Top of the big era

Chapter 1910 Cost of layoffs

Layoffs cost far more than recruitment, which is actually relatively small in China. You only need to pay "N+1" compensation. But even "N+1" is a heavy pressure that many companies cannot bear.

For example, if an employee works for 3 years, he will be compensated with 4 months' salary when he leaves.

If hundreds of people are laid off at one time, the cost of layoffs is millions.

Large companies are actually fine and can afford it. The same cannot be said for small companies. The total profit for a year may not be enough to cover layoffs. If they don't use some tricks to lay off employees, the company will not be able to make money.

Therefore, for the HR industry, its performance is often evaluated based on the cost of layoffs.

HR does all the bad things, bluffing and lying in front of employees, asking them to voluntarily give up compensation in order to get a beautiful certificate of voluntary resignation.

This is because the barriers between industries are too high. Except for people in the HR department, people in other departments simply don’t know the routines and tricks involved.

If you know your business, employees only need to insist on one thing when they are laid off - not to accept settlement, only "N+1" compensation - and they will be able to secure their legitimate interests.

As long as the company is not involved in government affairs or underworld, HR has no way to deal with it.

When it comes to layoffs, employees must take the initiative.

No severance compensation?

Then sue!

See you directly in court!

For companies, the biggest fear is going to court.

It's not the "N+1" compensation stipulated in the labor law, it's only a few dollars. The fundamental reason is that once it goes to court and the procuratorate comes to collect evidence, it may find out some other things.

Most companies have more or less irregularities in their operations, such as reasonable tax avoidance in principle, not paying social security according to employees' actual wages, etc.

Once the company and its employees embark on legal proceedings, the company will bear the risk of huge and unimaginable penalties.

So when it comes to layoffs, there are two levels: those who are hungry to death and those who are stretched to death.

Some people don't understand anything and can't even get the most basic severance compensation. They are as docile as a little sheep and can be coaxed into submission by HR casually.

There is another kind of person who is very powerful and wants to lay off employees?


Don’t even think about spending your time as a beggar with a mere N+1 severance compensation!

After being laid off, the company wants to settle the dispute with N+1 compensation. This is impossible. I have to take a big bite of fat to be satisfied.

In fact, he is asking for a hush fee.

Some companies are afraid that things will get serious, so when they encounter such a bold and cruel guy, they can only admit defeat and spend money to resolve the crisis.

Some companies did not want to be threatened by such evil employees, so they arrested them and detained them for 251 days. As a result, after repeated investigations, the crime of extortion was not found to be true. In the end, there was no choice but to provide higher compensation, and the matter was settled completely by paying tens of millions.

However, people with such wolfish spirit are rare after all.

Domestic migrant workers have been tamed into two-legged sheep by society. Each one is more obedient than the other. Not many people dare to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests. It's okay to shout slogans, one is more powerful than the other, it seems that he doesn't even bother to defeat the powerful, and it really falls on him. Let alone challenge the powerful, he doesn't dare to challenge a private enterprise, and when he is bullied, he often has to swallow his anger. .

For Ziweixing, this time laid off 120 people at a cost of only 2 million. At first glance, it seems like a small amount of money spent, which is in the company's interests.

But this is really not in line with Zhou Buqi's value concept for Ziweixing.

Ziweixing is not short of money, so what’s the point of doing this?

Lay off 120 people, normal layoffs, which is a layoff cost of about 6 million. After doing a set of operations, it hurts the employees' hearts, which means "saving" about 4 million in costs. Is it worth it?

Let alone 4 million, even 40 million or 400 million are not worth it!

This affects the high-end brand established by Ziweixing!

Meng Houkun said: "What happened this time was not the behavior of the company headquarters."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Meng Houkun said: "I checked and found that the headquarters has not made any request to reduce the cost of layoffs. The layoffs must be completed in an orderly manner in accordance with the company's articles of association and the employees' emotions should be appeased. However, when the implementation was carried out on the friends network, something happened. There were some mistakes."

Zhou Buqi smiled angrily and said: "What do you mean? The policy above is good, but the implementation below is wrong?"

"It's really not irony, it's a fact." Meng Houkun laughed, "This layoff was carried out in the external marketing department of Now that Internet advertising is becoming more and more popular, businesses are also accustomed to advertising on Internet platforms. We no longer need so many sales to take the initiative to find orders. So we have to lay off employees. And this layoff process will be recorded in the quarterly report of Friends.”


