Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2346: real dry soil

"Fellow Daoist Lan, seven days ago, you didn't say that at the party held by Master Gantu. You said at the time that ten Five Spiritual Masters couldn't match Master Gantu. How did you become Master Taihao now?"

Luo Yiheng jokingly said with a smile that Lan Fukong likes to flatter others, talk to people and talk to ghosts.

"That's right, half a month ago, you said at another party that ten immortal alien races are not as good as the Five Spirits True Monarch. If you want me to say, ten Taihao True Monarchs are not as good as the arrogant True Monarch. You can just blow it."

A graceful young woman in a golden dress said with a chuckle.

Many cultivators laughed heartily, Lan Fukong didn't feel ashamed at all, and explained: "Is this not a metaphor? I don't mean to look down on the Five Spirits True Monarch. The gods of dry earth are indeed powerful, and one can defeat two. Not falling behind, but also seriously injuring two people, his Taoist companion Xiyue Fairy is also very powerful, I believe that they will definitely be able to advance to the fusion stage, and when the time comes to sweep the alien fusion, Mahayana is not a problem."

The monks were accustomed to it. In Lan Fukong's eyes, all the monks from the human race were able to join the fusion. The Mahayana hopeful, and all the monks present were touted by him.

Lan Fukong blows every time he meets anyone, but he doesn't blow himself.

"The treasure seal driven by Fairy Xiyue is similar to the treasure of the Xia family in Lihuo Valley, the demon seal of Lihuo Town, but the Xia family has already been destroyed by Master Crazy Sword. Could it be that Fairy Xiyue got this treasure by chance? ?"

Luo Yiheng said curiously.

"I've also heard about this. It seems that the wife and children of Master Crazy Blade were killed by the Xia family, and the Xia family was destroyed by Master Crazy Blade. As far as I know, Fairy Xiyue is a descendant of the Xia family. Married to a real man of dry soil."

Lan Fukong talked about these secrets, and it was very rare.

"I've also heard of Master Crazy Blade. This person is bloodthirsty and has destroyed many forces. If Master Crazy Blade knows that Fairy Xiyue is a descendant of the Xia family, I don't know if it will be against Fairy Xiyue. Get your hands on it."

Wang Dafei agreed.

Luo Yiheng shook his head and said: "Master Crazy Saber has not shown up for many years, he may be dead! I heard that he has received the guidance of Jiuyang Blade Saint, and he has great supernatural powers. The Master should not dare to trouble Fairy Xiyue!"

"Hmph, if my wife and children are killed, I will also take revenge. Blood debts will be paid with blood. If my wife and children are killed, I dare not take revenge. Is that still a man?"

Lan Fukong snorted and looked serious.

This time, the monks did not deny it.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, Wang Qingshan secretly wrote down this matter.


In a secluded courtyard, a tall and handsome young man in yellow shirt sat in a stone pavilion drinking tea and chatting with a young woman in a red dress with a hot figure.

The young man in yellow shirt has a face like white jade, wearing a yellow jade crown on his head, and a yellow light gourd tied around his waist, his aura is amazing.

Song Huizu, the real person of dry earth, in the middle stage of virtual refining, the Song family is a cultivator family strongly supported by the local faction of Zhenhai Palace.

The young woman in the red dress has snow-white skin, picturesque facial features, looking forward to life, and there is a red flame mark on her forehead.

Xiyue Fairy Xia Zhiwei, in the early stage of virtual refining.

"There are many cultivators in the Xuanling Continent who use knives. Can you be sure that he is Duan Tongtian?"

Song Huizu frowned.

"I have 60% confidence that he is Duan Tongtian. He should have changed his appearance. Unfortunately, he does not attend the party and cannot observe him up close. The half-page Tianxu Jade Book must be in his hands."

Xia Zhiwei's tone was heavy.

Duan Tongtian was a martial arts idiot, and he sparred with people everywhere. During a sparring session, he injured the children of the Xia family, and then fled. The Xia family didn't take it seriously.

By chance, the Xia family learned that Duan Tongtian had obtained half a page of the Tianxu Jade Book. At that time, Duan Tongtian was not in the spiritual transformation period. The Xia family had two cultivators who could not find Duan Tongtian. The Xia family sent someone to arrest Duan Tongtian. Tongtian's wife and children never thought that the following people would take too much action and kill Duan Tongtian's wife and children.

Duan Tongtian came back again, and entered the Xia family's old nest, Lihuogu, with his cultivation in the early stage of refining, and killed all the creatures in the Lihuogu. There were no chickens and dogs. Some Xia family cultivators did not return. , and have since gone abroad.

Xia Zhiwei is a descendant of the Xia family, she knows the whole story.

"Sixty percent? It is necessary to be sure of ten percent. Our family is now prosperous, and it is better not to offend the scattered cultivators in the virtual period. You can also see that the man's supernatural powers are not small."

Song Huizu frowned, saying that there was no evidence, and there was no solid evidence to prove the identity of the other party. He would not take it lightly.

"I think he is closer to Daoyou Wang from Qinglian Island, and join forces to deal with aliens. Maybe Daoyou Wang knows this person's situation. The Wang family and the Song family are both affiliated forces of Zhenhai Palace. He should tell us!"

Xia Zhiwei suggested.

"Friend Wang Daoyou? The Wang family is a cultivator family supported by the Ascension faction. Our Song family is a cultivator family supported by a local faction. Daoyou Wang may not tell the truth. Anyway, it is about Tianxu Yushu. We all need to go over there and ask."

Song Huizu's tone was stern and his eyes were fiery.

The Song family already has a cultivator who is still a spiritual body. If the half-page Tianxu Jade Book in Duan Tongtian's hand records some kind of powerful secret technique, maybe there will be a Mahayana cultivator in the Song family, even if the half-page Tianxu Jade Book is a powerful secret technique. What is recorded is other content, which can also enhance the strength of the Song family.

"I heard that Master Taihao killed four aliens in the Void Refinement Stage with one enemy and four. His supernatural powers are not small!"

Xia Zhiwei said curiously.

"Mostly it's fake. If he has such great magical powers, why didn't he get famous before? Wouldn't it be better to stay in Zhenhai Palace with such great magical powers? The cultivators who went out to establish a family independently, the magical powers are not very good, it is estimated that The reinforcements from Zhenhai Palace arrived and helped him kill a powerful enemy. In order to help Dao Dahao become famous, the Zhenhai Palace cultivator gave him the credit. This kind of thing has also been done by our Song family."

Song Huizu disagreed.

He only knew that Wang Changsheng belonged to the Ascension faction, and he was not well-known before that, and he had already made a name for himself with great supernatural powers.

The Ascension faction has always wanted to support a cultivator family to compete with the Song family, but it failed. In his opinion, this time the Ascension faction helped Dahao become famous through the race war.

You can't blame Song Huizu for thinking so, because of the existence of Xuantian things, Zhenhai Palace strictly sealed the news of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Even the monks of the ascended faction didn't know much about Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Only a few high-level officials knew that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were there. Deeds in Xuanling Cave.

Wang Changsheng belongs to the Ascension faction, and it is normal for the Ascension faction to help Wang Changsheng become famous. After all, the Song family did this in the past. (To be continued)

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