Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 859: Didn't expect you to be such a master Dong Yanzhen

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Even Xu Mingzhen is used to listening to the words of the talks.

It has long since changed to the previous address, and when I heard it, there was no disturbance in my heart, as if Wei Zhiqian should be called that.

"Jinyi hasn't come back yet?" Tan Wenci saw the people in the living room, but Tan Jinyi was missing.

"I just called him, and he is on his way back, but there is a traffic jam." Xu Mingzhen explained.

After another ten minutes, Tan Jinyi also entered the door.

After everyone had packed up, Aunt Guo also arranged dinner on the dining table.

After eating for a while, Tan Jinqi said: "Jinyi, you are always with the uncle, what will be the arrangement for you next?"

"How did you arrange it? Do you mean the courses?" Tan Jinyi didn't quite understand for a while.

"It refers to career development." Tan Jinqi said, "Does your teacher have any plans?"

"The teacher and the uncle are also thinking about it." Tan Jinsheng said, "The uncle can bring me to hold an art exhibition, but they are worried that the uncle's reputation will overshadow my works, and people will not notice me at all. In this way, the purpose of leading me will not be achieved, and it will have the opposite effect, which is not good."

"So, they are studying every day now." Tan Jinyi scratched his head, "It puts me under a lot of pressure. The teacher and uncle have treated me very well. I shouldn't do things like becoming famous. Do you work hard?"

"The teacher and uncle are making a list now." Tan Jinyi said, "See who is suitable for help. But I think these are all favors, and it is a bit too wasteful to use them on me."

"We have an idea now, let me tell you first, and then you can discuss it with your teacher and uncle." Tan Jinqi told Tan Jinyi the idea they had discussed in the afternoon.

"Now it's up to you, your teacher, and my uncle." Tan Jinqi said, "What do you think?"

"That's a good idea." Tan listened intently, and his eyes lit up.

"You think it's okay?" Tan Wenci also thought it was a good idea.

After seeing and talking, I agreed with all my heart, and I felt that the matter was half done.

"No problem!" Tan Jinyi nodded repeatedly,

"At first, the teacher and the uncle were still thinking about how to stand out from me. If they just introduced me, it would definitely not work. Everyone knows that I am the teacher's disciple and Dong Yanzhen's nephew. I am afraid that there will be rebellious psychology. , the requirements for me will be almost strict."

"The meaning of the teacher and the uncle is that it is best for no one to know that I am the teacher's disciple, Dong Yanzhen's nephew. In this way, we can use the gimmick of the talented young painter to be publicized." Tan Jinyi said , "Everyone has already recognized my paintings, and then I will disclose that I am a teacher's student. Although there will inevitably be some bad voices, at least most people are more accepting of my paintings. It can also be less harsh.”

"What we are worried about now is that your painting appears in the way of TV series titles, which is against tradition." Tan Jinqi expressed their concerns, "In this way, you may become famous, but the way of becoming famous is not traditional enough. There will be some negative voices. Moreover, in this way, I worry that your teacher and uncle will mind. I think this is too commercial."

"The teacher and uncle won't mind." Tan Jinyi said confidently, "Uncle himself often says that he is not an artist. His paintings are so expensive that it is already a very commercial activity. Really Artists are going to starve to death."

"No matter what method you use, as long as it is right, as long as it allows people to see and recognize your level, it is a good method." Tan Jinyi mentioned Dong Yanzhen with a happy face, "If you want to be an artist, you must feed yourself first. If you want to play the artist's temper, wait until you become famous. Before becoming famous, everything is based on the premise of being famous."

Everyone: "..."

This is really different from Dong Yan they thought.

I didn't expect you to be such a master Dong Yanzhen.

"No matter what, it's better for you to ask first." Xu Mingzhen said.

"Your master and uncle are so kind to you. Regarding your career plan, we need to discuss with them and get their approval." Xu Mingzhen said, putting a piece of pork ribs into the bowl .

"Then I'll ask now." The conversation did not delay at all.

The phone was in his hand, Tan Jinyi unlocked the screen of the phone, and clicked into a WeChat group.

There are only three people in the WeChat group, apart from Tan Jinyi, they are He Haoyan and Dong Yanzhen.

Tan Jinsheng looked at it, and said: "You three people's little group, you can shock people if you say it!"

Think about it, there is a young guy who is actually in a group with He Haoyan and Dong Yanzhen, and there are only three of them in total.

Tan Jinyi smiled and said, "Second brother, aren't you also in the same group as your seniors? Speaking out can shock people."

All of them are big names in the music scene.

"That's different." Tan Jinsheng shook his head, "He Haoyan and Dong Yanzhen are too scary."

He Haoyan's paintings are not necessarily more expensive than Dong Yan's.

But the students he taught are all famous, and he himself is also an authority in the painting and calligraphy circle.

Even more powerful than these are his contacts.

Otherwise, the Nobel Prize winner Ji Qinghe would not have promoted "The Broken Continent".

Even the big brother who is just helping to talk, can dispatch these people.

If you do your best to help talk, I don't know how many people can be invited.

Not to mention Dong Yanzhen, a well-known master.

A painting can probably sell the money Tan Jinsheng made for several years or even ten years.

Tan Jinyi clicked on the group voice call.

He Haoyan and Dong Yanzhen answered the phone almost at the same time.

The sound of eating came from the mobile phone, and it even overlapped a bit.

"Uncle Master, have you gone back to the teacher's house?" Tan Jinyi listened and knew that Dong Yanzhen and He Haoyan should be together.

"I just came back in the middle of the night, the jet lag hasn't reversed yet, I woke up in the afternoon, and now I'm very sober." Dong Yanzhen's voice sounded full of helplessness, "I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep again at night, and I'm talking to my senior brother and teacher right now. Sister-in-law is eating together."

"I'll hang up here first, and just listen to it with my brother, otherwise we both have voice calls on our mobile phones, and the voice is heavy." Dong Yanzhen said.

After talking with all his heart, Dong Yanzhen hung up the phone.

He Haoyan turned on the hands-free function of the mobile phone, and Dong Yanzhen's voice came from He Haoyan's mobile phone, "Jinyi, the uncle is here."

"By the way, I forgot to ask you just now, have you eaten yet?" Dong Yanzhen asked again.

Everyone in the Tan family did not expect that Dong Yanzhen was such a talkative personality.

Just listening to him talk, I feel that he is easy to get along with.

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