Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2551: Kill the Sun family

There are many affiliated forces that are more powerful than Guangyuanzong, but most of these affiliated forces are immortal-cultivating families, and they have personnel in many departments of Qianyuanmen. The forces are intertwined, and they can only suppress Guangyuanzong.

"To deal with the Sun family?"

Wang Mengshan frowned. According to the information, the Sun family had four spiritual monks, maybe more.

Qianyuanmen wanted to kill people with swords, get rid of Wang Mengshan and other spiritual monks, and better control Guangyuanzong.

Luo Qinghong nodded and said, "That's right, the above told you Guangyuan Sect to destroy the Sun family."

"Fellow Daoist Luo, there are at least four cultivators in the Sun family, as well as a great formation for protecting the clan. It is very difficult for us to capture it. It is very difficult for us to rely on our Guangyuan Sect."

Li Yu's face was troubled.

"This is the order of the head, and I can't do anything about it. With the supernatural powers of Daoyou Wang, there should be no problem. By the way, we have an inner responder in the Sun family, and he will take you in. I hope you can come back soon."

Luo Qinghong took out a cyan scroll, handed it to Wang Mengshan, and said, "This is the portrait of the inner responder, he is not low in the Sun family, you lead the masters to infiltrate the Sun family, and those cultivators from the Sun family are not your opponents. "

Wang Mengshan looked embarrassed and said, "Friend Luo, suddenly we are going to destroy the Sun family. It's really hasty, can you..."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this is not a request, this is an order. Do you want to disobey the order of our Qianyuan Sect?"

Luo Qinghong's tone cooled down. The head of Qianyuanmen had already told him that after removing Wang Mengshan and other gods, he would be sent to sit in Guangyuanzong. No matter how much benefits Wang Mengshan gave, it was only part of it. Control Guangyuanzong.

"Okay! We'll leave as soon as possible."

Wang Mengshan agreed.

"It's almost the same, fellow Daoist Wang, I hope to hear your good news soon."

After Luo Qinghong said this, he got up and left.

Wang Mengshan summoned five spiritual monks to discuss the matter. He wanted to see the attitude of his subordinates.

"Master, Qianyuanmen is using a knife to kill people. I think so, we follow Neiying into Sun's house, you stay outside, if there is an accident, you can retreat, and then you can explain to Qianyuanmen."

Li Yu was the first to make a statement.

"Master, the Qianyuanmen may have agreed with the Sun family, and we will wait for us with a big formation. We pretended to infiltrate the Sun's family and attacked halfway, saying that we were found, and we can explain to the Qianyuanmen afterwards."

Han Shuo offered his opinion.

"Master, we can join forces with the Sun family's hostile forces to destroy the Sun family."

A gentle and gentle man in a red shirt suggested that Chen Yang, he was the disciple and grandson of Wang Mengshan, and had the cultivation base in the early stage of God Transformation.

The other two also expressed their opinions, and they were both willing to follow Wang Mengshan into the Sun family.

"Qianyuanmen has made it clear that it wants to weaken our Guangyuan Sect. If we can avoid the first day of the first year, but we can't avoid the fifteenth, then let's do it!"

Wang Mengshan said solemnly, his subordinates are not detached, and this matter can still be done.

This place is too far from the family, and it takes many years to come and go. If he suddenly goes missing, the Qianyuan Sect will take over the Guangyuan Sect.

As a last resort, he doesn't want to ask the family for help. He is now a dark son, and it is not convenient for the family to come forward. If the family comes forward, his efforts over the years will be in vain.

It is not Wang Mengshan's character to ask the family for help in case of trouble.

The strength of the Sun family is not weak, but Wang Mengshan also has a lot of treasures in his hands.

Wang Mengshan didn't notify the others, and went straight to Sun's house with five cultivators.


The Sun family of Feiyungu has been inherited for more than 5,000 years. At its peak, there were eighteen cultivators of the gods, but now they have declined. There are only five cultivators. One traveled abroad and did not return, and four stayed in the family.

Sun Hongmei has been practicing Taoism for more than a thousand years. She is currently in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and she is the most cultivated clan of the Sun family.

In the council hall, more than 30 clan elders including Sun Hongmei were discussing something, and their faces were solemn.

"According to the information, Guangyuanzong will deal with our Sun family in the near future, relax the outside and tighten the inside, and strengthen the guard..."

Before Sun Hongmei could finish her words, a deafening alarm sounded, and the council room shook violently.

"Not good, enemy attack."

"There is a strong enemy invading, quickly start the great formation of protecting the clan."

"Quickly inform the ancestors that there is a strong enemy invading."


There was a panicked sound from outside, and the face of the old Sun family in the council hall became ugly.

"What are you panicking about? Immediately send someone to contact the Qi family and the Chen family, ask for support, and start the family protection formation. I don't believe that they can break through our Sun family protection formation in a short period of time."

Sun Hongmei instructed that the Sun family has been inherited for many years, so naturally there are many allies, and their lips are dead and their teeth are cold.

"Follow me out to see, I want to see, just rely on Guangyuanzong, how to take down our Sun family."

Sun Hongmei flew out, and the other clan elders followed.

A huge yellow light curtain covers the entire Sun family. There is a pattern of a yellow turtle on the surface of the yellow light curtain.

The six men Wang Mengshan were attacking the yellow light curtain. A giant ape puppet more than a hundred feet tall waving a yellow mace and smashed it towards the yellow light curtain.

The cultivator of the Sun family attacked the giant ape puppet. Several pieces of spiritual treasures hit the giant ape puppet, and there was a muffled sound, as if hitting a copper wall.

Sun Hongmei and the other four cultivators did not fly out to fight, let alone six cultivators, even if it was sixteen cultivators, it would not be easy to break through the Sun family's clan protection formation. After all, they were controlled by the cultivators. array.

Wang Mengshan raised his right hand, and a small red light flashed out and entered a magic trick. The red small seal instantly expanded, and countless red flames poured out, like a huge volcano, smashing into the yellow light curtain.

Sun Hongmei's expression changed, and she hurriedly entered several magic tricks on the array plate. Hundreds of thick yellow lights shot up into the sky and went straight to the sky, facing the giant red seal, UU reading www. At the same time, the four god-turning cultivators sacrificed their treasures and attacked the giant red seal to prevent it from falling.

The giant ape puppet opened its mouth and spewed out a thick yellow light, hitting the yellow light curtain. in front of the light curtain.

The surface of the golden bead is covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, and the spiritual light is shining.

"Breaking the formation beads!"

Sun Hongmei exclaimed that the formation-breaking beads can weaken the power of formations below the sixth rank. This is a very precious treasure. She did not expect that Wang Mengshan actually had such a treasure as the formation-breaking beads.

Wang Mengshan's expression was indifferent. The array-breaking beads were considered precious to the Sun family, but they were not precious to the Wang family. Only treasures that could weaken the sixth-order formation were considered precious.

This is the advantage of being born in a big power. Compared with the Li Jialong family and the Song family, the Wang family is naturally not a big power, but compared with the Sun family, Guangyuanzong and other forces, the Wang family is a big power.

A loud thunder sounded, the formation beads burst apart, and a golden aura shot up into the sky, drowning most of the yellow light curtain.

Wang Mengshan swung his sword towards the yellow light curtain, and tens of thousands of sword qi swept out, heading straight for the yellow light curtain.

Li Yu and others stepped up their attacks one after another, and all kinds of auras drowned out the yellow light curtain.


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