Top of the big era

Chapter 762 Crane, Turkey, Ostrich

Zhou Feng has already contacted him.

The difficulty is much smaller than imagined.

The main reason is Ziweixing's own strength. Micropoint's market share is more than 50 times that of Youdao, and there is no comparison between the two.

In the current domestic search market, the competition is too fierce, Baidu, Weidian, Google, Yahoo, Soso, iAsk... the next step is barely a way.

After working for more than a year, Youdao's main traffic is all relying on its own platform, and its prospects are bleak.

For an ambitious and pursuing young man like Zhou Feng, he needs a bigger platform to show his abilities. Both Wang Haiyang and Wang Xiaochuan have been to Hangzhou and talked to him.

The process was very friendly, and he also stated that he would not reject any possibility.

That's easy.

I'm afraid that you are like Zhang Xiaolong of the QQ mailbox team, a Guan Erye who has received the kindness of knowing you. You are very powerful, but you are loyal. If you are playing a wave of tricks of "being in Cao Ying and heart in Han" after digging over, it will be troublesome.

Since the other party's reaction was more positive, Zhou Buqi decided to make a trip in person, chat with Zhou Feng, and take him down, so as not to have long nights and dreams. The flight is booked for this afternoon.

In the morning, Tang Binchen came to his office with a serious face.

"About circles of interest, I have some thoughts."


"I think the best product in this category on the market is the Douban group."

"It can't be said that it is the best. Compared with Baidu Tieba, each has its own merits. But it does have an impact on the traditional forum forms such as Tianya and Maopu."

Zhou Buqi also likes the product of Douban Group very much. The website is a mess, but the product form is very novel. Being able to attract a group of high-cold users with the best product style shows the magic of this product.

Unexpectedly, what Tang Binchen wanted to do was not to imitate the Douban group, but to...

"I want to buy!"


Tang Binchen said firmly: "Buy Douban."

Zhou Buqi blinked and looked at him suspiciously, "Buy a website?"

Tang Binchen said: "Douban is doing well. There are currently two main products, one is the evaluation system of film, music, and books, and the other is the Douban group. It happens that we need these two products very much."

Zhou Buqi asked again, "You won't do it? Acquisition?"

Tang Binchen nodded and said: "There are two benefits of acquiring Douban. One is the evaluation of audio-visual books, which will complement Ziweixing's business system. Film and television and music are important sectors of entertainment. Are you very interested in the entertainment industry?" Are you interested..."

"Stop!" Zhou Buqi quickly interrupted him, "Let me correct it, I am not interested in the entertainment industry, I am interested in the film and television industry. The era of entertainment has arrived, and this will be a big outlet."

Tang Binchen doesn't care about the deep-seated reasons why he values ​​the entertainment industry, "If we can acquire Douban, we can further deepen our cooperation with Jieyu Media in terms of business."


"Then there is Douban Group. After we acquire it, we might as well change the name to Interest Circle. With Douban Group's existing content and existing users, the interest circle project has a basic guarantee. It is easy to do."

products of this type. The most important thing is to identify the pain points of users and solve their needs.

This is a 0 to 1 breakthrough.

Without this step, 0 multiplied by any number is equal to 0, no amount of effort.

The Douban team found this pain point and solved the most critical problem.

Zhou Buqi said deeply: "You have to understand that from 0 to 1 is a qualitative change, from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4...these are developments. There is no capital for comparison."

Tang Binchen nodded, "I understand."

"Do you really understand?" Zhou Buqi squinted his eyes, and simply said bluntly, "If the product of the interest circle is made by you from 0 to 1, and it succeeds, everyone will respect you. This is what you really did. Create a successful product. If you directly acquire Douban and reorganize the Douban group, even if you succeed, it will only be a 1-2 development. No matter how well you do, others will not be convinced of you.”

Tang Binchen smiled indifferently, and said calmly: "I think the acquisition is better for the company, and that's enough. I know that other vice presidents of are dissatisfied with me, thinking that I hindered their promotion. But I think that in his position, he must seek his own government, not his power."

Seeking his own government, not his power...

With just one sentence, his own structure was reflected, and he was so much higher than the other vice presidents.

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to hand over the "Interest Circle" project to Tang Binchen, and let him make a product from 0 to 1 to establish his prestige on Moments.

Unexpectedly, he didn't appreciate it at all.

He has his own ideas.

Tang Binchen insisted, "I think the acquisition of Douban is the best choice, and it is the decision that is most beneficial to Ziwei Star. At that time, the circle of interests will have,, Helo, Weidian, Douban,, etc. Linkage of several products."

"Decided? Don't think about it anymore?"



Zhou Buqi nodded.

Of course he agrees with the idea of ​​buying Douban.

The current positioning of the Douban group cannot meet the product needs of the "circle of interests". However, it is possible to change the name and complete the positioning change. Based on some existing Wenqing users of the Douban group, it will develop to more and broader user groups.

But the question buying Douban really the best choice for Ziweixing?

With the acquisition of Douban, the interest circle project will not be able to establish prestige for Tang Binchen. He, the second in command of the friend network, will still be full of controversy. Once Zhang Yiming was promoted, the position of president of was vacated, and Tang Binchen went up...but he was not convinced, which might cause turmoil.

This is a serious uncontrollable management risk.

Compared with the little advantage brought by the acquisition of Douban, the risk is too great. is now Ziweixing's biggest money printing machine, and there is no room for loss.

Tang Binchen could also see his hesitation, "Is there any problem? Douban is just a small website, and it shouldn't cost much to acquire it with full capital."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "If you want to buy it, then buy it. There is no harm in buying Douban. You can take responsibility and talk to Yang Bo to see if he needs cash or stocks. If you want stocks, just Quote at the price of the A round."

"Well, okay."

Tang Binchen bowed his head and wanted to get up and leave.

"Binchen, wait a minute."


"Let me tell you something. It belongs to Boss Liu. He said that he valued Yang Yuanqing, a young man, and trained him as his successor. He was opposed by many veterans. The old officials did not dare to resist Boss Liu. In private, he kept running, criticizing, and accusing Yang Yuanqing, which made him feel wronged. I went to Boss Liu to complain."

Tang Binchen was very interested, "What did Boss Liu say?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Boss Liu said that if you want to stand out from the chickens, you cannot become a crane. You can flap your wings and fly away, but the chickens can only run around. Cranes can spread their wings and soar. But chickens can’t make it. This leads to you not having a unified perspective, you will never be able to cooperate, and you will not be able to lead the team efficiently.”

Tang Binchen smiled, "Crane is the chairman and can guide the direction. But the president, general manager, and project manager who are in charge of business execution want to implement the project. Become the biggest leading chicken."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Yang Yuanqing said the same thing, but Boss Liu didn't agree. He said, it's not okay to make a turkey among chickens, you have to be an ostrich."


"What do you say is the difference between an ostrich and a turkey?"

Tang Binchen was silent.

This question is not easy to answer.

Anyway, it's not a matter of size.

Zhou Buqi said: "When an ostrich encounters a risk, it will bury its head in the grass or sand. In fact, it is a kind of self-deception. This is a skill. If you are the senior vice president of, there must be many people Attack, criticize, and exclude you. I hope you have an ostrich spirit. Turn a blind eye to these negative voices and pretend nothing happened. Then, unite every colleague in a friendly way."

Tang Binchen stood there for two full minutes. After thinking for a long time, he took a deep breath and nodded, "Well, I see."

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