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"I'm eating, can we chat while eating?" Tan Jinyi asked.

Everyone in the Tan family was surprised that Tan Jinyi talked so casually with Dong Yanzhen and He Haoyan.

Generally, when you hear that the other party is eating, you are too embarrassed to bother.

Not to mention that the opposite is still a teacher.

But Tan Jinyi obviously didn't have any worries in this regard, and he completely regarded He Haoyan and Dong Yanzhen as elders, as casual as family members.

When family members talk on the phone, don't they not care whether the other party is eating?

You can chat while eating, very casual.

"Of course, it just so happens that eating isn't boring." Dong Yan said happily.

"I'm fine." He Haoyan smiled, "Wait a minute, I'll find a mobile phone holder, put the mobile phone next to it, turn up the volume, it's convenient."

Tan Jinyi once again answered "yes".

He Haoyan found a mobile phone holder, put the mobile phone on the holder, and turned up the volume so that they could all hear it.

"Teacher, mistress, uncle, I'm also using the speakerphone here." Tan Jinyi explained, "Because during the meal, our family chatted, thinking about the opening title of the second season of "Broken Continent", using my if."

Tan tried his best to simplify the language as much as possible, and described the results of the discussion between their brothers and sisters.

"My parents, as well as brothers and sisters, all want to ask the teacher and uncle first. If you think it's okay, then do it. If you don't think it's not possible, then find another way." Tan Jinyi said.

When Dong Yanzhen heard it, Tan Jinyi also turned on the speakerphone, and everyone in the Tan family was there.

Before he had time to express his point of view, he hurriedly asked: "So, your parents are here? Mr. Tan, Mrs. Tan, hello, are you here at Jinqi, Jinsheng and Tanmo?"

Tan Mo's mouth opened into an O shape.

Unexpectedly, Master Dong Yanzhen even remembered the names of their brothers and sisters.

"Master Dong Yanzhen." Tan Wenci shouted a little flattered.


You are too polite, don't care what I call a master. Dong Yanzhen said with a smile, "I just sell paintings." Besides, Jinyi is my martial nephew, you call me a master, it's too much of a joke. You and Mrs. Tan are older than me, so just call me Xiao Dong, honestly, whatever you want. "

Talking about diction, I have the nerve to call the master Xiaodong.

Then he called Yanzhen.

Xu Mingzhen called it that too.

Tan Mo said, "Uncle Dong, my fiancé is here too."

Tan Mo is very good at going smoothly.

Before Dong Yanzhen could say anything, Tan Mo had already called his uncle.

Of course Dong Yanzhen didn't care, and even welcomed it.

That's how you get close, isn't it?

But when Tan Mo mentioned his fiancé, Dong Yanzhen let out a "huh".

At such a young age, Tan Mo already has a fiancé?

Family marriage?

But from the usual conversations, Tan's family is very fond of Tan Mo.

Since she is so spoiled, how could she be willing to let her get engaged at such a young age?

And, who is the fiancé?

Bird. Beast?

Tan Mo is still so young.

"Master Dong, hello, I'm Wei Zhiqian." Wei Zhiqian said.

Regarding Tan Mo, he didn't forget about him, and even mentioned that he was there, Wei Zhiqian was very happy.

Dong Yan really thought about it, the name Wei Zhiqian sounds familiar.

He Haoyan spoke slowly, "It's Wei Feng's CEO, Mr. Wei Zhiqian?"

"It's me." Wei Zhiqian nodded.

Dong Yanzhen: "..."

No wonder it sounds familiar.

It turned out that the animal was Wei Zhiqian.

Tan Mo asked Tan Jinyi, "Third Brother, haven't you told Uncle He and Uncle Dong about my relationship with Brother Zhiqian?"

Tan Jinyi waved his hand, "It's not important!"

Wei Zhiqian is not an important person!

Wei Zhiqian understood the meaning of Tan Jinyi in seconds.

He Haoyan could feel the atmosphere of Tan's family through the mobile phone, there must have been a few seconds of embarrassment.

"Let's get down to business, let's get down to business." He Haoyan laughed awkwardly, then turned the topic back very bluntly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Dong Yanzhen also said in cooperation, "I think what you said is a good idea. My brother and I were wondering what form to use to promote your paintings, but we didn't think of such a good way. Your eldest brother He is the director of "Broken Continent", so it is very convenient to operate. He will definitely be able to show your painting to the greatest extent."

"Brother, what do you think?" Dong Yanzhen asked He Haoyan.

"I also think it's good." He Haoyan said, "This is a good way, and "Broken Continent" has a large audience and a wide range of audiences. It is better than our own field to show Xinyi's paintings, the effect is better."

"It's a huge number for so many audiences to see a painting of Xinyi, even if only some of them appreciate it." The more He Haoyan thought about it, the more he felt it was appropriate, "And you all have thought about the subsequent exhibitions. It is better than the method we have thought of before to launch a full-scale painting in a chain-by-chain manner.”

"Let's do it this way, Yanzhen and I have no objection." He Haoyan knew what they were worried about, so he said with a smile, "Yanzhen and I are not so pretentious. Now that we can push out the painting and let people appreciate it, that's all. That's good. We're not so rutted."

Tan Jinyi also felt that his master and uncle were very enlightened.

He is obviously such a powerful person, but he has no airs at all, and he doesn't hold it at all.

"Look, I just said that my teacher and uncle will agree. They are very enlightened." Tan Jin said with pride.

The teacher and the uncle can talk to their family members together.

This is what makes Tan Jinyi the happiest.

"Okay, then the matter is settled like this." Tan Wenci, as the head of the family, made the decision.

"To what extent we have progressed, we will report to you two at any time." Tan Jinqi also said.

"Okay." He Haoyan said gently, "If you have anything to do, just tell us, you're welcome. As long as we can help, we will help."

"Jinyi is not only your family, but also my student, Yanzhen's nephew. We also have the responsibility to provide some help for Jinyi's cause. As a teacher, I don't do anything, it's all up to you. Sounds like words." He Haoyan said warmly.

"You have taught Jinyi so much, and you and Uncle Dong love him so much. You have done enough." Tan Jinqi said, "But don't worry, if you need help from you and Uncle Dong, I will definitely say so."

"Hey, like this, Jinyi, you push me and Yanzhen's wechat account to your family members, and we all add friends." He Haoyan said, "It's ashamed to say that after teaching Jinyi for so long, there is actually a relationship between us. This is the first contact."

"In this way, there is no need to pass on the progress here." He Haoyan was very straightforward, "You can just talk to us directly at any time."

He Haoyan thought for a while, and then said, "Why don't you just create a group and add us all."

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