Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2499: clan protector

Just like when the family was newly built, the stronger Nascent Soul cultivators all have Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, and now there are tens of thousands of clansmen, even if they are Spirit Transformation cultivators, if they want Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures, they have to spend a lot of good deeds to exchange them from the family treasury. , either collect materials and ask the clan elders to help refine the weapon, or participate in the auction.

Generally speaking, the high-ranking monks in the clan obtained the Heavenly Soul Treasures, and most of them used good deeds to exchange them. Some clan members collected materials and asked the clan elders to help. There were very few clansmen who went to the auction to buy the Tongtian Lingbao.

"By the way, how many cultivators are there in the clan now? Excluding those dark sons, how many fifth-order refiners are there?"

Wang Changsheng remembered something and asked.

"One hundred and twelve gods, 30% are inland, 70% are overseas, and there are nine fifth-order refiners."

Wang Moshan replied truthfully that the number of immortal cultivators in the Wang family had exceeded 100,000, and there were not many more than 100 cultivators.

"Intensify the training of high-level refiners, and let them join hands to refine treasures."

Wang Changsheng instructed that the stronger cultivator family or cultivator sect would organize high-level refiners to jointly refine treasures, firstly to shorten the time, and secondly to let clansmen or colleagues cooperate to prepare for refining heavy treasures in the future.

For a sect like Zhenhai Palace, the treasures of the palace are partly refined by a certain cultivator, partly obtained from dangerous places or ancient battlefields, and more are refined by a number of refiners.

The cross-ling treasure ship was refined by a number of high-level refiners. If a refiner wants to refine it, it takes too long to say, and it is easy to make mistakes.

Wang Changsheng had as many as 18 Dinghai Pearls in his life, and he wanted to upgrade all 18 Dinghaizhu to middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. It was too difficult and time-consuming to rely on him alone.

When he was in the Spirit Transformation Stage, Song Feng had summoned more than 20 high-level refiners, and it took several years to refine a set of five-element rings, and Song Yuchan also participated in it.

The treasures of the complete set are more powerful. The more pieces, the greater the power, the more difficult it is to refine, and the more difficult it is to improve.

The Wang family currently has two sixth-order refiners and nine fifth-order refiners. It would be difficult and time-consuming to upgrade 18 Dinghaizhu to mid-rank. Song Feng had mobilized twenty. Many high-level refiners.

If there are more spiritual monks in the family, Wang Changsheng can save a lot of time by upgrading the 18 Dinghaizhu to middle grade. In addition, in the future, if he refines powerful treasures, such as the huge one brought from the lower realm. The corpse can be made into a puppet beast by multiple clansmen.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Moshan agreed to come down and turned to leave.

Back at Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng saw that Wang Ruyan was feeding the sky-splitting beast.

"Madam, the reward has arrived, two pieces of sixth-order thunder ray animal skins, and three bottles of Tianyin Dan."

Wang Changsheng took out the animal skin and Tianyin Dan and gave them to Wang Ruyan.

"With these two pieces of animal skins, I can refine at least four Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talismans."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

"Cultivation is important. You have worked hard. Your children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. The two Tianlei Spirit Transformation Talismans you refined and Zhenhaizhu are enough for Yuejiao and the others to hit the virtual refining stage, so let's practice with peace of mind!"

Wang Changsheng advised that it was impossible for them to provide every clan member with the Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman, and they also had to practice.

Wang Ruyan's great catastrophe is not too long, Wang Changsheng has the help of sixth-order spiritual water, and the training speed is faster. In addition, Wang Ruyan spent a lot of time in refining sixth-order talismans, and there is not much time for real cultivation.

Wang Ruyan nodded. In the past, the family was too weak to do anything. Now that the number of cultivators in the family is increasing, they can relax a bit.

Liu Hongxue can refine sixth-order medicinal pills, Bai Yuqi can set up formations, Sun Yuejiao is good at dealing with people, and Dong Xueli is good at hunting monsters.

"By the way, husband, in less than two hundred years, your first great catastrophe is about to come!"

Wang Ruyan remembered something, Wang Changsheng entered the virtual refining stage hundreds of years earlier than her.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "I'm going to go out to spend the great catastrophe. The destructive power of the great catastrophe is too great. I have already selected the location. You and Meng Bin will protect me."

Lin Turtle fell into a deep sleep, so don't disturb it, bring the wood demon, and Wang Ruyan, Wang Mengbin and Wang Mengbin. The place he chose is not very far from Qinglian Island. If there is any trouble, Wang Qingshan can teleport from the inland. return.

After the Jinpeng clan was beaten back, the high-level monsters dropped sharply. On the one hand, the monks who migrated overseas organized monster-hunting teams to hunt monsters to facilitate the development of the island. Second, there was a race war, and the high-level monsters suffered heavy casualties and vitality. He was seriously injured and has not recovered his vitality. In the past few years, there have been beast tides, which are not large in scale. Most of them are in the periphery, far away from Qinglian Island. Qinglian Island is very safe.

Wang Ruyan nodded, put away the sky-splitting beast, and left with Wang Changsheng.

Amethyst Island is more than 700 miles long from east to west and more than 300 miles wide from north to south. There used to be a small amethyst vein on the island, hence the name, but the amethyst mine has been fully exploited.

There are fifth-order spiritual veins on the island, which are occupied by the Wang family.

With Amethyst Island as the center, there are more than 300 islands within a radius of 500,000 miles, all of which are controlled by the Wang family, and a large number of teleportation formations have been built along the way.

A cyan light flew from a distance, and it didn't take long for it to stop over Amethyst Island, and a flying boat with cyan light flickering appeared, which was the Qingluan boat.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi stood on the Qingluan Boat, their faces solemn.

There are many buildings on Amethyst Island, and all the monks on the island have been withdrawn.

It is more than 300 million miles away from Qinglian Island. The Wang family has practiced many times. It takes seven times to teleport from the inland Qinglian Valley. After flying for a while, you can arrive at Amethyst Island in less than half an hour.

To be cautious, Wang Ruyan planned to set up the Four Seas Blue Wave Array, mainly to prevent experts from interfering with Wang Changsheng's crossing of the great catastrophe. Wang Changsheng did not need to use the seventh-order array for the first time.

Wang Changsheng crossed the great catastrophe for the first time, and they all attached great importance to it, and they will also pass the great catastrophe in the future.

A purple light curtain covered the entire Amethyst Island, and there was a picture of a purple python on the surface.

Bai Yuqi took out a seven-pointed array disk with purple light flickering, and entered several magic tricks, and the purple light curtain collapsed.

Wang Changsheng landed on a peak that was thousands of feet high, and there was an extremely wide manor on the top of the mountain.

"Ancestor, you can cultivate with peace of mind, and we will stay on the island."

Wang Mengbin said solemnly.

Wang Changsheng nodded, released the wood demon and let it move freely on the island. He walked into a secret room and sat down with his knees crossed.

Wang Ruyan and the three lived in the northwest of the island, more than a hundred miles away from Wang Changsheng's residence. If they were too close, the catastrophe would last longer. (To be continued)

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