Top Shenhao

Chapter 1242: Special task

"Finally, Mo Yuan, kneel down and apologize, so that's forgiving." Lin Yun said suddenly.

After Mo Yuan heard the words, his whole body trembled, as if he heard the order.

When he breathed a sigh of relief, he was also shocked, Lin Yun would take the initiative to ask so that he would not kneel and apologize?

" you really want to avoid this one?" Mo Yuan raised his head and looked at Lin Yun incredible.

According to Mo Yuan's idea, Lin Yun won today, and he should do everything possible to force him to fulfill this promise.

How could Lin Yun take the initiative to avoid it?

At this moment, Lin Yun had already turned and left, leaving Mo Yuan alone, staring at Lin Yun's back.

Although Lin Yun did not answer him, leaving is already the best answer.

At this moment, Mo Yuan suddenly felt that Lin Yun was really not easy...

"Lin Yun unexpectedly gave up this one?"

The disciples who watched the match under the ring were also surprised.

They originally thought that Lin Yun would definitely let Mo Yuan fulfill his promise, after all, Lin Yun and Mo Yuan had a deep grievance!

"Lin Yun's approach is very clever. He is not only good at martial arts, but also has an IQ." Meng Yangtian sighed with complicated expression.

Lin Yun gave up making Mo Yuan apologize, making Meng Yangtian amazed.

On the contrary, Huang Donghua, who was standing next to Meng Yangtian, had a suspicious expression on his face, and he didn't understand the mystery of it for a while.

After Lin Yun stepped down, White Shark and his juniors rushed to Lin Yun in an instant.

"Big brother, you are too powerful, even Mo Yuan has defeated!" The juniors were all excited.

"Congratulations, big brother, you are ranked second on the top ranking list. Elder Xiong is alive in the sky. He will be very happy to know that you are now second on the top ranking list so soon, and he must be proud of you!"

"Yes, if Elder Xiong knew, he would be very happy..." Lin Yun murmured.

Lin Yun heard the brothers mention Elder Xiong, Lin Yun's mind also showed a kind smile.

"By the way, Brother Yun, why did you give up letting Mo Yuan kneel? You should force Mo Yuan to kneel. He is so abominable. Anyway, the condition was set by him. Everyone on the scene knew that if he won, he It is absolutely impossible to give up this one," the white shark said angrily.

"You have to be forgiving and forgiving, it's not necessary." Lin Yun shook his head.

Now the real enemies are the Shadow Gate and the Demon Race, Lin Yun doesn't want to fight Mo Yuan anymore, doesn't want to fight internally and waste time.

Hong Ling also came over.

"Lin Yun, congratulations on your victory. In addition, your approach is very wise. I am also worried that you will force Mo Yuan to kneel." Hong Ling smiled like a spring breeze.

"Senior Sister praised." Lin Yun smiled.


not far away.

"This little guy unexpectedly gave up making Mo Yuan kneel down. It is reasonable and forgiving. There are not many people who can do it." The elder stroked his beard lightly and smiled on his face.

"Lin Yun can take the initiative to abandon this point. It does have a big picture. If he forces Mo Yuan to kneel, the grievances between the two will inevitably escalate, and this internal struggle will escalate again." said the fourth elder.

"This son, it's really not easy, it's really smart and brave." The third elder nodded and sighed.


After the game, Lin Yun also climbed to the top of the inner gate of the temple, becoming the second in the sky list, second only to Han Xiangyu, the first in the temple.

Lin Yun's reputation has also reached a new peak.

Those who used to be enemies of Lin Yun, such as Zhang Jian and others, only have to look up to Lin Yun.


In the following days, Lin Yun continued to devote himself to cultivation.

Lin Yun knew that his biggest shortcoming at the moment was that his cultivation time was too short.

Time flies.

In the days of cultivation, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

Inadvertently, half a month has passed.

In the past half month, the temple has also become calm.

As for that Mo Yuan, after losing the game, he didn't move anymore, just completely closed up and practiced, and no one saw him in the temple.

During this period of time, the White Shark also successfully rushed to the second-order Yuan Ying.

After all, the white shark is also a temple, the seedlings to be cultivated.

Half a month later.

Lin Yun was practicing his sword under the big tree outside the hut.

The Great Elder slowly walked over, then stood aside, watching quietly.

About ten minutes later, Lin Yun finished a set of swordsmanship and slowly retracted the sword.

"I almost feel it." Lin Yun shook his head.

Lin Yun has been learning the fifth style of Xuanming sword technique.

Fighting with Mo Yuan before gave Lin Yun a certain inspiration, allowing Lin Yun to find a way to move on.

But till now, Lin Yun almost feels that he has successfully urged the fifth style of Xuanming sword technique!

Lin Yun has stayed for a long time in this last step.

During this time, Lin Yun took time to practice swords every day, but still failed to make the final step.

"The sword dance is good!"

The elder smiled and applauded.

"Elder, you are here, I'm so sorry, I just concentrated on practicing sword, but I didn't find it." Lin Yun hurriedly clasped his fists.

"It's okay, I'm here today, I have a task to give you." The Great Elder said.

"Oh? Do you have a task? Great Elder, just say it." Lin Yun looked very interested.

Lin Yun also went to the Great Elder some time ago, saying that he must inform himself of the appropriate task!

A true warrior needs to be baptized in battle to grow.

Cultivating with sullen head every day is equivalent to talking on paper.

It needs to go through actual combat to verify the results of cultivation.

Especially in the kind of life-and-death struggle, you can best find out what you have shortcomings and some of your problems!

Actual combat is the one that can hone people the most and make them grow quickly!

Lin Yun is also eager for actual combat!

Especially the kind of life-and-death struggle is the easiest to gain.

For example, Lin Yun's "Nether Lotus" invented on the basis of Qinglian Jue was out of desperation.

"Lin Yun, this time the mission needs to go to Europe (Europe)." The elder said.

"Oh? Go to Ouyu? What mission do you perform?" Lin Yun showed curiosity.

"On the Ouyu side, there is a trace of a demon general, and the Xixiu family over there is helpless, so we ask our temple to send someone to support." The elder said.

"Since it's just a demon general, why not use large modern weapons?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

A demon general is equivalent to transforming the gods!

"This demon general is currently hiding in a virgin forest. The forest stretches for hundreds of kilometers. I don't know its specific location. Thermal weapons can't perform precise strikes. At this time, we can only rely on our monks." .

"That's it." Lin Yun nodded suddenly.

"This time, the three elders personally led the team. You and Huang Donghua will follow and let you go. The main reason is to give you practical opportunities and opportunities to exercise. At the same time, you can see Xixiu. The elder is here, plus cooperating with the Western Xiu family in Ouyu, this task is not too dangerous." The elder said.

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