Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2500: 1st big catastrophe

Spring and autumn have come, and the time has passed quickly.

Qinglian Island, a bluestone square that covers an extremely wide area.

Thousands of clansmen gathered in the square, or gathered in twos and threes to whisper, or stood alone in the corner, they looked at the Lihuo Lian Yao Pagoda with fiery eyes.

The once-in-a-hundred-yearly small competition is here, and all the people below the gods can participate.

Wang Yier, Wang Yixin and more than a dozen other cultivators gathered together, and they were chatting.

"Hey, this time the clan compares, I have no problem getting into the top 300."

Wang Yier smiled, his face full of confidence.

With the increase in the number of immortal cultivators in the clan, more and more places will be rewarded by the clan.

Wang Huayue and others explored the seabed and accidentally discovered the Sihua Cave Mansion of Feilong Sanren. They reported it in time. Wang Ruyan and Wang Mengbin explored and got a lot of good things. Afterwards, Wang Huayue and others were rewarded.

The alchemy cultivators such as Wang Yi and Second received two spiritual treasures, a baby water, and 200,000 meritorious deeds. In addition, they all enjoy the treatment of elites, and they will become official elites after waiting for the places to be vacated. Wang Huayue, etc. There are many rewards for people.

Even if he didn't make great achievements again, he didn't buy the baby-born spirit item. When Wang Yier hit the Nascent Soul stage, he had two baby-born spirit items.

The Wang family improved the treatment of the wasteland reclamation team, and took Wang Huayue and others as an example to encourage the tribe to learn from them, attracting many people to become members of the wasteland team, but the wasteland team found nothing.

Zhenhai Palace and other forces have sent more people to explore the seabed, but they have found several fourth-order mineral veins and a seated cave mansion of a virtual cultivator, but the loss is not small.

Luck is also a kind of strength. Wang Yi and others are lucky. They have explored the seabed so many times and found a seated cave dwelling of a cultivator. They directly enjoy the treatment of elite disciples. Some clan elders have explored the seabed for hundreds of years. Nothing was found.

Because of this, the treatment of the tribesmen who reclaimed the wasteland has been improved, which is a good thing.

"Yixin, how about you!"

Wang Yier looked at Wang Yixin and asked with a smile.

"I don't know, the competition is too strong, I will try my best! I will do my best to obey the destiny."

Wang Yixin said seriously.

On the rostrum, Wang Moshan was sitting on the main seat, and dozens of clan elders were sitting on both sides, and they were whispering.

They came this way back then, no wonder.

"It's almost time, the clan will start, let the clan go in one after another to break through."

Wang Moshan ordered.

"Yes, master."

The clan elder hurriedly ordered to go on, and the clan members entered the Lihuo Lian Yao Pagoda one after another to break through.

"Yixin, look at me."

Wang Yi'er patted his chest and strode towards the Lihuo Refining Demon Pagoda.

At this moment, the vitality of heaven and earth suddenly became violent, and colorful light spots appeared in the void, slowly turning into five-color auspicious clouds, floating densely over Qinglian Island.

Before long, these five-color auspicious clouds flew in a certain direction.

"Refining the virtual vision, six or nine thunder tribulations!"

Wang Moshan was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and looked excited.

Tens of thousands of five-color auspicious clouds gathered over a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, collided with each other, burst open, and turned into a huge vortex with a diameter of several hundred meters.

A white light shot up into the sky and turned into a phantom figure of a white woman, holding a white flying sword in her right hand.

Jianxiu's dharmas are not necessarily all swords, but they must be carrying flying swords.

"Ancestor Xue Li!"

Wang Moshan said to himself, his expression excited.

The aura vortex violently surged, and countless five-color raindrops poured down. These raindrops are pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which was absorbed by the female phantom.

The aura of the female phantom soared, and after a cup of tea, the aura vortex dissipated, and the female phantom also dissipated.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and a huge thundercloud floated high in the sky. Countless silver thunder snakes roamed non-stop, and the thunder roared, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

On a steep peak, Wang Qingfeng stood on the top of the mountain. He looked at the thunderclouds high in the sky, and his eyes were full of worry.

A loud thunder sounded, and a silver long rainbow pierced the sky like a silver meteor shower, heading straight for the valley.

The plants in the valley grew rapidly, and a giant tree blocked the entire valley.

The predecessors planted trees and the later generations enjoyed the shade. After Bai Yuqi entered the Void Refinement Stage, she could use raw materials to arrange formations.

Dong Xueli was in the virtual refining period, and she had Jinyu Huiyuan Dan to restore her mana, a sixth-order formation, and a Tianlei talisman. As long as she did not attract more than a dozen five-colored gods, she would be able to survive the six or nine thunder tribulations and advance smoothly. Entering the virtual period.

Silver lightning pierced on top of a tree that was hundreds of feet high. The tree was like a piece of paper.

Countless cyan thorns burst out of the ground, cyan flowers bloomed one after another, and cyan mist rushed out, the fire quickly extinguished, but soon, the second thunder robbery fell.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and the silver lightning flashed like a silver meteor shower, piercing the sky and heading towards the valley where Dong Xueli was located.


Amethyst Island, UU Reading a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a futon, his hands were imprinted, and his eyes were tightly closed.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked up into the sky.

"Is it finally coming?"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, the closer the great catastrophe is, the clearer the immortal cultivator's perception will be.

Generally speaking, the great catastrophe of the cultivator will have a vague feeling a few years in advance, and the closer the time, the stronger the feeling.

There was a thunderous sound of "Rumbling" in his ears, and Wang Changsheng's face froze.

A group of ten-mile-large black thunderclouds floated high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and dense silver lightning could be seen. The black thunderclouds rolled violently, and the volume was still expanding.

Wang Ruyan, Wang Mengbin and Bai Yuqi were standing on a steep peak with nervous expressions.

They have read the records of the great catastrophe in the classics, but there are not many times to watch the cultivator of the virtual cultivating the great catastrophe up close.

After a cup of tea, the thunderclouds were fifty miles in size, and you could see thunder pythons with thick waists wandering around non-stop.

Wang Mengbin sucked in a breath of cold air, which was much stronger than his ordinary thunder technique.

The gap between Thunder Python and Thunder Snake is not very large. From this point of view, the power of the Great Heavenly Tribulation is far stronger than the ordinary Thunder Tribulation of the Great Realm.

A thunderous sound resounded through the sky, reverberating for thousands of miles, and a silver long rainbow cut through the sky, like a silver spear that destroyed the world, and went straight to the manor where Wang Changsheng was located.

Wang Changsheng's residence was like a piece of paper, shattered by the silver spear.

Wang Changsheng's body surface glowed with blue light, and he punched the silver spear.

Generally speaking, the power of the first few rounds of Thunder Tribulation is not strong, and he wants to see how strong the first Thunder Tribulation of the Great Tribulation is. (To be continued)

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