Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2398: Pupil

The magical powers of Dharma are different, some are defensive, some can heal, some can attack, some can trap the enemy, and some can break the formation.

A deafening thunder sound came from high in the sky, and a thick blue lightning pierced the sky, with the aura of destroying everything, and instantly appeared in front of Deng Tianyang.

The blue lightning smashed on the golden light, like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, the golden light shattered instantly, and the blue lightning smashed on the yellow armor, which burst.

The dazzling blue thunder light drowned Deng Tianyang, and a miserable male voice could be heard vaguely.

The rumbling sound of thunder came from the sky, and dozens of blue lightnings fell from the sky. After a blur, dozens of blue lightnings merged into one, turning into a blue thunder python with a length of more than 100 meters. The terrifying power rushed towards Deng Tianyang.

Countless slender golden lights flew out of the blue thunder, and after one blurred, they turned into golden flying swords and slashed at the blue thunder python.

The dense golden flying swords smashed the blue thunder python into pieces, and the dazzling blue thunder light enveloped the area for dozens of miles, and waves of powerful air waves crushed everything.

Thirty-six golden flying knives suddenly merged into one, turning into a giant golden blade, with an aura that destroyed everything, and went straight to the blue thunder light.

A gleaming golden flag suddenly lit up, turning into a golden tornado, heading straight for the blue thunder.

A golden glow flew out from the blue thunder, covering the golden tornado and the golden giant blade.

A large amount of blue water vapor emerged from the void, turning into an azure river, the river rushing in, and soon came to the front of the blue thunder.

A burst of dazzling golden light lit up, and the blue thunder light suddenly dissipated, revealing Deng Tianyang's figure.

His face was slightly pale, and a golden light spewed out from his mouth. After the golden light became bright, his body soared and turned into a small mirror with golden light. The front was covered with dense mysterious runes, and the back was engraved with a flame pattern.

A dazzling golden light emerged from the mirror surface of the golden magic mirror, spewing a golden flame, hitting the blue river.

The blue river was like a piece of paper, and it burst in an instant, revealing a burly young man in a blue shirt, who was Wang Changsheng who had changed his face.

With Chen Qingyang's lessons learned, Wang Changsheng did not dare to despise Deng Tianyang, and did not use his true face.

Deng Tianyang's eyes lit up with dazzling golden light, and the eyeballs turned golden, and the eyeballs kept rolling.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's eyes met Deng Tianyang's, his expression was a little dazed, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and he appeared in a blue ocean.

"No, illusion!"

Wang Changsheng secretly screamed badly in his heart, so he hurriedly used the roar of the gods, and with a loud shout, the ocean was suddenly torn apart, and he returned to reality.

He never imagined that Deng Tianyang actually mastered a peculiar pupil technique. He didn't know whether it was acquired through practice or whether Deng Tianyang possessed some kind of special spiritual pupil.

Deng Tianyang did not expect Wang Changsheng to regain sobriety so quickly. With this trump card, he had killed many cultivators.

He didn't think much, his sleeves flicked, and a blood light flew out. It was a jade talisman whose blood light kept flowing, and the jade talisman was engraved with the pattern of a ferocious ghost.

After a shrill devil's cry, the blood-colored jade talisman suddenly lit up, turning into a ferocious blood-ghost. The blood-ghost had a pair of blood-red horns, bulging eyes and slender fingers.

A smug look appeared on Deng Tianyang's face. This jade talisman was obtained from an ancient cultivator's cave during his travels in his early years. It sealed a ghost in the early stage of virtual refining.

How could there be no chance for him to come this far.

As soon as the blood-colored Specter appeared, there was a shrill cry of Devil's Weep.

Wang Changsheng was not affected. He was wearing a treasure called Jin Peng Peng, which could weaken his fascination and divine sense attacks. At the beginning, Jin Shuo used this treasure to resist the God's Roar.

The **** ghost's body surface was full of blood, spewing out a blood-colored glow, covering Wang Changsheng.

Refining the divine light with blood can not only contaminate the heavenly treasures, but even if a cultivator of virtual reality touches this light, his blood will be refined.

Wang Changsheng flipped his right hand, and a nine-color arrow flew out. It was the Demon Swinging Arrow.

After a piercing thunder sounded, countless nine-color arcs surged out, coming into contact with the blood refining divine light, and the blood refining divine light shattered instantly like encountering a nemesis.

Wang Changsheng's eyebrows lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the true pupils of Liuli appeared out of thin air.

A dazzling blue light emerged from the true eyes of Liuli, and a piece of blue light spewed out, covering the vampire, it was the divine light of Liuli.

The blood ghost screamed, and the body was twisted and twisted.

The magic-dangling arrow hit it, and countless nine-color electric arcs surged out, drowning the figure of the blood ghost.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the Soul Eater Jin Chan flew out. It was already a top-grade fifth-order.

Soul Eater Jin Chan spewed out a golden glow, submerged in the nine-color thunder, and there was a shrill devil cry.

A ray of blood was rolled out by the golden glow, and disappeared from the mouth of Soul Eater Jin Chan.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness increased a little, and Soul Eater Jin Chan flew back to Wang Changsheng's sleeves.

It took less than three breaths of time from Wang Changsheng's action to his slaying of the vampire.

Deng Tianyang was stunned, even if he made a move, he would not be able to kill the vampire so easily.

The Dang Mo arrow hit Deng Tianyang, and the dazzling nine-color lightning drowned his figure.

Deng Tianyang felt unbearable pain in his body, as if he was about to tear it apart.

Two blue fists slammed on the yellow armor without warning. The yellow armor was torn apart and shattered instantly. The part of Deng Tianyang's heart sank and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

After a scream, Deng Tianyang's body was torn apart, a mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, and a big blue hand emerged out of thin air, grabbed it like a sea fishing moon, and grabbed the mini Nascent Soul.

The blue light rose sharply, and the Mini Yuan Ying let out a scream and passed out.

Wang Changsheng put away his belongings and treasures and left the place.


Deng Yunshan, Deng family.

Deng Debin is the head of the Deng family. Under normal circumstances, no one will disturb his cultivation. He is only responsible for giving orders.

On this day, he was practicing at his residence.

There was a rush of animal roars from his body, Deng Debin hurriedly closed his work, took out a dazzling dharma plate from his arms, entered a magic formula, and a panicked woman's voice sounded: "The big thing is bad, UU reading The patriarch of, the second uncle and their natal soul lamp went out."

"What? Didn't they follow the ancestors to the Tianji School to participate in the celebration? Where's the ancestor's soul lamp!"

Deng Debin said in disbelief.

"There is no problem with the original ancestor's soul lamp, did they encounter a strong enemy on the way?"

The woman's voice was quick.

"Immediately start the great formation of protecting the clan, and send a message to the sub-rudder of the Leng Yan faction, saying that our Deng family encountered a strong enemy attack, and sent the elites from the clan to different places. If something happened to the ancestors, they would not Come back and avoid being exterminated."

Deng Debin ordered.

"Yes, master."

Putting away the communication tray, Deng Debin frowned and said to himself, "Who can do it?"

The Deng family has developed for many years, and naturally there are enemies. For a while, it is really impossible to determine the enemy.

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