Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 883: Too good at judging 1 against 3

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Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye ordered food, and Ming Yeqing quickly flipped through the contents of "Teach You One Hundred Sultry Tricks" in his mind.

Ming Yeqing took out an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

"Use this to wipe it first." Ming Yeqing said to Qin Muye.

Qin Muye obediently stretched out his hand towards Ming Yeqing.

Ming Yeqing squeezed hand sanitizer into Qin Muye's palm, who knew that "accidentally", he squeezed too much.

Qin Muye let out an "oops", "too many."

Ming Yeqing "followed the trend" and stretched out his hand, "Then give me some, don't waste it."

Ming Yeqing felt that she was very good at drawing inferences from one instance.

In "Teach You One Hundred Provocative Tricks", it is said that a girl squeezes hand cream for herself, and when there is too much hand cream, she rubs it on the back of the boy she is chasing.

Boys feel the soft palms of girls, and it is difficult to remain indifferent.

Ming Yeqing thought, she didn't expect Qin Muye to have such thoughts.

And he hadn't used hand cream before, so he started to do it all of a sudden, which was kind of weird.

Then I thought that every time before eating, I would use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to disinfect my hands.

Even if you go to the bathroom to wash your hands, you still have to wipe them again with this alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Because Ming Yeqing feels that even if he has washed his hands, he still has to turn off the faucet after washing his hands, and he still has to touch the faucet switch indirectly with others, and there is still a risk of getting bacteria.

Of course, there are also automatic induction.

But there are various situations, and some bathrooms have to open the door by themselves when they come out, and they are not clean.

So Ming Yeqing is used to cleaning with disposable hand sanitizer for the last time.

He doesn't have hand cream, but he has this.

Qin Muye may not squeeze too much by himself, but he can squeeze more for Qin Muye.

Qin Muye looked at the hand sanitizer that almost filled his palm, and thought that Ye Qing was too crowded.

Hearing the proposal shared by Ming Yeqing, he nodded and agreed without thinking too much: "Okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ming Yeqing stretched out her hand.

Qin Muye was just about to use his fingers to pick up some hand sanitizer in the palm of his hand and send it to Ming Yeqing.

But Ming Yeqing's entire palm was stuck to the palm of her hand that was holding the hand sanitizer.

The hand sanitizer in her palm just got on Ming Yeqing's palm.

Unexpectedly, Ming Yeqing still did not move her hand away.

Instead, he rubbed his palm against hers slowly a few times.

Ming Yeqing's hands are much bigger than hers.

The young man's hands are not as soft as girls', but they are also slender and have clear bones.

Also more powerful.

Qin Muye looked at Ming Yeqing's hand, feeling a little lost.

I can't help but think that it's just such a pair of hands who are doing so many advanced researches and making their own contributions to the aerospace industry.

These hands, typing on the keyboard, doing calculations, one after another precise numbers and programs are output from his fingertips.

Ming Yeqing's palm is not as soft as hers, and it is also slightly thicker to the touch than hers.

Although the relationship between the two is so good, this is actually the first time holding hands.

Let's just pretend it's holding hands.

Qin Muye felt as if an electric current was rushing from the base of his ear to his scalp, which was extremely numb.

There is also an electric current in the palm, like a little snake, jumping around.

Qin Muye couldn't even move his hands.

Ming Yeqing held her hand directly, brushing the back of her hand with his fingertips stained with hand sanitizer.

When Qin Muye came back to his senses, Ming Yeqing was already cleaning her hands.

This person...isn't he a clean freak?

Qin Muye felt that after going to the bathroom to wash his hands, he had to rub them again with hand sanitizer.

It's hard to explain this kind of behavior if it's not cleanliness.

Qin Muye lowered his eyes, and saw Ming Yeqing's long fingers passing through her fingers one by one.

Even the sides of her fingers were wiped clean.

In fact, this method is similar to her own rubbing.

When she wiped the hand sanitizer, she put her hands together first, rubbing the palms together in circles, and then wiped the backs of her hands.

Finally, cross your fingers and wipe each other's sides.

It's unnecessary now, Mingye Qingdu wiped it all over for her meticulously.

Qin Muye didn't know what was wrong with him, but he always felt that Ming Yeqing's behavior was a little too close?

Beyond friend-like pro-approximation.

The villain in Qin Muye's heart shook his head wildly.

How could she think about Ming Yeqing so much?

Ming Yeqing has been one of her best friends since childhood.

Ming Yeqing has always been such a gentle and meticulous person.

Moreover, the most rare thing is that it is not the central air conditioner, which is gentle and meticulous to everyone.

Ming Yeqing seems to have given all the tenderness and meticulousness to her and Tan Mo.

To other girls, Ming Yeqing is still indifferent and alienated.

Ming Yeqing kept lowering his head, and carefully wiped Qin Muye's hand sanitizer.

After wiping, he raised his head and realized that Qin Muye was looking at him.

Ming Yeqing remembered the words in "Teach You One Hundred Tricks to Seduce You".

At this time, you must pretend to be ignorant and greet the other party with your purest eyes.

Let the other party can only scold him for being dirty in his heart, how can he think of you like this?

Ming Yeqing tried his best to adjust the ignorant and innocent gaze he had practiced at home all night, and looked towards Qin Muye.

"What's the matter?" Ming Yeqing put on a look of knowing nothing, and his eyes became more innocent.

Qin Muye: "..."

She must be thinking too much.

"It's okay." She smiled, as if it was just an unusual thing that happened just now.

However, when Qin Muye lowered his head, he couldn't control his frantic heartbeat.

Ming Yeqing took out two pairs of disposable chopsticks from the chopstick holder next to him, broke them apart and handed them to Qin Muye, "Let's eat."

When Qin Muye took it, his fingertips accidentally touched Ming Yeqing's.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

Inevitably there will be some inadvertent and unintentional touches.

But it never felt like that before.

It was just a touch, and Qin Muye's index finger trembled when it was touched.

After she took the chopsticks as if nothing had happened, she bent her index finger and hid it quietly in her palm for a long time before she became normal.

"By the way, Momo has told you. Let's go to escape the room tonight." Ming Yeqing said with a smile.

Qin Muye nodded, "Speaking of which, we haven't played for a long time. By the way, I saw that there is a new Script Killer opened in that area, and the reviews are quite good. Let's find a day to play and have a look?"

"Okay." How could Ming Yeqing not agree.


In the afternoon, Tan Mo went to the research room and worked with Ming Yeqing on the part that could not be completed on Friday.

It was a rare time when Ming Yeqing was also absent-minded, thinking that he would have a date with Qin Muye, Tan Mo, and Wei Zhiqian tonight, he couldn't calm down.

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