Top of the big era

Chapter 428: Fraternal Mutual Aid Association

The normal business logic must be to wait first.

What if "Night Banquet" fails completely, and the defeated Hua Yi's energy is gone, what if he really wants to go bankrupt?

Wait until the movie is released and examine Huayi's specific performance before deciding whether to actually start the shareholder capital increase plan. Isn't the purpose of introducing rich and wealthy shareholders to promote the capital increase plan smoothly?

With the capital increase, Huayi will have more money to operate the next film projects.

In Zhou Buqi's place, it's not a problem.

No probation period is required.

You can go directly!

"Night Banquet" sucks, but with the international chapter and Uncle Ge taking over the show, it's still very easy for the domestic box office to exceed 100 million. The future of Huayi is bright.

In this case, it is better to send the money in advance.

It can not only show sincerity, but also get more benefits.

"President Zhou, you mean..."

Wang Xiaojun was a little excited, his face flushed, and his voice couldn't help but raised a bit.

Then, Boss Liu, Boss Lu, Boss Chen, and Boss Wang interrupted their conversation about the major events of the Entrepreneur Club.

Boss Chen looked over with easy-going eyes, and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhou, Xiao Wang, what's the good news, can I share it with you?"

Wang Xiaojun was a little embarrassed.

But Taishan Club, originally a private business circle organization that shares, learns from and helps each other, took a deep breath and briefly explained the conversation with Zhou Buqi just now.

Then, everyone looked at Zhou Buqi with sharp and hot eyes.

This kid, so decisive?

so determined?

Is this the certificate of nomination sent up?

The most fundamental purpose within the Taishan Club is to help and support each other, also known as the "Brothers' Mutual Aid Association". The shadow of the Taishan Society is basically behind the big moves of private enterprises in China for decades.

The most famous one is to save Shi Yuzhu, and the "village head" helped him to turn over with melatonin.

In addition, Shi Yuzhu reciprocated the dilemma of Stone Group, donated melatonin to Stone, and personally acted as CEO to resolve the crisis;

Oceanwide Group acquired too much land, suffered from indigestion, and couldn't turn over funds. Boss Lu was in trouble, and Boss Liu stepped in to help;

Because of the melamine incident, the domestic milk industry fell into an ice age, and Mengniu was on the verge of bankruptcy. Seeing that the entire industry was about to be ruled by foreign countries, it was Boss Liu who came forward to save the market;

In the crisis of Lenovo in 2009, Oceanwide contributed capital to help solve the most troublesome equity issue within Lenovo;

In order to promote Wanda's share reform and listing, Oceanwide invested 2.5 billion to help; another example is that New Oriental was shorted by muddy water, and the stock price plummeted, and Mr. Liu called for money to raise the stock price; LeTV's tragedy, Sun Hongbin took over; Wanda's tragedy, Sun Hongbin took over...

Famous companies such as Yurun Group, Minsheng Bank, Jiuzhitang, CITIC, Yintai Commercial, Huiyuan Juice and other famous companies encountered setbacks, and there were shadows of Boss Liu, Village Chief Duan, and Boss Lu behind them.

The only problem is that these old guys have no interest in the entertainment industry.

Relatively traditional and conservative thinking is very repulsive to this industry.

Not willing to reach out.

Huayi has been in crisis for more than half a year, and no one has expressed willingness to help.

The Huayi crisis in the previous life was solved by the boss of Alima after he joined the Taishan Club.

In this life, it seemed that it was Boss Zhou's turn.

Boss Liu's face was ruddy and he was in a good mood.

Zhou Buqi was brought in by him. As soon as he entered the game, he helped the brothers in the guild to solve the problems, which made him a recommender.

"Xiao Zhou, what are you going to do?"

"Huayi makes movies, so you can invest in movies...the results are slow, the risk is high, and the cycle of capital return is long. The turnover is not good, and there are often capital problems. If a company puts all its energy on capital turnover, how can it be Scale-up development?"

"you mean……"

"One time solution!"

Zhou Buqi was a little nervous, but also a little proud.

At the dinner table, so many seniors in the business world all set their eyes on him, admiring, surprised, admiring, and emotional. This feeling is very good.

This is the external manifestation of the change in one's own status.

"After I take over the shares, I will directly start the shareholders' capital increase plan. Solve Huayi's debt problem. Then, Jieyu Media will raise a sum of no less than 10 million yuan in Huayi to form a deep strategic partnership. "

Of course, there are tricks behind this.

Everyone is smart and understands.

There must be some people who agree with shareholder capital increase and some people who disagree.

If you agree, you can spend money to keep the shares from shrinking; if you disagree...the shares will be greatly diluted. The diluted share will be divided among Wang Family Brothers, Zhou Buqi and Jieyu Media.

The Wang brothers had no losses.

The two of them hold 100% of Huayi Advertising, and they directly swap debts for shares without paying a penny.

Those who lost were those other shareholders who didn't know the inside story, couldn't see Huayi's future clearly, and refused to continue to inject capital...then they could react after Jieyu Media injected capital.

By then it was too late.

Wang Xiaojun is a ruthless person. Now that he has a new thigh, he will naturally look down on the small shareholders who have invested tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of shares in the past.

