Top of the big era

Chapter 3071 The Price of Awakening

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "When recruiting workers in factories in the south, they also have academic requirements. If you have never been in the manufacturing industry, you may not know that even Foxconn's assembly line workers have academic requirements."

"What degree?" Zhang Chaoyang was a little unbelievable. The popularity of education in China is not that high. "Aren't all assembly line workers doing repetitive jobs?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Because of the repetitive work, there are academic requirements, which must be high school or below."


Zhang Chaoyang was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "If you are a primary school student or a junior high school student, you can work as a worker. If you are a high school student or even a college student, they won't want you at all! You will be stuck at the academic level!"

Zhang Chaoyang laughed and said: "Reverse academic qualifications!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I work on the campus network and I know that many college students go to work in factories during the summer. They don't dare to say that they are college students. They all say that they came out to hang out before graduating from junior high school. After playing games for several years, their families won't sign them. I have no choice but to work in a factory. That’s why they recruit you.”

Zhang Chaoyang thought for a moment and said slowly: "It's true that some people would rather do a lot of repetitive work every day than learn any crafts or techniques. They feel that learning is too tiring and they can't bear the hard work; some People are better at learning, but find it difficult to accept doing repetitive and mechanical things, which can make people depressed and depressed.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't this the current division of labor model in China? It is the difference between formal employees and outsourced employees. One type is good at continuous learning, exploration, and continuous improvement, and the other type is good at repeatedly doing some assembly lines working.”

“So what does Google say?”

Zhang Chaoyang was very surprised by this.

Google is the benchmark in the technology industry!

But listening to this guy's theory, it seems that Google's employment model is not very appropriate.

Zhou Buqi said: "Google's model is not good. Its innovation and scientific research capabilities are really top-notch. It's a big company of this size. Its innovation ability is really no worse than those of startups. This is Google's way of recruiting only outstanding talents." The advantages of the human resource model are obvious, but the disadvantages are that the operational capabilities are insufficient, the judgment of the product is too elite, and it is difficult to popularize it.”

Zhang Chaoyang pointed at him and said amusedly: "Is it floating?"

Zhou Buqi doesn't think so, "Innovation is from 0 to 1. Google is best at this kind of thing. Ziweixing International has a team that focuses on Google every day to study their newly released products. In this regard, Google is really a role model. However, for the success of a product, it is not enough to go from 0 to 1. Google's innovative products are amazing at the 0-1 stage. The -100 stage quickly fades away.”

Zhang Chaoyang said "hmm".

Zhou Buqi said: "Just like Google+, cloud computing, and smart wearable devices, including the self-driving system that is very popular now, they will all be in trouble in the future. What 0-1 needs is innovation and top-notch The talent of talents. 1-100 is different. Once a product enters the operation stage, it requires a lot of repetitive work and constant iteration and maintenance. Just looking at the operation of the product, the domestic Internet is really invincible. . Even companies like Sohu are stronger than Amazon.”

"What comparison is this?"

Zhang Chaoyang's face darkened.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Sohu's response is quick. Sohu has never had any problems in its operations, right? Amazon has too many faults. Moreover, even if there are faults, they can be solved quickly in China." , even if it’s two or three in the morning, we can organize people to handle it immediately. Amazon is not able to do it. They don’t have the ability.”

Zhang Chaoyang is a veteran Internet entrepreneur who returned from studying in the United States. It is somewhat difficult to accept, "According to your theory, the working ability of top talents is not as good as that of ordinary people?"

"That's right!" Zhou Buqi snorted, "You asked Sohu's chief technology officer to compete with a fresh college student to write some basic code to see whose code is better? You asked college students to compete with those who graduated from junior high school? Go work on the assembly line and see who has the best performance?"

Zhang Chaoyang sighed, "This is the price of awakening!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Here comes the value again."

This is the counter-effect of reading.

It will mentally change a person's attitude towards doing things.

The Zhou family used to do mountain goods business, and it was very big in the 1990s. During this process, I had to interact with many rural areas in the Northeast, so I knew the situation in the rural areas very well.

If a person has been farming since childhood and has not read thousands of books or traveled thousands of miles, he will not feel how hard farming is and how low his income is.

Get used to it.

I accepted it.

If a person goes to college or goes to work in the south, and then asks him to return to his hometown to farm and work, it will be too difficult. You can't tie him with a rope. Because he has been to big cities, seen the world, and met many wealthy people, his thinking has changed, and it is difficult for him to accept the past farming lifestyle. Even if he was forced to pick up farm tools and do farm work, he would feel as if he had lost his soul and it would be impossible for him to calm down and do the farm work well.

So there were three governance strategies in ancient times, one was the household registration system, one was the system of keeping the people ignorant, and one was emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce. Household registration restricts actions, keeping the people ignorant restricts thoughts, and emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce restricts choices, so that the common people can all farm and pay taxes honestly, not cause trouble to the court, and contribute to the royal family.

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Behavior comes from motivation, and motivation comes from thought."

Zhou Buqi said: "There must be a division of labor in work, and capable people may not be able to do all the work. It is not a limitation of ability, but a resistance in thought. If you are calm and don't have so many messy thoughts, it is easier to do things well."

Zhang Chaoyang smiled and said: "Hearing what you said, I also want to recruit a group of outsourced employees!"

Lao Zhang is a good person.

In addition, Sohu's labor demand is not large, and there are no outsourced employees in Sohu.

Zhou Buqi curled his lips and said, "That's not necessary. Sohu doesn't have any high-tech projects or innovative products. There is no need to distinguish between formal employees and outsourced employees. All outsourced employees can be formal employees of Sohu."

Zhang Chaoyang was despised by him again and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense. Sohu Video is doing very well now! It is one of the top three domestic video products! The online copyright of "The Voice of China" is so competitive, but I bought it!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile, "That must be intentional by Jieyu Media to give you face. IQiyi is backed by Baidu, and Youku has also been acquired by Alibaba. What can you use to compete with them?"

"How about..." Zhang Chaoyang glanced at him and suddenly had an idea, "How about I split the video business out? Just like I split the game business out of Sohu."

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi was very alert.

After Changyou was split from Sohu, it has now become the direct industry of Boss Zhou and has achieved world-renowned achievements.

Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile: "Spin off Sohu Video, let Ziweixing invest, let's do this together!"

"Use Sohu's brand?"

"What else?"

"Forget it!" Zhou Buqi would not be fooled, "The streaming media industry is still very immature in China. If you enter the market now, you will lose money every year. Ziweixing has gone public, so you must pay attention to saving money and not invest blindly without reason."

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