Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 881: How can I understand this kind of thing

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Everyone will go through this period of youthfulness.

He will also mature in the future.

Qin Muye likes youth and vigor, and he has it now.

Qin Muye likes mature and wise people, and he will have them in the future.

"However, since you are sure of your heart and you like her, then don't wait until you are sure that she likes you." Tan Mo said, "According to Mu Ye's emotional bluntness, if you don't show something, I'm afraid you will wait until you are seventy or eighty." I can't wait for her to clarify her mind."

"Of course, you don't have to be in your 70s or 80s. Maybe her family will introduce her to a blind date. The probability of true love on a blind date is relatively low, but it's not impossible. If her family really wants to introduce her to a blind date, it must be impossible. From appearance to ability, then to character, and then to family, they will definitely be carefully selected for Mu Ye before introducing them to Mu Ye."

"What if Mu Ye meets someone she thinks she likes? She thinks that the other party is everything she likes. Or maybe someone likes Mu Ye and initiates a pursuit? Mu Ye is so cute, even a blind date can attract him. "

Ming Yeqing: "...Didn't you really come to pierce my heart?"

Tan Mo: "Tan Shou, I'm just analyzing various possibilities with you, so that you don't just wait around and take action."

Tan Mo: "A man flirts with a girl, you have to learn!"

Ming Yeqing: " you have any books?"

Otherwise, where would he learn it?

Tan Mo: "I think Brother Zhiqian is pretty good at flirting with me. I'll let him teach you."

Tan Mo: "Even if Mu Ye only considered you as a friend before, you can still make her like you."

What a blessing to have two best friends as a couple.

What's more, Tan Mo thinks that Qin Muye just likes Ming Yeqing.

Tan Mo: "Besides, you can no longer be a friend like you used to be. This will make Mu Ye more and more accustomed to getting along with you as a friend, and the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to change."

"You are childhood sweethearts, this is an advantage, but it will also become your hindrance.

Tan Mo said, "So, you have to change the way you get along a little bit, it's time to get closer, just a little closer." Of course, this is not for you to take advantage of Mu Ye! "

Ming Yeqing couldn't laugh or cry, "Who do you think I am?"

Seeing Wei Zhiqian come out of the bathroom, Tan Mo hurriedly said to Ming Yeqing, "I'll ask Brother Zhiqian, let him teach you, just wait."

Wei Zhiqian's hair was 80% dry after blow-drying, and it was still a little wet, but it didn't affect it.

Anyway, neither of them was in a hurry to sleep.

After Wei Zhiqian got into bed, he took the remote control and pressed it, lowered the projection screen, and started the projector again.

Taking advantage of the time when the projector was turned on, Wei Zhiqian heard Tan Mo ask: "Brother Zhiqian, do you have any tricks to seduce girls, teach Ah Qing."

"I'm worried that if things go on like this, even if Mu Ye likes Ah Qing a little bit in her heart, she doesn't know it. The longer the time drags on, the more she will really only regard Ah Qing as a friend in the end." Tan Mo explained.

Wei Zhiqian felt that this was a proposition.

Can someone who has never been in a relationship before Tanmo know how to flirt?

Must not be able to!

So Wei Zhiqian said decisively: "What teasing girls? How could I understand such things."

If he hadn't been teased by Wei Zhiqian back then, Tan Mo would have almost believed it.

This man is still talking nonsense with his eyes open now.

Tan Mo stared at him speechlessly for a while, and then said: "This is not a proposition, but I want you to teach Ah Qing, so that Ah Qing can go after Mu Ye."

"Why can't Ming Yeqing not do it, but I will?" Wei Zhiqian still felt that he couldn't be fooled, "Am I not as innocent as him? Or am I not single as long as he is?"

Tan Mo: "..."

This man can't make sense!

"I'm not trying to trick you!" Tan Mo said helplessly, "This isn't a proposition either, I really want you to teach him."

"Besides, don't you admit that it's useful? I'm the party involved!" Tan Mo sat up straight and said to Wei Zhiqian, "Will you know, can I not know?"

Wei Zhiqian: "..."

Suddenly, I wanted to take a drive with Tan Mo.

But the strong desire to survive reminded him that if he dared to drive at this time, he should wait to sleep in the guest room.

"I also learned it from books." Wei Zhiqian finally admitted.

"Does this kind of book really exist?" Tan Mo was stunned, "What book?"

She has read many books, but she has not read such a book.

The desire for knowledge made Tan Mo's eyes light up.

His bewildered eyes were full of curiosity.

"I just searched it on the Internet." Wei Zhiqian took the phone, and now there is still a file in the phone, "It's called "Teach You One Hundred Tricks of Seduction"."

Tan Mo: "..."

The title of this book sounds very unreliable.

Much like the sister version of "Teach You One Hundred Life Tips".

Wei Zhiqian has learned something from such an unreliable book.

This is probably the talent.

"Okay, then send the document to Ah Qing." Tan Mo said, "Let Ah Qing study hard too."

Wei Zhiqian didn't dare to pretend to be stupid anymore, and nodded quickly, "I'll send it to him right now."

So, Ming Yeqing was waiting, when suddenly the WeChat rang again.

He thought it was Tan Mo who was looking for him again.

But when I opened it, I found that it was Wei Zhiqian's message.

After checking them tomorrow night, I saw the document sent by Wei Zhiqian.

"Teach You One Hundred Provocative Tips"

Ming Yeqing: "..."

Is such an unreliable name really useful?

But Ming Yeqing was also embarrassed to attack Wei Zhiqian.

Then he said, "Brother Zhiqian, thank you."

Ming Yeqing thought, he was the one who reminded Wei Zhiqian before, which made Wei Zhiqian discover his feelings for Tan Mo.

So no matter how you look at it, in terms of feelings, I should be better than Wei Zhiqian.

However, Wei Zhiqian actually sent him a document.

He was also embarrassed to hit Wei Zhiqian.

Tan Mo asked from the side: "Brother Zhiqian, did you really learn all your tricks from this?"

Wei Zhiqian nodded, "I really didn't lie to you this time."

"Look at this one." Wei Zhiqian pointed to one of them, and explained to Tan Mo, "I will close the distance with you when I have the opportunity, and lower my head so that you can feel my breath."

"There is one more thing, and I chuckled softly." Wei Zhiqian said, "Recall carefully, have I done it all?"

Tan Mo: "..."

She actually lost to such a seemingly unreliable book.

Tan Mo's mood is a bit complicated.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhiqian just simply searched at that time, and he really came across it.

Really useful.

Tan Mo didn't bother typing with Ming Yeqing anymore, so he said directly, "Ah Qing, don't think the title of the book is unreliable, it really works."

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