Boss Lu didn't know much about Zhou Buqi, a young man, so he couldn't help being surprised, and said with concern: "Xiao Zhou, don't be arrogant. Helping is helping, but don't ruin yourself, and don't affect your capital chain."

Li Yanhong smiled and said, "Boss Lu, don't worry about that, this kid's net worth is not much worse than yours!"


Boss Lu was shocked and seemed unbelievable.

Li Yanhong said: "Didn't I say in January that Baidu was threatened by Google and asked to buy back its shares. At that time, I went to Wall Street to find many people, but no institution was willing to help."

When Boss Lu remembered it, he was even more surprised, "Yes, later on you said that someone helped. Xiao Li, the person you mentioned won't...can't..."

Li Yanhong pointed to Zhou Buqi, "Yes, that's him! It took a total of 267 million yuan to take over Baidu's stock from Google's singer."


The seniors who had just learned the inside story gasped in surprise.

I can't believe it, this young kid who looks like their grandson can spend such a large sum of money to help a friend solve the crisis all at once?

It's amazing!

Especially Wang Xiaojun, who looked at him even more eagerly, as if seeing Huayi Brothers turned into Warner Bros.

Zhou Buqi smiled, and said modestly: "I am also optimistic about Baidu's potential, it is an investment."

Boss Lu waved his hand disapprovingly, and said seriously: "Investment is investment, and helping is helping. These are two different things."

Boss Chen thought it was right, and said with a smile: "Isn't it right to help make money? Well... so, according to our rules, new members need to be recommended by two people. Xiao Zhou is good, I am very optimistic. Mr. Liu is the recommender, and I am one too!"


After the banquet, groups of three or five formed.

Naturally, Wang Xiaojun sat with Zhou Buqi and continued to chat about their entertainment industry.

In the current environment, making movies is really not profitable.

If you want to make money, you still have to watch TV shows.

However, the waters of TV dramas are much deeper than those of movies, and most people really can't play them. Movies are bought by the audience with money. If the movie is well shot, the money will be more. There are still rules to follow.

TV shows are different.

It is mainly purchased by TV stations, which have absolute dominance. Therefore, in order to sell the TV series, the producers have to arrange for female stars to drink with the purchasing leaders and negotiate a good price.

This atmosphere is very bad.

It is said that it has attracted the attention of the leaders of the General Administration, requiring the procurement leaders of major TV stations not to be men, but only women!

Zhou Buqi almost threw up when he heard that.

Changing the man into a woman, can the atmosphere be changed?

In the past, it was a male leader who wanted a female star to accompany the drink, but if it is changed to a female leader in the future, it must be a handsome guy to accompany the drink. One after another, pretty duck-like boys have come to power, often because of policy orientation.

"With the market-oriented operation, the strength of local stations will become stronger and stronger. Jieyu Media will form a long-term strategic cooperative relationship with Yanjing TV."

"Well, I think this direction is feasible. Hua Yi is also filming a TV series, and I hope Mr. Zhou can take the lead when the time comes."


Zhou Buqi smiled.

In the previous life, it was Boss Ma who assisted Huayi, and Boss Ma was the leader of Zhejiang merchants. So after Boss Ma helped Huayi, Huayi, a company in the capital, and the Wang family, two people from the capital, stepped into the Zhejiang business circle with half a foot. Huayi's cooperative TV station is also Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations.

It will definitely not happen in this life.

Zhou Buqi has a good relationship with Deputy Director Li of Yanjing TV, and they have cooperated on two programs. After Jieyu Media and Huayi reached a strategic cooperation, Huayi's star resources must also be inclined to Yanjing TV.

Vice-Director Li became a regular, and it was a matter of course.

The capital is the center of the entertainment industry.

After this series of operations, the multi-party relationship has been established, and Jieyu Media can really stand on its feet.

Xu Baihui's power has soared.

"It's true that TV dramas can make money, but we shouldn't underestimate variety shows."


"Why don't you come to this job hunting program too? Zhang Chaoyang, Li Guoqing, including our Shi Yuzhu, have all signed up."


Wang Xiaojun was stunned for a moment.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's right, isn't your younger brother responsible for Huayi's business operations? Come and record the show when you have time."

Wang Xiaojun laughed and said, "I'm an entertainment company, what are you recruiting for?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Entertainment companies don't recruit? The marketing department, the planning department, don't want people? Well... I came up with an idea. You can arrange for an actress with a bad background to apply for a job on the show. Said I used to study acting as a major, but I couldn’t get along anymore. I didn’t have the opportunity to perform, and I wanted to find a job as a secretary to change careers. Then, you said that she was very talented, and you thought she was a talent, and you tested it on the spot... and then on the spot Make a decision and say that we will give her a female number two or number three to help her realize her dream. Well, the ratings are guaranteed to explode!"

Wang Xiaojun was dumbfounded, the show was fake?

Playing so slippery?

However, he soon realized the feasibility of this suggestion.

If he really does this, it will become a very high social topic, which will increase his personal prestige, enhance the reputation of the show, Hua Yi's reputation will also increase, and it will also give the actress a chance to be exposed and become famous!

Even the movie she participated in will be highly anticipated by the market.


Wang Xiaojun took a deep breath, feeling that this Boss Xiao Zhou really has a lot of tricks!

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