Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter eight hundred and eighty second: can not say

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Tan Mo is also embarrassed to say that Wei Zhiqian used this book to seduce her back then, but she was really seduced.

Therefore, Tan Mo just said to Ming Yeqing: "I just took a rough look at the content, and it's really good. I'm just substituting it, just substituting it. Girls will probably be embarrassed if they encounter these methods. Of course, the premise is that we also have good feelings for each other."

"This good impression does not necessarily mean that you have really fallen in love with the other party. If you have already fallen in love with the other party, then what's the point of flirting, we can just be together." Tan Mo, as a person who has only been in love with Wei Zhiqian, has never had any love before this. People with experience dare to share their experience with Ming Yeqing like someone who has experienced it.

Wei Zhiqian watched from the side, thinking that he was really the one who dared to speak, and the one who dared to listen.

Although Tan Mo is extremely capable in various academics, but in terms of emotions, he is really as slow as Qin Muye.

Don't make fun of each other, sisters.

Probably this is God's fairness.

Tan Mo was given an extremely high IQ and the ability to never forget, but he didn't give her any talent in terms of emotions.

"But it must be that he has some interest in the other party, and thinks the other party is good, so we can get to know him more carefully." Tan Mo told Ming Yeqing, "If you are with someone you don't like, flirting becomes greasy and harassment. "

"But don't worry, you will be fine." Tan Mo said, "This is your advantage. You two are best friends with Mu Ye's childhood sweetheart."

"Mu Ye is already close to you and won't reject you." Tan Mo said, "You can just take advantage of this and make Mu Ye's heart flutter."

After Tan Mo finished speaking, Ming Yeqing and Wei Zhiqian were silent.

Tan Mo coughed dryly, "I absolutely didn't mean to plot against Mu Ye. You and Mu Ye are both my best friends, and the palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. I'm just promoting the relationship between my two best friends. .”

Ming Yeqing said dryly: "I don't think you mean to plan."

There is no way to say.

I still want friendship.

Tan Mo coughed dryly again, to ease his embarrassment, and then said: "Brother Zhiqian and I will help you too. So, how about we arrange a four-person date?"

"Four people on a date?" Ming Yeqing was very interested now.

"The escape room store we went to before has launched a new escape room theme." Tan Mo said, "Why don't we just go there? Anti-shock and Mu Ye are timid, and I will go with brother Zhiqian , hand over Mu Ye to you, and you can handle the details yourself. How about it?"

Ming Yeqing silently felt sorry for Qin Muye. This girl is very timid, but she loves to challenge these themes.

So it was clearly arranged by Tan Mo.

"Then go this weekend?" Ming Yeqing also wanted to act quickly.

Although I have been waiting for so many years, it should not be short of this moment.

But it turned out that it was not said.

Now that it's out of the way, Ming Yeqing can't wait any longer, and just wants to put it into action quickly.

Tan Mo scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "We have agreed with the elders this weekend that we will go home. My family still has an old house, and my future parents-in-law's house. We have to go there."

Although she is not yet married, she is almost equivalent to a family member now.

With family members, this kind of walking between relatives takes up most of the rest time, which is very busy.

I definitely can't be as free as when I was single, and I can arrange my time however I want.

"Brother Zhiqian, how is your workload on Monday?" Tan Mo turned to Wei Zhiqian.

"It's hard to say now, but generally speaking, the workload accumulated on weekends will be dealt with on Monday, so the workload will be larger than at other times." Wei Zhiqian said, "But I have dealt with a lot today, including the time limit until Tuesday. Yes, I thought I had time today, so I dealt with it together."

"In this way, the workload on Monday should be fine, and we can get off work on time." Wei Zhiqian understood Tan Mo's meaning, "You want to arrange it on Monday?"

"Although Ah Qing is in a hurry, but I'm not in a hurry." Tan Mo said, "Don't force yourself. You have made yourself so tired in order to shorten the working hours. We have an appointment with the elders this weekend, but we can come to the next On weekends, make an appointment with Ah Qing and Mu Ye again."

"It's okay, it's okay on Monday." Wei Zhiqian was confident, "I agreed to you because I really thought it was okay, and I won't force myself. After all, it's work, and I can't fail to finish it, so I leave the job and leave."

"In this way, you make an appointment with Ming Yeqing first. If Monday is set, I will go to Beijing University to pick you up on Monday." Wei Zhiqian said to Tan Mo.

"Okay." Tan Mo nodded in response, and went to talk to Ming Yeqing.

"Exactly, didn't we make an appointment to go to the laboratory on Monday afternoon?" Tan Mo said to Ming Yeqing, "Let's leave the laboratory together."

"Okay." It was rare that Ming Yeqing was willing to abandon the research in the laboratory, and hurriedly agreed.

After it's settled.

Tan Mo had a fulfilling and even short weekend.

Ming Yeqing spent the weekend in anxiety.

However, this weekend, he was not idle.

I have been nestling at home reading "Teach You One Hundred Provocative Tips", and memorized all the tips in it.

Now it's just a matter of actual combat.

On Monday, Ming Yeqing was still a little nervous.

Because he decided to start actual combat from today.

At noon, Ming Yeqing invited Qin Muye to have dinner.

In order to make room for the two of them to get along alone, Tan Mo ordered takeaway and went back to her dormitory to eat.

Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye went to the cafeteria they both often love to go to.

"What do you want to eat? I'll order it." Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye found a relatively corner place.

There are quite a lot of people in the cafeteria, even if it is in a corner, there are still people next to it.

But in comparison, there are a lot fewer people.

It is said in "Teach You One Hundred Tips to Seduce People", don't care about how many people are around or not, a man can catch up with his sweetheart only if he spares his face.

Moreover, if you take a girl on a date, especially for the first time, choose a place with a lot of people, which will make the girl feel more at ease.

As for whether the dining environment is more elegant or more lively, it all depends on the subject's personality.

Ming Yeqing knew Qin Muye well, she was never picky about the dining environment.

Besides, the two often eat in the cafeteria.

So I went to the cafeteria as usual.

In order not to change the environment suddenly, Qin Muye would be surprised.

But now this position is relatively inconspicuous and not easy to attract attention.

They come to the small cafeteria where they order food.

Small is just equivalent to the big dining hall downstairs.

In fact, it is about the same size as a normal restaurant.

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