Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 864: Is this what it feels like to interview a genius?

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"Of course." Tan Mo nodded with a smile, "Maybe I can discover some knowledge details that I overlooked before. No one can grasp all the details, even the details like the tip of a needle. After all, the human brain is limited. , what can master everything is the programmed computer.”

"Also, even if I'm still in the first year of graduate school, the knowledge I have mastered can be used to participate in more difficult research. I will also participate in these after class, and the superficial academic qualifications cannot be used as a standard." Tan Mo introduced "So, our Peking University is very humane and flexible. According to a subject that students are particularly good at, we will give flexible policies to fully train students in the areas they are better at and highlight their advantages. Try to be as good as possible in the corresponding industry Whether it is to become a scholar of academic research or go out to work in the future, he has a relatively outstanding competitiveness."

"Take me for example. I majored in finance as an undergraduate, but Professor Tang and Professor Gu at our school discovered my talent in ancient Chinese and history. They didn't care about the difference in majors at all, so they let me join them. The research team of our school even asked me to participate in the competition on behalf of the school. Later, Director Yao and Professor Guo of our Department of Mathematics discovered my talent in mathematics and decided to let me participate in the mathematics competition. With the support of the principal and teachers, there is no subjective view on the differences in majors at all, and I can provide students with a stage to perform as much as possible according to their abilities accurately, so I can achieve some achievements in these aspects.”

"It's just some grades. It's too modest to say that." Ling Xiaoyuan said with a smile, "I also remembered this. I did my homework before I came here, and I know that you studied finance as an undergraduate."

Tan Mo nodded, "I know that many students are not only interested in one aspect. For example, they like to learn foreign languages, but at the same time they are interested in Chinese language and literature. Some students like mathematics, but at the same time they are very interested in history. But when filling out the volunteer application, you can only fill in one major, and you have to make a choice among the majors you like."

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it at all. Just choose one of them. Coming to Beijing University means that you still have opportunities in other majors you are interested in." Tan Mo said with a smile, "At Beijing University, you can study across majors. Participate in some intra-school and inter-school activities and competitions."

"Of course, the premise is that you really have professional-level abilities and can compete with classmates in the major. Otherwise, it is just because of interest, but the knowledge level is not up to the professional level. Will the places be handed over to more outstanding students in the major? This is not because the school does not give the opportunity, but because you must first have the ability to seize this opportunity."

"But at Peking University, as long as you have this ability, the school will not limit your development, and will not limit you to your major. If you perform very well in these majors, the school will provide students with opportunities .It may not be possible to do everything, after all, there are too many students. But as long as there is an opportunity, the school will provide it.”

Tan Mo faces the camera,

He advertised very sincerely, "So, welcome students to apply for Peking University."

After finishing speaking, he still turned around and asked Ling Xiaoyuan: "Don't delete this paragraph! Otherwise, I won't accept interviews in the future. Whoever saves this paragraph for me, I will accept interviews."

Ling Xiaoyuan: "..."

Director Yao was happy beside him and gave Tan Mo a thumbs up.

Ling Xiaoyuan said in her heart, this is me.

If you change to someone with a bad temper, after hearing you say it so bluntly, aren't you afraid that the other party will release your paragraph as well?

Tan Mo just didn't know what Ling Xiaoyuan was thinking.

Otherwise, she would tell Ling Xiaoyuan that she was really not afraid.

She didn't say anything bad.

Even if these words were released, anyone who heard them would only know that Tan Mo was promoting Beijing University.

Even if it was a threat, it was just that he would not accept interviews anymore, and he didn't say anything else.

What could be wrong?

Talking all the way, I arrived at the classroom where Tan Mo was teaching.

Tan Mo's role was switched from teacher to student.

Find a seat and sit down, waiting for class.

In order to cooperate with Ling Xiaoyuan, Tan Mo chose a position in the back row, which was convenient for Ling Xiaoyuan to shoot.

"I usually sit in the front." Tan Mo said, "But I don't think any of you want to occupy the seats of your classmates. Thank you very much for being so careful."

Ling Xiaoyuan said a little embarrassedly: "We are here for interviews, how can we take up the learning resources of the students. When the students come to class, we occupy their positions and let them stand, which is not good."

"However, I asked you to sit in the back." Ling Xiaoyuan also appreciated Tan Mo's carefulness.

Although they are at the end of the classroom, there are chairs moved by Director Yao to sit on.

But different from before.

Before, Tan Mo taught classes on the podium, and they could directly face the podium to shoot.

But now Tan Mo is attending a class.

If she sat in the front, they would have to find a way to pass over the layers of classmates behind Tan Mo and pat Tan Mo on the back of the head.

You must not carry the camera to the front to take pictures, and affect other students in class. Director Yao will not agree.

"It's okay." Tan Mo said with a smile, "Anyway, I know how to talk about it."

Ling Xiaoyuan: "..."

Is this what interviewing a genius feels like?

Feeling the Versailles crit all the time.

After listening to the class, Tan Mo took Ling Xiaoyuan to Professor Tang's studio to do some research tasks on Professor Tang's side.

Then, he took Ling Xiaoyuan to Professor Yue's place.

"I found out that you don't have any time to rest this day, has it always been like this?" Ling Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"No." Tan Mo said.

Ling Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me just say, if it keeps going like this, how can I bear it."

But right after, I heard Tan Mo say: "I was busier before. In addition to taking care of these things, I also had to write the script for the second season of "Broken Continent". But now that the script is finished, I feel a lot easier. "

Ling Xiaoyuan: "..."

Can she take back what she just said?

When you go back, remember to tell the editing teacher to subtract the sentence she said.

Otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Is this the productivity of a genius?

While talking, Tan Mo took Ling Xiaoyuan and others to Professor Yue's laboratory.

It is busy calculating various data.

The model data derived from the simulation inference is displayed on the computer.

"I usually come here to help whenever I have time." Tan Mo said to Ling Xiaoyuan.

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