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"I'm here." Ming Yeqing said, holding Qin Muye's hand very naturally.

Probably because Ming Yeqing's movements were so natural that Qin Muye didn't notice anything unusual.

He let his hand be held honestly by Ming Yeqing.

Ming Yeqing increased the strength of his hand and held it firmly, which gave Qin Muye a lot of sense of security.

"I'm opening the door now. If you're afraid, just close your eyes and follow me. I won't let you bump into it." Ming Ye said warmly.

In this terrifying environment, it seems to make people feel particularly at ease.

Qin Muye nodded, and closed his eyes trustingly.

At the same time, he said with a trembling voice: "Then I will close my eyes and not look at it, I really can't bear the style of these rooms."

Ming Ye smiled and said yes.

Seeing Qin Muye's eyes tightly closed, he pushed open the door.

He also explained: "I'm going to open the door, you follow me. If you are really afraid, you can stick to me a little bit, so that you don't have to worry about what you will encounter between us. And, you I can follow the route I take completely without bumping into each other.

Qin Muye was so frightened at this moment that he felt that what Ming Yeqing said was very reasonable.

It really stuck to Ming Yeqing's back tightly.

Even the toes often stepped on Ming Yeqing's heels.

But in this way, Ming Yeqing also clearly felt the softness and sweetness of his back.

As for the underworld decoration in the room, Ming Yeqing didn't notice it at all.

The boss saw through the surveillance that these six people were actually in the same room in groups of two, which completely violated their respective personality settings.

After all, there are couples in the script.

But definitely not their current combination.

"Start to the next stage, flash the lights, and engage in red projections." The boss continued with the walkie-talkie.

Ming Yeqing knew that Qin Muye was afraid of stepping out of bed,

He took her to sit on the round stool.

He placed two round stools tightly together, and sat next to Qin Muye.

In fact, he wanted to sit with Qin Muye directly on his lap.

This can give Qin Muye a sense of security.

But he suspected that if he really did this, Qin Muye would probably be more afraid of him than the arrangement of the underworld in this room.

After being supported by Ming Yeqing to sit down, Qin Muye still felt that it was not safe enough for his hand to be held by Ming Yeqing.

The other hand also hugged Ming Yeqing's arm.

"I think... I need some gaming experience." Qin Muye trembled.

Ming Yeqing: "..."

Qin Muye is probably the legendary person with a big food addiction.

Cowardly and playful.

Thinking of this, Qin Muye slowly opened his eyes.

They sat with their backs facing the Babu bed, as long as they couldn't see it, Qin Muye felt better.

However, she caught a glimpse of the bronze mirror out of the corner of her eye, "Bronze... bronze mirror..."

Qin Muye always felt that there might be some shadow flashing across the mirror.

Qin Muye's scaring himself had the greatest effect.

Ming Yeqing understood what Qin Muye meant, and said, "I put the bronze mirror face down on the table, if you can't see it, it's fine."

Qin Muye nodded quickly.

Ming Yeqing just stood up, but Qin Muye was still hiding her hand.

"I... I'm with you, I close my eyes and don't look at it." Qin Muye said.

She mainly didn't want Ming Yeqing to be more than a fist away from her.

There is no sense of security beyond her.

"Okay." Ming Yeqing nodded patiently in agreement.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two stood up, before Qin Muye could close his eyes, a shadow in red flashed by the window.

"Ah!" Qin Muye screamed, and hugged Ming Yeqing tightly, "Ah Qing!"

At the same time, screams came from Tan Mo and Wei Zhiqian's room, as well as the room of the young couple.

The boss looked at the monitor and was finally satisfied.

"Okay, NPC is ready." The boss said into the walkie-talkie.

Tan Mo was in the room, shaking with Wei Zhiqian in his arms.

Suddenly there was a scream in the hall.

"Killed! Dead!" was the voice of an NPC.

The whole scene didn't light up until the NPC made a sound.

The brightened room finally became less gloomy.

But Tan Mo was still gasping for breath in fright.

Qin Muye was hugging Ming Yeqing, crying "Ah Qing" while crying.

Ming Yeqing simply hugged Qin Muye, like holding a child with one arm.

Ming Yeqing looks thin, like a scholar.

Unexpectedly, the strength is quite strong.

It took no effort at all to pick up Qin Muye.

"It's okay, I'm here, I'm holding you, there's nothing to get close to." Ming Yeqing comforted Qin Muye.

Qin Muye could still feel the light with his eyes closed, and his fear was a little less than before.

And the NPC who was rushing over to inform everyone that there had been a murder case happened to hear Ming Yeqing's words.

NPC: "..."

He suddenly became something.

The NPC adjusted his emotions and began to perform hard, "Dead! Killed!"

Ming Yeqing wanted to hug her for a while longer.

But in the two rooms next to him, Tan Mo, Wei Zhiqian, and the young couple have already come out.

Started the process behind.

Ming Yeqing was too embarrassed to continue dawdling here.

Moreover, Qin Muye gradually recovered.

She smelled the smell of Ming Yeqing's body, but she couldn't tell what kind of fragrance it was.

But it is refreshing and refreshing, and it smells very good.

It is reassuring and does not feel tired at all.

Qin Muye's fear gradually subsided, and his rationality gradually returned.

Realizing the posture in which she was hugged by Ming Yeqing, she felt very embarrassed.

No matter how good friends are, this is too...too close.

"I... I'm fine." Qin Muye stammered nervously.

But it wasn't because of the environment that he was nervous, but because of being hugged by Ming Yeqing.

"Let's go out too." Qin Muye didn't dare to look at Ming Yeqing, blushing.

Being hugged by Ming Yeqing in this way, her gaze is higher than Ming Yeqing's.

They couldn't lower their heads to avoid Ming Yeqing.

As soon as he lowered his head, he looked directly at Ming Yeqing's face.

Qin Muye's face turned even redder.

She always knew that Ming Yeqing was very good-looking.

But she has never been so good-looking that she is embarrassed to look directly at it.

Seeing Ming Yeqing's face, my heart beat faster.

With such an angle, she couldn't hide Ming Yeqing's face even if she lowered her eyes.

But she can't turn her head, it's too obvious to hide.

"Okay." Ming Yeqing's voice seemed a little hoarse for some reason.

But Qin Muye suspected that he had heard wrong.

Because in the next second, Ming Yeqing put her down.

Her feet touched the ground, and she heard the voice of Tan Mo calling them outside, distracting her attention.

Ming Yeqing: "..."

Does Tan Mo really want to match them up?

How come so fast?

Tomorrow night, looking at the sky depressed.

"Come... come." Qin Muye called out the door.

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