Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2498: Rewards issued

In a hundred years, Wang Changsheng is going to transcend the first great catastrophe. He does not dare to practice the soul secret technique during this period. If the great catastrophe comes during his cultivation period, it will be troublesome.

Generally speaking, high-level monks from the Xiuxian family or the Xiuxian sect would not go through the Great Calamity in their old nest. The destructive power of the Great Calamity would be too great.

The last time Duan Tongtian crossed the great catastrophe, it was Wang Changsheng who protected him.

Wang Changsheng had long wanted to arrange a place to cross the great catastrophe. Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin would protect him, as well as Lin Turtle and Wood Demon.

He stood up and went to a secret room.

Soul Eater Jin Chan was lying in a pool that was more than ten feet long. There was some golden liquid in the pool. This was the Jin Qiongyu liquid brought back by Wang Qingshan. The injury is miraculous.

Soul Eater Jin Chan's body was scorched black, but a golden light emerged from his body. Wang Changsheng could clearly see that strands of Jin Qiongyu liquid slowly poured into Soul Eater Jin Chan's body.

The wood demon was seriously injured after the great calamity. It took hundreds of years to recover after absorbing the blood of the demon beast and the divine water of good fortune.

Even if there is Jin Qiongyu liquid, Soul Eater Jin Chan wants to recover, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover, unless there is something better than Jin Qiongyu liquid.

He took out a flashing blue-light communication disk and entered a magic formula. Wang Moshan's respectful voice sounded: "Old Ancestor, Senior Huang from Zhenhai Palace is here, she said that she came here to deliver things under the order of Senior Liu. ."

"Understood, invite her to the reception room, and I'll go there right away."

Wang Changsheng put away the communication tray, left the residence, and came to the reception room.

Not long after, Huang Yuner walked in with a smile on her face.

"Disciple pays respects to Uncle Wang!"

Huang Yuner bowed and saluted, with a respectful expression,

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and others left Zhenhai Palace, and the juniors of Zhenhai Palace should still be called according to the teacher's sect.

Wang Changsheng smiled and nodded: "Long time no see, Junior Nephew Huang."

Huang Yuner took out a glittering dharma plate and a blue storage ring, and handed them to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Ruyan handed in an island with seventh-order spiritual veins. There are many elixir and ten thousand year spirit wood ore on the island, as well as ten thousand ten thousand year elixir and hundreds of top-quality spirit stones. These are not for nothing, she A lot of things have been proposed, but Liu Qingfeng can only try his best to satisfy them.

Wang Changsheng took the storage ring and the Dharma disk, took out the contents of the storage ring, and compared it with the list on the Dharma disk.

Ten copies of the materials for the five elements, two pieces of animal skins for the sixth-order thunder ray, three bottles of Tianyin Dan, and two pieces of ice soul crystals, that's all.

That island is more than 3,300 miles long and more than 1,000 miles wide. It is no problem to be the base camp of a medium-sized sect. The fly in the ointment is that the island is not exclusively owned by Wang Ruyan, otherwise the Wang family can get more things.

Tianyin Pill is a sixth-order medicinal pill, a medicinal pill that assists sound cultivation, and three bottles of Tianyin Pill can save Wang Ruyan more than a thousand years of hard work.

There are a total of twelve dharma materials, ten pieces of the Five Elements dharma, and two pieces of ice crystals. Among these materials, the Tianyin Pill has the lowest value. Except for the Void Refinement Stage Yinxiu, other cultivators don’t have much to take this pill. use.

There are few treasures that can assist in the cultivation of sound, and there are even fewer medicinal pills. Relatively speaking, the monks who practice the Five Elements will need more panaceas and more treasures or treasures from heaven and earth.

It's not that Liu Qingfeng is kind and gave so many things, but Wang Ruyan's credit is real, and he has paid filial piety to ten thousand-year-old elixir and hundreds of top-quality spirit stones. Wang Ruyan asked for a lot of precious things, such as defense. The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, a complete set of defensive treasures, etc., compared to these things, the animal skins of Tianyin Dan and the sixth-order thunder ray are nothing, and only twelve parts of the law are precious.

If the integrated monks of the Ascension faction sit here, they will definitely get more things, but now it is managed by Liu Qingfeng.

It’s not that you can get so many good things by handing in a big island. The Feilong Palace can give birth to the real water of the soul, and the real water of the soul can nourish the soul. The monks can use it. Wang Ruyan took all the real water of the soul and gave it to Liu Qingfeng. Some Heavenly Soul True Water, after all, can't be concealed, but there are not many.

Unless the islands handed over by other forces can also give birth to good things like Heavenly Soul True Water, it is impossible to get so many good things.

They also have to honor Chen Yueying, and they can exchange some things at that time, but Wang Changsheng will attract a great catastrophe within a hundred years, and will not go to Zhenhai Palace for the time being. The specific time of the great catastrophe cannot be determined. The error is within one or two hundred years, and the error of the integrated monk is within four or five hundred years.

If it is fast, within a hundred years, if it is slow, within two hundred years, Wang Changsheng will attract a great catastrophe. He wants to find a place to wait for the great catastrophe. He cannot run around. Palace causes trouble.

"Uncle Liu has something to say to us?"

Wang Changsheng signed on the jade plate and asked Huang Yuner.


Huang Yuner shook her head.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out a blue porcelain bottle and a cyan jade box, and handed them to Huang Yuner, UU read and said, "This is a spiritual treasure and a bottle of fifth-order medicinal pills, medicinal pills can improve mana, you Take it!"

How dare Huang Yuner accept it, Wang Changsheng is a cultivator, but Wang Changsheng insisted again and again, she still accepted it.

The King of Hell is good at seeing little devils and is difficult to deal with. He has to take care of the top and bottom. He does not lack this thing.

Huang Yun'er was overjoyed. She thought it was an idle job, but she didn't expect to be able to get a spiritual treasure and a bottle of fifth-order elixir to improve mana. This was an unexpected joy.

"By the way, Master Uncle Wang, Liu Tianyan was wanted by the Leng Yan faction for the murder of innocent people in order to compete for treasures."

Huang Yuner remembered something and reminded.

"Liu Tianyan? Murder innocent people?"

Wang Changsheng was slightly taken aback, he remembered that Liu Chuanting was Su Qingheng's daoist companion, and the Leng Yan faction wanted to deal with Liu Tianyan, probably because Liu Tianyan had done something unforgivable.

Liu Yunlan's Nascent Soul is still in his hands, but the Seven Stars Spirit Control Talisman has a time limit and has been missing for many years. If he returns to the Liu family, he will definitely be interrogated.

He originally wanted to use Liu Yunlan to control the Liu family, but the operation was too difficult and there were too many loopholes. Doing so would expose himself, so he didn't do it.

In this way, the Liu family has no cultivators, and the Leng Yan faction should support other forces to compete with the Wang Song family.

Wang Changsheng didn't care about this. As for Liu Yunlan's Nascent Soul, let's keep it for now! Might be useful in the future.

After a few chats, Huang Yuner said goodbye and left.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Moshan and handed him the materials of the dharma and asked him to distribute them to the clan.

The Wang family has not merged, and there are still few cultivators. When the family gets the materials, they will distribute them to the cultivators in the family to condense the dharma and enhance their strength. So easy to get the legal phase materials.

1 (to be continued)

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