Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 886: More or less still respect 1 rule

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They are four people, so they must form a team with others to play, otherwise the number is simply not enough.

There are four-player books, and the difficulty level is very simple.

It's just that such a script is boring to play.

The murderer has almost no room to play, and can be caught.

All the evidence is too direct, simple and clear.

So, they still chose a difficult six-player book.

And also chose a six-person book with a horror theme.

They are missing two people here.

When the staff asked if anyone would like to join them in this theme, a couple who were waiting in line to form a team immediately raised their hands to express their willingness.

They weren't expecting a horror theme in the first place.

Just because there are few people on their side, there are only 2 people.

Most of the players formed their own group and came to play directly.

Some five people came and played the five-person book directly.

The difficulty of the five-person book is also okay.

Because I couldn't find anyone who came to play alone.

Therefore, it is also difficult to form a team of six people.

As for the four-person book, they don't want to play either.

too easy.

So, it was quite difficult to form a team.

It's rare that Tan Mo's team is short of two people.

Even if it was a horror theme, the girl was a little scared, but she still gritted her teeth and agreed.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to play all night.

So, the six of Tan Mo went to the small room where they participated in the script reading.

The store also offers clothing.

If it is an ancient version or the Republic of China version, you can also choose to change the character costume.

It will be more able to be substituted into the scene.

But Tan Mo and the others chose the modern version, so there was no need to change their outfits.

But even if they need to change their clothes, they feel that the hygiene of the clothes in the store cannot be guaranteed.

The daily traffic is so large, let’s not say that all of them have worn it, but 50% of the customers have worn it.

With such frequent use, there is no time to clean and disinfect in time.

Especially since there is a cleanliness Ming Yeqing in their team, it is even more impossible to wear the clothes provided by the store.

They entered a place similar to a conference room and sat down around a long table.

Know your role first.

There are also brief introductions of other characters.

About other characters, there are only a few words, not detailed, just to let you know that there is such a person.

The rest is the content of the role you want to play.

From my own age, the relationship with the characters here, and the relationship with the deceased.

Introduce your own experience and so on.

Of course, what is more important is the timeline in this incident.

At the end of the script it says, if you think you are a murderer, try to hide and escape.

If you are not the murderer, try to find the real murderer.

Tan Mo saw that Xin Shuo had to decide whether he was the murderer or not.

This shows that everyone wants to kill the deceased, the only difference is who played the role of death when he did it.

While others attacked, the dead either escaped or were only injured.

Tan Mo memorized all the content in the script that belonged to him, and then formally entered the scene.

The interior of the scene is an old house.

The role they play is to participate in the company's team building and travel, and everyone is a colleague.

This old house is now converted into a hotel, with a 50% discount during the soft opening period.

The scale of their company is small, and the boss is very stingy.

Seeing such a good thing, I immediately ordered it.

The old house is big and grand, and each employee can have a room.

The room is also very large.

When you have nothing to do, you can gather in the hall to have a party and play, or go out together.

The only bad thing is that the decoration of the old house is relatively dark.

It is indeed very in line with the ancient decoration style.

The rooms are all wooden furniture and decoration.

Even the bed is a step-up bed.

It's just paired with the dim light and the unclear copper mirror in the room.

The shopkeeper even frantically hung up red lanterns on both sides of Babu's bed.

Make Babu bed look eerie.

Dream back to scenes from horror movies.

The store made the scene very well, and really allocated a room to each person, letting them stay by themselves first.

It's just Tan Mo's group of six, except for Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye who haven't reached a relationship yet, everyone else is a couple.

That young couple, the girl really couldn't control the decoration of the underworld, she grabbed her boyfriend's hand vigorously, "I...I dare not live alone."

Even knowing that this was just a mission scene, she was still nervous.

"It's okay, we're up to what we say here, and the store can't interfere, we stay together, don't be afraid." The boy comforted her.

Tan Mo is also cowardly, since the young lovers are staying together, Tan Mo also drags Wei Zhiqian, "I don't want to be alone either."

"I won't leave you alone." Wei Zhiqian rubbed Tan Mo's hair, and he was in the same room with him.

Qin Muye looked at Tan Mo eagerly, "Mo Mo, why don't I stay together."

Wei Zhiqian said with disgust: "I share a room with Momo, why are you joining in the fun? It's not nice to say it."

Qin Muye: "..."

Ming Yeqing: "..."

It's all about what.

Although Wei Zhiqian had the heart to match Ming Yeqing and Qin Muye, he should still be rude to Qin Muye, and he did not hide his dislike for Qin Muye's request at all.

Qin Muye could only look at Tan Mo eagerly.

I hope she doesn't have the opposite sex and inhumanity.

Even if Tan Mo had human nature, he couldn't agree to Qin Muye at this time.

Isn't the purpose of them coming out to do this this time is to match Qin Muye and Ming Yeqing?

What a great opportunity.

Tan Mo immediately said: "Isn't Ah Qing still here? If you come to join us, wouldn't you leave Ah Qing alone? How can this work?"

For some reason, Qin Muye thought of how strange he was when he faced Ming Yeqing at noon.

Suddenly felt guilty.

Then he said to Tan Mo: "Why don't Ah Qing and I stay?"

Tan Mo: "..."

Never expected this to be a development.

Tan Mo secretly teased Wei Zhiqian, telling him to quickly find an excuse.

Wei Zhiqian said calmly, "More or less, we still have to respect the rules. It's too much for four people to squeeze into one room."

"Mu Ye, with me here, you don't have to be afraid." Ming Yeqing seized the opportunity and said, "Besides, the plot is still going on, we won't stay in the room for a long time."

When Qin Muye thought about it, it made sense.

Under Wei Zhiqian's ruthless refusal to accept whatever he said, Qin Muye could only leave with Ming Yeqing.

The six bedrooms are all close together.

The three rooms are connected to each other, and then the two rooms face each other.

Now they only have three rooms, so they chose the three connected rooms.

The room Qin Muye and Ming Yeqing chose was next door to Tan Mo and Wei Zhiqian.

Walking to the door, Ming Yeqing was about to open the door, Qin Muye hugged Ming Yeqing's arm nervously.

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