussed.

After hearing this, Xu Mingzhen also supported, "This is a good idea. Now is not the time to be afraid of deep alleys. No matter what you do, you must know how to publicize. The temper of an artist has to wait until he really becomes an artist. There must be no problem with Jinyi, he has a measure of these things, and he knows when to do what."

"Except for crying, she didn't show any artist's temper." Xu Mingzhen said with a smile.

Talking about chess: "..."

All the talking: "..."

Tan Mo: "..."

Crying about this one is enough.

"By the way, Yuan Keqing hasn't looked for you again, has he?" Xu Mingzhen asked again.

The last time Tan Mo went to the old house, he met Yuan Keqing.

When Tan Mo came back, he told his family about it.

Knowing that Yuan Keqing didn't get any benefits in the old house, Xu Mingzhen felt relieved.

But she also knew Yuan Keqing's persistence.

I was worried that Yuan Keqing would not give up and would go to harass Tan Jinqi and Tan Mo.

Tan Jinqi smiled and said, "She didn't look for me."

"I didn't look for me either." Tan Mo said with a smile, "She doesn't dare to come here to make trouble now. If she still wants to marry into the Wei family and dream of being recognized by the two elders, she has to put her tail between her legs. Honestly."

Before Tan Jinyi came back, the three siblings chatted with Xu Mingzhen in the living room.

When the smell of food gradually came out from the kitchen, Tan Wenci and Wei Zhiqian entered the door together.

"My dad and I just met at the door." Wei Zhiqian explained when he entered to change his shoes.

Now he was very used to calling Tan Wenci and Xu Mingzhen his parents.

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