Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2553: Tasks delegated by the head of the household

In Qinglian Valley, the streets are rubbing shoulders, and there is a lot of traffic, and the noise is endless.

In a secluded courtyard, Liu Hongxue and Wang Huayue sat chatting in a stone pavilion.

Wang Huayue has already reached the Great Perfection of Spirit Transformation, and is ready to retreat to impact the virtual refining stage. This time, she came here to ask Liu Hongxue for some advice on impacting the virtual refining stage.

"Mother has prepared it for you. Here are two sixth-order defensive talismans, and a bottle of Jinyu Huiyuan Dan, plus the Heavenly Thunder Transformation Spiritual Talisman, it should be no problem."

Liu Hongxue took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Wang Huayue.

"Mother, is Dad closed again?"

Wang Huayue asked knowingly and looked at the attic not far away.

"It's not like you don't know your father's character. If nothing happens, he will retreat and practice."

Liu Hongxue said with a smile, she admires Wang Yingjie very much, and Wang Yingjie's diligence is famous in the whole family.

"God rewards hard work, no matter what kind of qualifications, you have to work hard to cultivate."

A loud male voice sounded, and Wang Yingjie walked out of the attic.

"Husband, why did you get out so quickly this time?"

Liu Hongxue said in surprise, Wang Yingjie retreated once, for hundreds of years.

"I guess Huayue is about to break into the virtual period. Tell her about my experience."

Wang Yingjie explained.

"Father, you've already entered the stage of virtual refining, and your mother is an alchemist. You can't afford to keep cultivating in seclusion."

Wang Huayue suggested.

Wang Yingjie sighed, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and said: "I am different from you, I was born in the lower realm, and I have five spiritual roots. I have worked five times, but I can't catch up with the three spiritual roots. You know me How desperate is it? More than one clan elder advised me that the five spiritual roots are destined to go not far, enjoy it at ease, and live a peaceful life."

"For the people of the Wulinggen clan like me, foundation building is very good, and there are very few pill formations, let alone baby formation, but I don't accept fate, I firmly believe that God rewards hard work, and my qualifications are not comparable to others. I can only work harder, God rewards diligence, I don't know how many times I've said it to myself, I'm almost stunned."

"You all say that I cultivate hard. Apart from this, do I have anything else that is better than others? Now that the environment has become better, I have to work harder. I want to prove that God rewards hard work. Qualification can't decide everything."

Wang Yingjie's eyes are firm. A Mahayana monk with five spiritual roots in the Qingli Sea Area can do it, and he firmly believes that he can do it too. First of all, he must practice diligently.

The environment of the family has improved, the treatment of the clansmen has improved, and there are quite a few Nascent Soul cultivators from the Five Spiritual Roots.

Of course, the environment is important, but the heart to the Tao is even more important.

Liu Hongxue and Wang Huayue were in awe. After hearing this, they somewhat understood Wang Yingjie.

They don't have Wang Yingjie's experience, so they can't empathize with them, they can only understand.

"By the way, this is a robbery pearl given by our ancestors, and we all have a share."

Liu Hongxue took out a beautiful cyan jade box and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

"For Jiezhu!"

Wang Yingjie was a little surprised, he knew how precious the Jiezhu was.

Wang Yingjie accepted the cyan jade box. He told Wang Huayue about his experience of breaking through the virtual refining period.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Wang Huayue left.

"Husband, how is Qianyang Huanmu's cultivation?"

Liu Hongxue asked, she knew that Wang Yingjie was cultivating secret techniques, otherwise she would not have left the border so quickly.

"Thanks to Madam's refining of Qianyang Jade Liquid, I have cultivated Qianyang Huanmu to a small degree."

Wang Yingjie said excitedly, Liu Hongxue is an alchemist, and it is more convenient for Wang Yingjie to practice Qianyang Illusion, so he can help Liu Hongxue to refine Qianyang Jade Liquid when he finds the materials.

"Some time ago, Daoyou Li and I exchanged two 5,000-year-old dry sun grass, and refined some dry sun jade liquid. Husband, let's use it to practice dry sun illusion!"

Liu Hongxue took out a red gourd and handed it to Wang Yingjie.

"I've already cultivated Qianyang Illusion Eye to a small degree. Take these Dry Yang Jade Liquid to practice Qianyang Illusion Eye!"

Wang Yingjie politely declined.

"It is easy to get started with a pupil technique, but it is difficult to cultivate it to a great achievement. Xiaocheng's Qianyang Illusory Eye has limited power. It is better for two people to cultivate Qianyang Illusionary Eye to a small achievement. Take it to practice Qianyang Illusion!"

Liu Hongxue stuffed the red gourd into Wang Yingjie.

Wang Yingjie was about to say something when a sound transmission flew in.

Liu Hongxue grabbed the sound transmission and crushed it, and Bai Yuqi's voice sounded: "Hongxue, the Patriarch sent me here to do some errands, and I need your help."

"Old Yuqi is here!"

Wang Yingjie and Liu Hongxue were taken aback for a moment. Wang Moshan sent Bai Yuqi over to do errands. Do you still need their help? What's going on?

They quickly walked out, Bai Yuqi was standing at the door.

"Ancestor Yuqi, come in and talk."

Wang Yingjie invited Bai Yuqi in.

Bai Yuqi didn't talk nonsense either, she briefly explained her purpose.

An undercover spy from the family discovered an unknown secret realm, which couldn't be opened even by the joint efforts of several cultivators. Wang Moshan sent Bai Yuqi to assist.

"Unknown secret realm?"

Wang Yingjie was overjoyed, if there were treasures in the secret realm, that would be great.

"By the way, Ancestor Yuqi, do you need to notify Ancestor Qingfeng and Ancestor Xueli about this?"

Wang Yingjie remembered something and asked.

"A large-scale beast tide is about to break out in the outer sea. They have already returned to the outer sea. You or Hongxue will go with me to open the secret realm and explore it. We must leave a cultivator to sit in Qinglian Valley."

Bai Yuqi explained.

A large-scale beast tide is about to break out. According to reliable sources, the scale of this time's beast tide is relatively large. Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli have returned to the open sea, preparing to deal with the coming large beast tide.

At this juncture, the undercover detective discovered an unknown secret realm.

"Spy? Can't even open the fifth-order array mage in the clan?"

Liu Hongxue was stunned for a moment. Generally speaking, when discovering an unknown secret realm, you should first let the spiritual cultivator investigate, and then send someone to notify the virtual cultivator and report layer by layer.

"The spy's level is very high. The owner didn't alert the others. Let's make a trip and open the entrance to the secret realm. The fewer people know about it, the better. There should be a lot of elixir from high years."

Bai Yuqi said sternly, she didn't know the identity of the spy either. Wang Moshan directly dispatched the cultivator, just because he didn't want too many people to know about it.

"I'll go with ancestor Yuqi! Madam is staying in Qinglian Valley. By the way, I will transport a batch of supplies back to the sea, which will be useful to deal with the beast tide."

Wang Yingjie took the initiative to invite Ying and exhorted.

He collects the elixir of high years, and will give it to Liu Hongxue for alchemy. He and Liu Hongxue can make a trip.

"Understood, you should be more careful and don't be careless."

Liu Hongxue agreed and gave a few words of advice.

Wang Yingjie and Bai Yuqi left Qinglian Valley and rushed to their destination.


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