Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2441: People from Zhenhai Palace

The latest website: On the seventh floor, a huge blood worm was entangled by a dense white bone chain. The surface of the white bone chain was covered with mysterious runes, and the aura was amazing.

The blood earth beast struggled non-stop, and its huge body twisted non-stop.

To be honest, killing a Tier 6 monster is much easier than capturing a Tier 6 monster alive. If it wasn't for this Tier 6 blood beast struggling all the time, Wang Qingshan wouldn't be in a hurry to send it back.

Wang Qingshan didn't know what purpose Wang Changsheng wanted the sixth-order monsters to use. It might be for sacrificing treasures, or it might be used to feed the tortoises.

"Its recovery ability is very fast, which is inferior to the self-healing body."

Wang Qingshan explained that a self-healing body is one of the physiques that monsters dream of, even if there is only one breath left, it can automatically recover.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out the glazed slashing axe, and slashed at the blood worm, like a fist hitting the soft cotton, the blood worm was safe and sound.

A dazzling blue light emerged from the Glazed Spirit Slaying Axe, and a blue axe blade emerged out of thin air, slashing at the **** worm again, slashing a bloodstain.

Wang Changsheng took out the wood demon and placed it on the wound of the blood worm.

The wood demon suddenly burst into blood, and along the wound, drilled into the body of the blood earth beast.

The blood worm's body twisted violently, trying to make a sound, but its mouth was covered by a white bone mesh, and it couldn't open it at all.

Time passed, and the resistance of the blood worms became more and more fierce.

After half an hour, the body of the blood worm shrivels down at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a mummified corpse.

Wang Changsheng released the soul-devouring golden cicada, allowing it to devour the soul of the blood beast.

Wang Changsheng made a move with one hand, and the wood demon flew out from the body of the blood earth beast. Its color became more and more bright, and it could move, but it was still very weak.

It can be seen that sucking the blood of high-level monsters can speed up its recovery.

"Ninth Uncle, there are more than a dozen fifth-order blood worms."

Wang Qingshan walked towards the eighth floor, and Wang Changsheng quickly followed.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan walked out of the giant blue pagoda. Wang Qingshan's tactic was pinched, and the giant blue pagoda shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Changsheng had a full smile on his face. After the wood demon devoured a sixth-order blood worm and a dozen fifth-order blood worms, his injuries were much better and he could move freely.

"Qingshan, this is the Jewel for Jie that I refined. You can take it and refine it! You can replace it once."

Wang Changsheng took out a beautiful blue wooden box and handed it to Wang Qingshan.

He has currently refined five robbery beads, one each for Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingcheng, Wang Qingshan, and Wang Qingfeng. He wants to refine a few more robbery beads, but he has already used up the weeping bloodstones, and he needs to find the weeping bloodstones again. Just do it.

"For Jiezhu! Thank you Ninth Uncle."

Wang Qingshan was full of surprises, took out a beautiful cyan jade box, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Ninth Uncle, these are two pieces of Tianyin Sacred Wood, and three compositions created by Master Xuanyin. Master Xuanyin is a Mahayana Yinxiu in the Qingli Sea Area."

"Master Xuanyin! Mahayana Yinxiu!"

With a relieved expression on Wang Changsheng's face, he accepted the jade box.

"By the way, Qing Jing has already entered the Void Refinement Stage. You can go and see him when you have time."

Wang Changsheng remembered something and warned.

Wang Qingshan agreed and chatted for a while, then he turned and left.

"Qingcheng, go back to practice! Don't forget to urge Yuejiao to practice, I hope she can also enter the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng told him to go back to practice.

Wang Ruyan is condensing the dharma, Wang Changsheng plans to use Tianyin Shenmu to refine an auxiliary treasure to assist Wang Ruyan in his practice, and maybe he can also refine an attack-type treasure.

Walking into a secret room, Wang Changsheng put the wood demon back into the Thousand Spirit Bottle. It has not completely recovered and needs to be recuperated.

Wang Changsheng attaches so much importance to the injury of the wood demon. First, the wood demon has followed him for many years and has helped him a lot; secondly, the wood demon may be able to unblock the half-page Tianxu jade book given by Duan Tongtian.

He had obtained the half-page Tianxu Jade Book for many years, but he was still unable to lift the ban. In an accidental situation, he discovered that the Blood Dao Divine Ability attacked the half-page Tianxu Jade Book, and the ban responded.

It is about Tianxu Jade Book, Wang Changsheng can't trust outsiders, he can only wait for the wood demon to recover to see if it can unlock the half-page Tianxu Jade Book's ban.

After settling the wood demon, Wang Changsheng walked into the refining room and started refining.

He took out a piece of Tianyin Shenmu, shook it gently, and a clear sound came out. After careful identification, he found that it was the sound of insects. After further identification, he found that it was the roar of a beast, which was varied.

Wang Changsheng spewed out the glazed ice flame, wrapping the Tianyin Shenmu.


Spring and autumn come, and three hundred years have passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, the council hall.

Wang Moshan sat on the main seat, and more than 100 clan elders sat on both sides with serious expressions.

Wang Moshan has been the head of the family for more than 300 years, and he has not made any mistakes. The family is now in a period of rapid development. It is sheltered by Zhenhai Palace, and there are eight cultivators. There is no huge benefit. Other forces are not willing to provoke the Wang family.

"Patriarch, there are more than 103,700 cultivators in our clan, 8 cultivators, 115 cultivators, 7,354 islands, and 100 directly affiliated forces. Fifteen."

An ethnic group reported.

It has been more than 700 years since the end of the racial war. The Wang family has introduced a number of policies to encourage fertility, and absorbed some loose cultivators or small families. The cultivators in the clan quickly exceeded 100,000. At the same time, the Wang family continued to develop desert islands, and their power continued expansion.

In the process of developing the deserted island, it is necessary to clear the high-level monsters, and Wang Mengbin is responsible for this task.

Wang Mengbin and others have successively entered the Void Refinement Stage. They did not stay on Qinglian Island all the time, but were dispatched to sit on one side and contribute to the expansion of the family.

Wang Yingjie, Liu Hongxue and Wang Qingshan are in the inland, and Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingjing, Wang Qingcheng and Wang Mengbin are in the open sea. Wang Mengbin is responsible for leading the team to clear up the high-level monsters living on the desert island, so that the low-level monsters can be cleared away. The monks develop the desert island.

The Wang family widely recruited loose cultivators or small families to give them islands, help to set up formations, and provide protection. These affiliated forces regularly make offerings. Among them, Sun Sihai has entered the stage of refining and is the first affiliated force of the Wang family to have cultivators.

"Patriarch, there are currently three hundred and sixty-five stores in our family, most of which are weapons stores, mainly selling puppet beasts, and the sales of medicinal pills are also very good."

The Wang family acquired five plots of land in the inland, and pursued the strategy of making more friends and less enemies. The Wang family married several immortal clans, and their power continued to expand. They also opened more than 300 stores and had their own chamber of commerce, which was specially responsible for managing the family business.

Wang Moshan nodded with satisfaction, he suddenly took out a flashing message board from his arms, punched in a magic formula, and a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Patriarch, someone from Zhenhai Palace is here, saying that he is looking for the old ancestor. ."


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