Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2552: Secret Realm (not available today)

After the rumbling sound, the yellow light curtain shattered and was replaced by a thick cyan light curtain. The surface of the cyan light curtain had countless flower and grass patterns, and the aura shone.

The Sun family has a long heritage, how could there be only one set of fifth-order defense formations.

The Sun family has a total of two fifth-order defensive formations and two attacking formations, and Wang Mengshan just broke one of the defensive formations.

Sun Hongmei's eyes were gloomy, and the yellow array plate in her hand was shattered, replaced by a seven-pointed array plate with a gleaming blue light, with flower and grass patterns on the surface of the array plate.

"Activate the formation and kill them."

Sun Hongmei ordered.

Three cultivators of the Sun family who were in the Divine Transformation stage entered a magic formula into the formation plate one after another. There was a deafening roar from the sky, and a huge red fire cloud appeared in the sky, and the sky darkened.

The red fire clouds rolled and surged like boiling water, and the red fireballs fell down one by one. At the same time, gusts of wind blew on the ground, and the ground turned the soil into sand, forming a huge sand pit.

The giant ape puppet instantly sank into the bunker, its body was full of aura, and it wanted to fly out of the huge bunker, but a strong suction came from the ground, and the Sun family cultivator controlled the spirit treasure and the formation to attack the giant ape puppet beast. Countless yellow sand submerged the giant ape puppet beast, and it completely disappeared into the sand pit.

Wang Mengshan's expression didn't change, and when he flipped his right hand, a golden light flashed, and a golden metal ball appeared in his hand. This was also a fifth-order puppet beast.

The fifth-order puppet beast is not a rare thing, there are many cultivators who can make fifth-order puppet beasts, and there are many forces selling fifth-order puppet beasts, and the Wang family is just one of them.

With a flick of his wrist, the metal ball slid out of his hand and entered a magic formula. The metal ball exploded with aura, turning into a golden giant eagle with wings spread out over a hundred feet in size, and countless golden electric arcs danced around his body.

Puppet beasts can be made from monster bones or metal ore, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The golden eagle puppet hovered uncertainly in the sky, and there was a deafening sound of thunder from the sky, and a huge golden thundercloud appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder.

This fifth-order puppet beast can only be driven by a high-grade Lei Lingshi, and Wang Mengshan does not have many Lei Lingshi in his hands. This golden eagle puppet is one of his cards.

Wang Mengshan raised his right hand, and a silver light flew out, instantly appearing in front of the cyan light curtain. It was a talisman that flickered with silver light. On the surface of the talisman, countless small runes could be seen, and the aura shone.

"Broken talisman!"

Sun Hongmei was stunned. It would be very good to have a treasure to break the formation. Wang Mengshan actually had a formation-breaking bead and a formation-breaking talisman.

With a flash of silver light, the formation-breaking talisman burst open, a dazzling silver light lit up, and the aura of the cyan light curtain dimmed.

Tens of thousands of sharp blade qi slashed on top of the cyan light curtain one after another, the cyan light curtain was twisted and deformed, accompanied by a huge thunderous sound, the dense golden lightning slashed, and the cyan light curtain was torn apart.

Sun Hongmei's appearance changed greatly, and she hurriedly offered a small umbrella with a flash of blue light, propped it on top of her head, and the small blue umbrella dropped a curtain of blue light, protecting her whole body and blocking the falling golden lightning.

"Man and knife unite!"

A thunderous sound rang in Sun Hongmei's ears, causing her ears to buzz.

A yellow Changhong lasing came and was blocked by the cyan light curtain.

A golden thunder light lit up, and the golden eagle puppet beast appeared, its wings spread, and countless golden arcs surged out, drowning the cyan light curtain, and at the same time a pair of sharp claws hit the cyan light curtain.

At the same time, the aura of the yellow giant blade rose sharply, and the cyan light curtain instantly shattered.

Sun Hongmei was cut in half by the giant yellow blade, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out of her body.

With a flash of yellow light, the yellow giant blade turned into Wang Mengshan and a long yellow knife. Wang Mengshan grabbed the mini-Yuan Ying, and skillfully affixed a silver talisman and put it in a golden jade box.

When Sun Hongmei died, the morale of the Sun family plummeted, and they all fled for their lives. Without a defensive formation, the Sun family could not stop the six transformation gods and a fifth-order puppet beast, and suffered heavy casualties.

The golden eagle puppet beast's supernatural powers were vast, and they used the thunder escape technique to sneak up on the Sun family's cultivators, and with the cooperation of the five Li Yu, the remaining three cultivators perished, and Yuan Ying failed to stay.

The Sun family cultivators fled everywhere, and the Yuanying cultivators were all killed.

Wang Mengshan opened the family treasure house of the Sun family, took away all the property inside, and then led people to retreat. When the reinforcements from the Sun family arrived, the six Wang Mengshan had already left.

After this war, Wang Mengshan became famous.


Guangyuanzong, the council hall.

Luo Qinghong looked at Wang Mengshan incredulously, his eyes full of fear.

In his opinion, even if Wang Mengshan could destroy the Sun family, he would still be seriously injured, but looking at Wang Mengshan's situation, it was clear that there was no serious problem.

He still underestimated Wang Mengshan, no wonder the high-level people wanted to kill people with a knife.

"Haha, fellow Daoist Wang has worked hard, I will definitely report it to the senior senior brother and ask for the credit for you."

Luo Qinghong laughed, his tone warm.

"We got a lot of things, this is a little bit of my heart, fellow Daoist Luo, please don't dislike it."

Wang Mengshan took out a yellow storage ring and handed it to Luo Qinghong.

He knew that Qianyuanmen wanted to weaken the strength of Guangyuanzong, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and he needed to stabilize Qianyuanmen for a while.

Luo Qinghong took the storage ring, swept away his consciousness, and put away the storage ring.

"Young Daoyou Wang is polite, don't worry, I will speak for you."

After sending Luo Qinghong away, Wang Mengshan asked Li Yu and others to go back to practice and strengthen their guard to prevent the Sun family from fighting back.

Wang Mengshan walked into a secret room, took out Luo Hongmei's Nascent Soul, and performed soul searching.

After a while, UU reading Wang Mengshan let out a sigh of relief, and his expression became excited.

"Secret realm!"

A family surnamed Mu discovered an unknown secret realm, but before it was opened, the Sun family knew. The Huashen cultivator wanted to take revenge, but was wounded by the Sun Family Huashen instead.

Sun Hongmei was worried that the leaking of the news would lead to trouble, so she strictly blocked the news. There were only seven people inside, four Huashen, two Nascent Souls, and one Jiedan.

This secret realm is handed over to the family, and it will definitely be able to get a panacea to impact the refining period.

Wang Mengshan is not in a hurry. He needs to make sure that all the insiders are dead before he can hand over the secret realm with confidence. Of course, before that, he will try to enter the secret realm and search it first.

The four gods of the Sun family can't open the secret realm together. That secret realm is definitely not ordinary. Maybe there is something that the cultivator needs.

According to Sun Hongmei’s knowledge, this secret realm was created by the Lin family in Cyanwood Mountain. The Lin family was good at planting. At its peak, there were five cultivators. However, after encountering several major disasters, the Lin family gradually declined and eventually disappeared in history. in the long river.

The Mu family found the entrance to the secret realm by chance, but it couldn't be opened. The news leaked and was destroyed by the Sun family, and the Sun family was destroyed by Wang Mengshan.


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