Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2550: Guangyuanzong's troubles

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In a secret room, Wang Xiao sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, a giant golden owl phantom appeared on top of his head, and Jin Xiao's head shone like a real body.

His body is a double-headed owl, but the Dharma does not have two heads, which means that the blood is not pure.

Demon cultivation is the bloodline, tracing back to the source, the bloodline is pure to a certain level, it can transform into a shape, or even become a true spirit, the bloodline purity has little to do with the level.

Mirage is a descendant of true spirits, and its bloodline purity is very high. It was born at the fourth rank. In terms of bloodline purity, the seventh-order mirage demon is not as good as the mirage dragon.

The tortoise evolves in the direction of Xuanwu, and the bloodline is pure to a certain extent, and it can transform into a true spirit.

There are two types of true spirits, one is the descendants of the pioneering alien species, who grow up to the Mahayana period and are true spirits. Their bloodline itself is very high, and there is not much mixed blood. The other kind, through self-cultivation, the bloodline is purified to a certain extent , can also become a true spirit, but the latter is very rare, and the true spirit is more of the former.

The Xuanyang Realm is very large, even if there are a lot of eighth-order monsters, but the number of true spirits is not many.

Wang Xiao hadn't thought that far for now, he just wanted to practice hard and improve his strength.

On the trip to Wandu Island, he made a contribution, and Wang Changsheng gave him a copy of the wind-attribute dharma material. As long as he made a contribution, Wang Changsheng would reward Wang Xiao with clear rewards and punishments, which was why Wang Xiao worked hard.


Xuanling Continent, Qinglian Island.

Green Bamboo Peak, a simple green bamboo building, Wang Qingshan, Wang Qingcheng and Sun Yuejiao were talking.

Wang Moshan has already entered the stage of refining, and just by virtue of his identity as the head of the family, the family will try its best to cultivate him. He is in retreat to consolidate his cultivation.

"I plan to travel inland. I heard that there is the water of the Styx appearing in the inland, and I will leave it to you overseas."

Wang Qingshan said sternly, it is not easy to advance to a small realm when it comes to the refining stage. The family scouts came to report that there was the water of the Styx appearing somewhere in the interior. Maybe there is no chance.

The sixth-order medicinal herbs that improve mana, take a dozen bottles, can only save thousands of years of hard work, if you want to advance to a small realm, at least you need dozens of bottles, or even more.

Liu Hongxue can refine two kinds of sixth-order medicinal pills for improving mana, but there are quite a few cultivators in the Wang family, and each cultivator has not many sixth-order medicinal pills. If they want to go further, they need to find opportunities.

Whether it is a family or a sect, the help is limited, and you have to work hard.

Wang Changsheng asked Wang Qingshan to take care of the family, but he did not say that Wang Qingshan would not be allowed to travel.

"Seventh brother, feel free to travel! Leave the affairs of the clan to us."

Wang Qingcheng patted his chest and agreed.

"I don't worry about other things. You have to control the scale of that matter. If conditions permit, you must be careful when I come back to deal with it."

Wang Qingshan's face was solemn, he was talking about the half-page Tianxu Jade Book.

The Xuanling Continent is very large, and Wang Qingshan can't guarantee that he will be able to come back in time. This matter must be explained clearly to Wang Qingcheng.

"Don't worry! I know what to do."

Wang Qingcheng agreed.

Wang Qingshan said a few words and left Qinglian Island.


Inland, Guangyuanzong.

The door of a certain secret room opened, and Wang Mengshan came out, his eyes flashing.

He is currently in the Great Perfection of Spirit Transformation, and he can consider entering the Void Refinement Stage. He also cultivates other types of exercises, and what he needs is an auxiliary panacea. With the strength of Guangyuan Sect, it is very difficult to obtain these things.

Guangyuanzong is an affiliated force of Qianyuanmen, and the development of Qianyuanmen is also very good. At present, there are two cultivators and more than 70 cultivators.

After he killed Li Lei and the other two, he invested his blood and bought Luo Yun, Li Lei's backer.

The world is bustling, and for the benefit of exchanges, Li Lei and Luo Yun are only interested. As long as he is willing to spend money, it is not difficult to buy Luo Yun.

Luo Yun was in the imaginary stage, and he was unlucky, attracting four three-color divine thunders, and died under the thunder calamity.

Qianyuanmen competed with other forces for resources to cultivate immortals, and war broke out, often recruiting affiliated forces.

Guangyuanzong now has six spiritual monks, three of whom are disciples and grandsons of Wang Mengshan.

Wang Mengshan took out a communication disk with a flashing blue light, entered a magic formula, and a respectful man's voice sounded: "Master, fellow Taoist Luo from Qianyuanmen is here."

Luo Yun has died and disappeared, but his descendants have entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and Wang Mengshan has not changed his tune and made confessions on a regular basis.

"Understood, invite him to the living room, and I'll go there right away."

Wang Mengshan instructed, a dazzling silver light lit up on his chest, and his breath dropped sharply.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. Wang Mengshan knows this truth, and specially asked the family for a seven-star pendant, which can restrain his breathing.

Qixing Pei is a spiritual treasure, and the spiritual cultivator cannot see through his cultivation.

With the development and growth of Qianyuanmen, it began to suppress the affiliated Xiuxian sects to prevent the affiliated forces from getting out of control, it is easy to share weal and woe, and to share wealth and hardship.

The forces that relied on Qianyuanmen at the same time as Guangyuanzong, and the slightly stronger forces were suppressed by Qianyuanmen. After all, Qianyuanmen were only two cultivators.

Wang Mengshan is already very low-key, but most of the forces stronger than Guangyuanzong have suffered greatly, so naturally it is Guangyuanzong's turn.

When he came to the reception room, Wang Mengshan saw a middle-aged man with a fat brain talking to a plump middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman wore a long white dress, her facial features were exquisite, and her skin was snowy.

Li Yu, Wang Mengshan's apprentice, has a cultivation base in the early days of God Transformation, and is usually responsible for chores.

Li Yu was cultivated by Wang Mengshan, and her Taoist companion Han Shuo was also Wang Mengshan's apprentice.

The middle-aged man is Luo Qinghong, a descendant of Luo Yun.

"Friend Luo, long time no see, why are you free today, come to our Guangyuan Sect."

Wang Mengshan greeted with a smile and a warm tone.

"Friend Wang Dao, the order of my head, come to assign a mission."

Luo Qinghong said sternly.

Wang Mengshan's heart skipped a beat, but he did not change his face, and said, "Task? What task?"

"The Sun family in Feiyungu has always been against our Qianyuan Sect. Not long ago, they injured Junior Sister Yang and Senior Sister Li, and the head asked you Guangyuan Sect to destroy the Sun family."

Luo Qinghong said slowly, to be honest, he didn't want such a thing to happen. Wang Mengshan made offerings on a regular basis. If there were any festivals or celebrations, Wang Mengshan would send heavy gifts, but the top officials of Qianyuanmen wanted to suppress Guangyuanzong.

It is best for Wang Mengshan to be killed or seriously injured, and Qianyuanmen to support other cultivators to better control Guangyuanzong.

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