Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 863: This little girl is really rude

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He is considered a star reporter in the Kyoto News.

He is beautiful and capable, and he looks very capable at first glance.

He spoke very crisply and asked precise questions.

Interviewed many celebrities from all walks of life, including many scholars, politicians and so on.

No matter who the object is or what they do, they can communicate with each other fluently.

It can be seen that both quotients are very high.

Because of his beautiful and capable appearance, he has many fans.

Male fans like her good looks, while female fans think she is handsome.

"Tan Mo, this is the reporter who interviewed you today, Ling Xiaoyuan." Director Yao introduced with a smile, "Mr. Ling, this is our teacher Tan Mo."

This time Director Yao did not introduce Tan Mo as a student, but as a teacher.

It is to allow Tan Mo and Ling Xiaoyuan to have an equal relationship.

We are all social beings, so don't think that if you are young and a student, you can be superior to inferior.

"You are too polite, don't call me teacher, just call me Xiaoling." Ling Xiaoyuan heard Director Yao's intention of protecting Tan Mo, and she was even more curious about Tan Mo in her heart, and looked a little higher .

"In such a famous institution of higher learning, the teachers who walk around the campus can really be called teachers." Ling Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "And Tan Mo is also a teacher. I'm not a teacher, I can't afford to be a teacher, really I can't afford it."

Seeing her good attitude, Director Yao was relieved.

Although Tan Mo can't be bullied by others, but if the other party's attitude is bad, it would be a shame, wouldn't it?

"You are too polite." Director Yao said with a smile, but he also called the other party Xiao Ling in a kind manner.

"Talking about the teacher, in terms of age, I'm much older than you, please call me sister, let's not be so polite." Ling Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Okay." However, Tan Mo didn't let Ling Xiaoyuan call her by her name directly.

Because she is indeed a teacher.

This is not a polite word.

"Today, I will be by my side." Director Yao said to Tan Mo and Ling Xiaoyuan, "If you need anything, just tell me, I will try my best to cooperate, and I can communicate with the school at any time."

The implication is, don't worry about Tan Mo, he is here to support her.

Ling Xiaoyuan: "..."

Once again, she felt how much Tan Mo was valued at Peking University.

She wanted to tell Director Yao directly that she was here to interview Tan Mo, not to bully Tan Mo.

Director Yao doesn't need to be so nervous, he treats her like an old witch.

This made Ling Xiaoyuan wonder, do many people usually bully Tan Mo?

Why is Director Yao so nervous.

But with the protection of Beijing University, Tan Mo can still be bullied?

At least in school, it is impossible for Tan Mo to be bullied.

Is this the face of the school's treasure in Beijing University?

Ling Xiaoyuan gathered her mind and waited for the camera brother to adjust the machine.

Ling Xiaoyuan's assistant put a miniature microphone on Tan Mo.

Ling Xiaoyuan also brought one herself.

The makeup artist tidied Ling Xiaoyuan's makeup and hair again.

Ling Xiaoyuan originally wanted the makeup artist to tidy up Tan Moye.

It turned out that Tan Mo didn't have any makeup on, and his hair was just tied in a loose bun, so there was really nothing to tidy up.

"Ms. Tan is pretty, so that's good. I really can't find anything that needs to be tidied up." Ling Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "Moreover, it can better highlight the image of Mr. Tan as a scholar who concentrates on academics. This is very good. Don’t put on extra make-up, lest it have the opposite effect.”

"I think so too." Tan Mo nodded in agreement.

Ling Xiaoyuan: "..."

This little girl is really rude.

Unfortunately, such an attitude is not annoying.

"Don't be nervous, just pretend that the camera doesn't exist, let's talk while walking." Ling Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Okay." Tan Mo nodded.

She is not nervous, the crew has more machines than this.

Although she was not photographing her, she was already used to it.

Ling Xiaoyuan asked her interview questions casually, as if chatting.

It was all the questions I had shown her before.

Not out of line, Tan Mo also answered while walking.

"This is our science building." Tan Mo introduced as he walked, "The building next to it is where I give lectures."

Ling Xiaoyuan took a look at the time and said, "When did you give the lecture? Today is such a coincidence that I can just sit in on a class."

Tan Moxin said that if she hadn't checked the manuscript in advance, she would have almost believed it.

What Ling Xiaoyuan said was really like not knowing.

"There is still a quarter of an hour, and I should go to give a lecture." Tan Mo also showed his acting skills, "Just in time, we should go there too."

So, the two of them seemed to be chatting all the way, asking and answering to the classroom.

A sophomore student, he really believed in Tan Mo.

Of course, freshman students are now also convinced.

It's just that they were convinced too late, and there was no such opportunity.

He only hoped that Tan Mo could still teach the sophomores when they were promoted to sophomores.

However, this is not necessarily the case.

Anyway, after Tan Mo entered the classroom, the subsequent students came in, and they all took the initiative to say hello to Tan Mo.

Ling Xiaoyuan led the team to stand behind and did not occupy the students' seats.

This made Director Yao's impression of Du Ling Xiaoyuan much better, so he quickly asked someone to move a chair over for them to sit on.

After the class bell rang, Tan Mo said, "According to the usual practice, let's answer a few questions that everyone sent me first."

Tan Mo wrote and talked on the blackboard.

Ling Xiaoyuan also graduated from a prestigious school, and her education is not low.

But I'm studying journalism.

Listening to Tan Mo's lecture topic now, he felt a little foggy and almost fell asleep.

After one class, she found that what Tan Mo taught was particularly difficult.

But the students listened fascinatedly, and no one was distracted.

Ling Xiaoyuan took pictures of these questions with her mobile phone, and planned to go back and check to see what level the questions were.

After Tan Mo's class was over, he took Ling Xiaoyuan and others to the school cafeteria.

Because I know she has an interview today.

Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye didn't come to see her for dinner.

After lunch, Tan Mo didn't take a lunch break, but used the lunch break to go to Professor Gu's studio, answering the questions left by his brothers and sisters one by one, and wrote down his current progress .

Because she has a lot of work now and time is tight, she can't spend the same time as her senior brothers and sisters to study together like before.

We can only stagger the time, where the senior brothers and sisters have researched, record it and leave it to her. She uses her free time to go to the laboratory to continue to do it, and then record it, and leave it to the senior brothers and sisters.

After finishing these, it is Tanmo to study in class.

"I'm still in graduate school, so I have my own classes to attend," Tan Mo said.

"You can teach students, do you want to continue studying?" Ling Xiaoyuan asked.

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