Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2397: news of the artifact

The latest website: "I will help fellow Daoists to pay attention to the news of Sword Master of the Four Seasons. If there is news, I will use the dry CD to communicate with the friends. The dry CD can communicate within a billion miles. If you are trapped in a forbidden area or in a special formation , that's another matter."

Chen Yu took out a golden jade plate and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

A large number of mysterious runes are engraved on the surface of the golden jade plate. These runes twist like tadpoles, exuding an astonishing wave of spiritual energy.

"How many spirit stones?"

Wang Changsheng asked, he had heard of such a treasure as a dry disc. The dry disc is an imitation of the dry light transmission spirit disc. The dry light transmission spirit disc can be connected across the interface. It is said that the refining method comes from the Tianxu Jade Book.

"I don't take a penny. Daoist friend is inquiring about the water of Ming River. Senior Ye is also looking for the water of Ming River. If Daoist friend is fortunate enough to see Senior Ye, I would like to ask Daoist friend to help us with a sentence. The landlord of our Qiyue Building has If you need to discuss with her, this matter is also good for her."

Chen Hao said with a smile, True Monarch Sirius and Divine Monarch Wanpup are not ordinary characters. Wang Changsheng's inquiries about their news were extraordinary. Besides, Wang Changsheng was able to discover her concealment technique, which made her dare not despise her. .

"How do I know what Senior Ye looks like? I can't help you with this."

Wang Changsheng shook his head.

Chen Hao took out a portrait, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said, "This is the portrait of Senior Ye, Daoist friend accepts it, the ugly words are ahead of you, Daoist friend, don't make other ideas, Senior Ye is not an ordinary person, just help us pass the news. ."

Wang Changsheng's eyes swept away, his expression did not change, he nodded and said, "Got it."

He put away the dry disc and the portrait, turned and left.

Chen Hao looked at the back of Wang Changsheng's departure, with a contemplative expression on his face.

She took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Go on, pay attention to the news of the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign, and the cultivation base is above the emptiness."

"Yes, Elder Chen."

A respectful male voice came from the dial.

After half a day, Wang Changsheng returned to his residence.

He took out the portrait and the dry disc, checked it carefully, and found nothing unusual. He released the double-eyed rat, and the double-eyed rat was carefully distinguished, but no special smell was found.

"Senior Ye, it's actually really an artifact."

Wang Changsheng said softly, his eyes solemn.

The owner of the Qiyue Building is looking for an artifact, and Taiyang real person seems to be looking for an artifact. They all attach great importance to the artifact. Is the artifact a Mahayana monk? It should not be, the tool spirit should be the top powerhouse among the integrated monks.

It seems that there is some treasure in Qiling's hand, or some important secrets he knows, so that the landlord of Qiyuelou and Taiyang really want to see her.

The strength of the immortal world is respected, and the strength of the spirit is definitely not weak, otherwise Taiyang Zhenren and the landlord of Qiyuelou will not be so polite.

I couldn't find out about the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign, but I got the news from the True Monarch Sirius. The True Monarch Sirius ascended to the Xuanguang Continent and established the Heavenly Wolf Valley. The True Monarch Sirius has entered the integration period.

Calculated from the time, the puppet emperor of the immortal world in the northern Xinjiang should be the **** of ten thousand puppets, and the **** of ten thousand puppets has left a dojo.

There are many interfaces like Xuanyang Realm, and Sword Sovereign Four Seasons may have gone to other interfaces.

Wang Changsheng put away the portrait and the dry disc, walked into a secret room, and meditated to adjust his breath.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, Wang Changsheng left the secret room.

When he came outside, he found that there were a lot fewer high-level monks on the street.

Wang Changsheng turned around in Fang City, found nothing unusual, and left Fang City.


Qianzhang Mountain stretches for millions of miles and is named after a large number of poisonous scorpions. This place is full of miasma all year round, and there are many poisonous insects and poisonous beasts. The monks are here.

A red flying boat quickly flew high into the sky. Deng Tianyang and other hundreds of Deng family cultivators stood in the red flying boat, and their expressions were different.

This time they went to the Tianji faction to participate in the celebration, and their harvest was not small.

There was a faint smile on Deng Tianyang's face. On this trip to the Heavenly Secret School, he exchanged materials for condensing the Dharma and couldn't wait to rush back to Deng Yunshan to condense the Dharma.

He seemed to be aware of something, and with a pinch of the magic formula, the red flying boat stopped.

"I don't know which fellow Daoist is? I've been behind the old man for so long, it's time to show up!"

Deng Tianyang frowned and said, his consciousness was wide open, and he explored the situation of thousands of miles, but found nothing abnormal.

With a loud bang, the ground suddenly burst open, and the dust flew up.

Thirty-six rays of golden light flew out from the ground, and instantly merged into one, turning into a giant golden blade, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations, and the void was torn apart wherever they passed.

Feeling the terrifying coercion emanating from the golden giant blade, Deng Tianyang was taken aback, and he had to cast a spell to resist.

A loud horn sounded, and Deng Tianyang was horrified to find that he could not mobilize the slightest mana.

The golden giant blade arrived in front of Deng Tianyang in an instant, a dazzling yellow light lit up on Deng Tianyang's chest, and a yellow jade talisman with a flash of aura flew out. With a muffled sound, the yellow jade talisman burst open, and countless yellow runes dripped. With a yo-yo, it turned into a shining yellow armor, protecting his whole body.

There is a turtle pattern on the surface of the yellow armor, and the aura is amazing.

The golden giant blade slashed on the yellow armor, and there was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks scattered, and there was a deep slash on the surface of the yellow armor.

After the turtle pattern made a low roar, the aura of the yellow armor rose sharply, and the slashes disappeared.

The golden giant blade suddenly disintegrated, turning into thirty-six golden flying knives, slashing at Deng Qingwu and the others.

A miserable scream rang out, Deng Qingwu and the others could not stop it, they were killed in an instant, and Yuan Ying was unable to escape.

Deng Tianyang also reacted, a golden light flew out from his body and turned into a golden human-shaped phantom, and the law was condensed by three-tenths.

As soon as the humanoid phantom appeared, a golden light spurted out of his mouth, covering Deng Tianyang.

At the same time the humanoid phantom moved its arms, and countless golden lights rushed out, turning into golden flying swords, tens of thousands of them, rushing away in all directions.

After a deafening loud noise, the ground burst, the mountain peaks turned into annihilation powder, the trees were broken in the middle, and the air waves were billowing.

A golden light flew out from the ground, and in a piercing whistling sound, it turned into a golden tornado with a height of more than ten thousand feet, and swept towards Deng Tianyang.

Deng Tianyang was about to cast a spell to resist when a man shouted loudly.

He let out a scream, put his head in his hands, his facial features twisted.

When he recovered, the golden tornado was already in front of him, and the strong airflow pushed him into the golden tornado, and there was a "clanging" metal collision sound.

Not long after, the golden tornado was torn apart, revealing the figure of Deng Tianyang, his body was covered with a dim golden light, and his face was slightly pale.

Fortunately, the magical powers mastered by his dharma tended to be defensive, otherwise he would probably die.

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