Zhou Buqi felt a little stunned at this moment.

So that’s it!

As far as Ziweixing is concerned, it is really not short of the mere millions of layoff funds. No group executive will do anything to infringe the interests of resigned employees for this small profit.

This kind of thing is too low and does no good.

Ziweixing is not a small company, so it is not short of such a small amount of money.

Even, because of its large scale, does not care too much about the cost of layoffs. This small amount of money can be completely ignored even if it is merged into the reports of

However, the same cannot be said for the external marketing department of Friends Network.

This is a small department.

And with the development of the Internet, the existence of this department has become less and less meaningful. In the past, when advertising on, many salespeople had to be sent over to explain clearly to merchants the benefits of advertising on and attract them to place orders. It is no longer necessary now. Advertisers have understood the meaning of Internet advertising and are actively looking for friend networks to advertise.

This resulted in the performance of the external marketing department getting worse and worse, and layoffs were required.

If layoffs cost too much, the department's reports will be ugly and its performance will get worse, which will lead to further layoffs, leading to a vicious cycle.

Such an analysis is really a matter for the execution layer below.

But Zhou Buqi didn't accept this, "No, we can't handle it lightly this time! All mistakes must be commended from bottom to top, and all mistakes must be borne by top to bottom. What happened this time" , we must catch a typical example!”

"Who to arrest?" Meng Houkun laughed, "Wang Haiyang?"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes narrowed and he was a little angry, "I think you did it on purpose, right?"

Wang Haiyang is the chief human resources officer of Ziweixing.

He can be considered one of the veterans. He Yang hired him from Asus. Because of this person's joining, an international management system was brought to Ziweixing, and more international talents later came to the company.

After so many years, it is obvious that the growth rate of his capabilities cannot keep up with the development speed of the company.

Meng Houkun had been eyeing him for a long time and wanted to take him down, but he never got the chance. He said unabashedly: "It was intentional. What happened this time happened under his hands. You also saw it. It’s so petty.”

Zhou Buqi was silent for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "What happened this time is too bad in nature."

Meng Houkun said: "College students who are looking for jobs after graduation join Ziweixing with full enthusiasm and beautiful ideals for life. This is their first time to enter the society, and they chose us at the first stop. This is the glory of Ziweixing." That's right! It's just like...just like a man gets the best first time for a girl. Even if one day the relationship breaks down and they are about to break up, they must get together well and not hurt them. Men should Take responsibility and don’t be spurned by others like a scumbag. Just like me, the girlfriends I used to date are still in contact with me and they are all good friends. If we can’t be lovers, at least we can be Friends, right? Never turn against each other."

Zhou Buqi's expression was complicated, "Well, you are really a master of love. Last time I went to Pengcheng, Ma Pingshan told me that he wanted to chop me into pieces."

Meng Houkun's face froze and he said quickly: "Don't interrupt and just tell me whether what I said makes sense, right? College students joined Ziweixing with enthusiasm, and we should give them the best treatment and the best training environment. Even so. There are really some differences, and we have to lay off employees, and we must make up for their losses to the greatest extent possible."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "N+1 is the compensation stipulated by the state. This standard is too low. Ziweixing and Ziweixing International are actually the same company. The same standards should be adopted."

"The same standard?" Meng Houkun was slightly startled, "N+3?"

Zhou Buqi said: "College students are the future, not only the future of the company, but also the future of this society and this country. Ziweixing must never forget that our company has grown with the support of college students who live frugally. Every college student is a benefactor of Ziweixing! Now that Ziweixing has grown, we must give back to them as much as possible! Let’s not mention the employees recruited by the company. According to national standards, N+1 compensation is enough. If It is those college students who joined Ziweixing after graduating from college and gave their first time to Ziweixing. We must have special preferential treatment for them and provide meticulous care as much as possible! In terms of severance compensation, we must adopt the Silicon Valley approach standards and adopt an N+3 compensation mechanism.”

When it comes to "college students", most people really can't understand the feelings of the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance" group.

When we started our business, we all had no money and were using the free labor of college students. Relying on the enthusiasm and free hands of college students, we help everyone start their careers bit by bit.

Although people like Zhou Buqi and Meng Houkun have graduated many years ago and have long lost their status as college students, this gene has not changed.

"College students" have always occupied an extremely important strategic core position in Ziweixing's discourse system.

Obviously, Wang Haiyang did not understand this matter deeply enough.

Meng Houkun was very dissatisfied.

He is fighting injustice.

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