Top Shenhao

Chapter 1243: Go to Europe

Western cultivation and Eastern cultivation are two completely different cultivation systems, but they achieve the same goal by different routes.

Although the demon generals are powerful, they have fallen asleep for too long, and their strength has been significantly reduced compared to the ancient times.

Three elders went to cooperate with the local Xixiu family to take down a demon general, and the problem was not big.

"Good elder, I took this task." Lin Yun nodded in response.

"Okay, then you are ready to prepare and set off in two days. As for the task rewards, the Xixiu family over there will give you rewards." The elder said.

Although everyone united to fight against monsters.

However, it was their Western Xiu family in Ouyu who asked the temple for assistance, and they naturally had to pay some compensation.

This time the mission was originally scheduled to send the second elder.

But the great elder and the hall master considered that the second elder is the most likely to be a traitor. If the second elder is sent, there is a risk, so finally the third elder will go.

"Lin Yun, apart from me and the hall master, only three elders, you and Huang Donghua know about the mission this time. Remember not to tell others about the mission," the elder exhorted.

"I understand." Lin Yun nodded in response.

Lin Yun still understands this rule.

Two days later.

Lin Yun and Huang Donghua left the temple with the three elders, first went to the city, and then took a plane to Europe.

On the way there, the three elders also briefed Lin Yun about the situation of Xixiu in Ouyu.

Western cultivation is different from the eastern cultivation system, and their cultivation is inherited from the family, and there is no concept of sect.

Therefore, the forces of Xixiu are all family forces.

And they are not called monks, but called magicians.

Their levels are divided into levels 1-9.

Level 1, 2, 3 magician (junior magician), 4, 5, 6 magician (intermediate magician), 7, 8, 9 magician (advanced magician).

Among the 9th-level magicians, there are powerful magicians, holy magicians, etc...

The three elders told Lin Yun that with the advent of the Age of Domination, Xi Xiu had also fallen.

The orthodox Xixiu family in Ouyu is already very few and basically unknown to the world.

And this time, the three elders were summoned to go to Europe to support, it was the Promi family, the strongest Western Xiu family in Europe.


Dongying, inside the shadow gate.

A disciple in a black robe hurried into the hall.

"Deputy Hall Master, there is news from the temple that the third elders led Lin Yun and Huang Donghua are heading to Europe." The disciple said.

"The three elders lead them to Europe? Very well, this time, Lin Yun's death time is here!" The deputy hall master sitting on the throne in front revealed a grim smile.

Last time, after Yuan Liang fought with Lin Yun, they thought that Lin Yun would definitely die. In that case, after they lost the Asura Hall altar, they would have gained a little bit, but Lin Yun returned alive.

In this way, the exposure of the Shura Temple is equivalent to not getting any benefits.

And this time, for them, it was definitely a good opportunity to eliminate Lin Yun!


Europe, Westland, Bama City.

This is a metropolis that can be ranked in the forefront of the entire European region.

Airport exit.

A tall, blonde, fair-skinned young woman with light green pupils stood here. She was a typical Western beauty.

She just stood here, and people who came and went could not help but look at her more.

But she looked indifferent.

At this time, three Chinese came out of the airport.

These three people, it was the Three Elders who brought Lin Yun and Huang Donghua out from the airport.

Seeing this, the woman walked forward directly.

"The three should be temple messengers, right?" The woman looked at the three Lin Yun and spoke Chinese.

"Yes, you should be the youngest daughter of Patriarch Promi, Promi Irene, right?" The third elder looked at the woman.

"Yes." Promi Irene nodded.

"Did your father not come?" the third elder asked.

After all, the temple is the strongest cultivating power in the world, and they asked the temple to come to help. The Promi family patriarch should come to meet him personally.

"My father is busy with some things, so he sent me to greet him. The three of you please come with me."

After Promy Irene finished speaking, he led Lin Yun and the three directly outside the airport.

After walking out of the airport, she led Lin Yun and the three people to a black business car.

"The three of you get in the car, I will take you to our Promi family." Promi Irene said.

"Okay, Lin Yun and Huang Donghua, let's get in the car," said the third elder.

Lin Yun and Huang Donghua nodded, then got into the car.

After the car started, it drove forward.

The car drove all the way to the suburbs and into a private territory.

This area of ​​dozens of miles is the private domain of the Promi family, and outsiders cannot enter without permission.

In this four-person territory, the Promi family has absolute control, and it can even be said that this is the kingdom of their Promi family.

After the car drove into this private territory, it drove for another twenty minutes, and an ancient castle came into Lin Yun's eyes.

This is the old castle of the Promi family.

Looking at it, the old castle is very big, the building is magnificent, magnificent, and it has the characteristics of a western castle.

The castle seems to be very old.

"Such a huge castle is just the cost of annual operation and maintenance, so it must be expensive," Lin Yun murmured.

"Our Promi family is not only the strongest Western Xiu family in Europe. On the face of it, our Promi family is also one of the top nobles in Europe. It also runs many businesses and secular wealth. It is also not lacking." Mi Erin's tone was somewhat arrogant.

Their Promi family is divided into two parts, one specializes in cultivation and the other runs secular businesses.

After all, becoming a magician requires talent, and not everyone can do it.

They will screen the family members of the infants, and the family members who are not gifted will arrange to study and study business from an early age.

Those who have a talent for cultivation will be trained as a magician since childhood.

Soon, the car drove to the gate of the castle.

"Get off, the castle rules, vehicles can't drive into the castle." Promi Irene said.

"Okay, let's get off." The third elder said.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got off the car.

The gate of the castle was open, and two guards in armor stood on either side of the gate.

"Miss Irene!"

When the guard saw Promi Irene, he immediately saluted.

Promi Irene led Lin Yun and the three directly into the castle gate and entered the castle.

After entering the gate of the castle, it is the front yard of the castle.

Here, there are many warriors in the old castle in armor, training.

After walking quickly for more than ten minutes, everyone came to the main castle of the castle.

Outside the main fort, stood a middle-aged European man with curly hair.

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