Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2345: Xuantian Spirit Domain

With a flick of his sleeves, a gourd with red light flowing non-stop appeared in his hand.

He broke into a tactic, and the red gourd immediately burst into a dazzling red light.

A radius of 100,000 miles was shrouded in red fire clouds, the sky and the earth seemed to turn crimson, the temperature suddenly rose, the ground suddenly spontaneously ignited, the radius of 100,000 miles turned into a sea of ​​red fire, the fire continued to expand, the momentum was amazing, a large number of monsters or vegetation directly into ashes.

The Mahayana monk drives the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and the power is naturally extraordinary.

"Fentian Gourd! You repaired this treasure? Hmph, I'll destroy it this time."

Xuan Qingzi sneered, he flipped his right hand, and a jade flute with azure light appeared in his hand. The surface of the jade flute was engraved with patterns of flowers and plants, and the aura continued to flicker. Exudes amazing wood aura fluctuations.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a azure light, which sank into the cyan jade flute. The cyan jade flute suddenly burst into a dazzling azure light, growing cyan roots, and slowly turning into a small cyan tree.

He shook it gently, and the small cyan tree flew out of his hand, took root on the ground, and instantly grew in size.

Within three breaths, the small cyan tree grew into a 100,000-foot-high tree, with gleaming green leaves and mysterious patterns on the thick trunk.

A small tree suddenly grew on the ground, and the small tree grew rapidly, turning into a giant tree with a height of more than 1,000 feet. In addition to the trees, there were also various vegetation such as spirit flowers, rattan, thorns, etc. drilled from the ground. out.

After five breaths, the radius of 100,000 miles turned into a lush jungle, lined with ancient trees.

The flames collapsed and extinguished at an astonishing speed, as if encountering a nemesis.

"Xuantian Lingyu? You actually cultivated this magical power!"

Yan Gang exclaimed, his eyes widened, his face full of inconceivable expressions.

Xuantian Lingyu is a great supernatural power that can only be displayed by Mahayana monks. It is by no means comparable to ordinary supernatural powers. Refinement of the void and the fighting skills of fit monks are relatively dependent on the dharma. In the Mahayana period, the dharmas are all condensed and complete, and it depends on the supernatural powers and treasures of both parties.

It is very difficult to cultivate into the Xuantian Spiritual Realm, let alone cultivation. Many Mahayana monks do not even have the method of cultivation. It is said that the Xuantian Spiritual Realm has something to do with the law.

"No, it's not the real Xuantian spiritual realm. With your cultivation in the early stage of Mahayana, even if you have the incomplete Xuantian treasure, it is impossible to master this great magical power."

Yan Gang thought of something, and suddenly realized.

He said so, his eyes full of fear.

The Xuanling Huatian Banner, the treasure of the human race, is a treasure of Xuantian, but it is a defective product refined by the day after tomorrow, and it is far from the treasure of Xuantian formed innately.

Xuan Qingzi actually obtained a incomplete Xuantian treasure, and using this treasure to use the great magical power of Xuantian Spirit Realm, this is a good thing for the human race, but it is not a good thing for the alien race.

His eyes were fixed on the high tree, why did Xuan Qingzi suddenly have an extra treasure of Xuantian? Even if it was a defective product, it was not comparable to the treasure of the heavens. Could it be that this treasure of Xuantian is that mysterious treasure? Made from heavenly things?

After the birth of Xuantian things, it takes years of cultivation to form the innate Xuantian treasures. If the cultivation fails, adding enough rare materials can refine the incomplete Xuantian treasures, the human race's treasures. This is how the Xuanling Huatian Banner, the treasure of the town clan, came to be.

Even if it takes only a thousand years to obtain the treasure of Xuantian, it is impossible for the human race to cultivate the treasure of Xuantian. If it is refined into the incomplete treasure of Xuantian, it is possible.

The innately formed Profound Heaven Treasures are extremely powerful and very rare, and the acquired Profound Heaven Treasures are not small in power.

"It's enough to kill you."

Xuan Qingzi's tone was indifferent and full of confidence.

As soon as the voice fell, the vines turned into long blue whips, with a piercing sound of breaking the air, and slapped at Yanfang.

At the same time, the cyan thorns swayed gently, and countless sharp thorns flew out. After a blur, they turned into spears and went straight to Yangang.

As if coming to life, the towering trees suddenly rose from the ground and turned into giant tree people with burly stature.

Being shrouded in the Xuantian Spirit Realm, he couldn't mobilize the outside world's spiritual energy to display his supernatural powers. He could only rely on his own magical powers and treasures. Of course, this meant the real Xuantian Spirit Realm.

The Xuantian Spiritual Realm that Xuan Qingzi casts is not the real Xuantian Spiritual Realm at all, it is just a fur at best, it cannot prevent Yangang from mobilizing the spiritual energy of the world, but it is somewhat limited, which indirectly weakens the strength of Yangang.

Yan Gang didn't dare to be careless, and quickly activated the Burning Heaven Gourd, spewing out a thick red fire, turning into a red fire dragon with a length of more than ten thousand feet, rushing towards the attacking The red fire dragon and the cyan The vines collided, and the cyan vines instantly turned to ashes, but soon, new vines grew, and they continued to grow.

Xuan Qingzi's sleeves flicked, and a silver light flew out. It was a flag that flickered with silver light. There were countless mysterious runes on the flag, and the aura was amazing.

The Xuanling Huatian Banner, the treasure of the human race.

Yan Fang committed suicide to join the Xuanqing faction, and Xuanqingzi naturally wanted to show him some color.

In the distance, Qin Yufeng and other Xuanqing faction disciples were standing high in the sky, waiting in a serious line, and their expressions were nervous.

The Mahayana monks do not dare to participate in the fighting, and it will be troublesome if they are affected by the fluctuations of the fighting.

The sky suddenly changed color, the originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind was blowing, the blue light collided with the red light, the air was like a tide, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.


In Xuanguang City, a nine-story cyan attic, Wang Qingshan and other more than a dozen cultivators gathered together, drinking tea and chatting, exchanging their experience in dealing with aliens.

After Wang Qingshan arrived in Xuanguang City, he participated in the battle once, and the victory was quite fruitful.

"The True Monarch of the Five Spirits was besieged by four cultivators and was seriously injured. I hope he can recover."

Luo Yiheng sighed and said, the human race cultivator killed a number of aliens in the imaginary stage, and his own losses were not small. He killed a thousand enemies and lost 800 himself.

"I heard that the aliens sent people to attack the rear, and even the Li family was attacked. It is said that Jinye Island was breached by the aliens. Fortunately, the aliens were repelled."

Wang Dafei's tone was heavy.

"Hey, I heard that the real Taihao can defeat four people with one enemy, and completely wipe out the four immortal alien races. I have already said that the real Taihao has a lot of supernatural powers, and ten five spirits can't compare."

Lan Fukong smiled and said triumphantly, as if he had wiped out the four aliens in the Void Refinement Stage.


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