Top Shenhao

Chapter 1531: first round

When Liu Changtian and his son saw Lin Yun leaving, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

"Father, did you let this kid go like this?" Liu Changtian's face was pale and unwilling.

Liu Changtian wanted to kill Lin Yun by himself.

"Elder Cui has already spoken, for this kind of sake, what else? Princess Mo Qing is by his side again. If he tries to force this kid, Mo Qing may call in Elder Cui again. When that happens, not only will he kill No matter what, Chang Tian will lose your chance to join the Heavenly Sword Sect." Family Master Liu said helplessly.

After a pause, Patriarch Liu continued: "By the way, there is no Chuan'er's weapon in Lin Yun's storage space. Is it possible that Chuan'er was not murdered, but someone else?"

"Impossible! It must be him Lin Yun! As for not finding the pseudo-god weapon, I am afraid he hid it somewhere in advance and didn't put it in the storage space!" Liu Changtian's eyes narrowed slightly and his tone was firm.

"Chang Tian, ​​whether it is him or not, once he successfully joins the Sky Sword Sect today and becomes a disciple of the Sky Sword Sect, it will be difficult for us to kill him in the future..." Patriarch Liu shook his head and sighed.

"Even if he joins the Heavenly Sword Sect, I will definitely not make him feel better!" Liu Changtian's dark eyes flashed with intense killing intent.


the other side.

Lin Yun followed Mo Qing and walked on the stairs up the mountain. The stairs were all neatly paved with stone slabs, like a road to the sky.

There are many new disciples going up the mountain on the road, and everyone is excited, nervous, and looking forward to it, but the road seems very lively.

"Friend Mo Qing, thank you for the matter just now. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do. I owe you a favor for this matter." Lin Yun thanked.

If it weren't for Mo Qing's timely action and help call in the elders, today, the Liu family would attack Lin Yun anyway.

Mo Qing smiled and said: "Don't mention any favors. The last time you performed the mission, if it wasn't for you to risk your life and go back and block the blue-winged giant snake, to buy time to escape for me and Ren Qi, I might have been buried in Nadong. In Tan Lake."

"Friend Mo Qing, since you are the princess of the kingdom, why do you want to take that kind of risk?" Lin Yun couldn't help but said.

When Lin Yun learned of Mo Qing's true identity before, he was indeed shocked.

Mo Qing turned to look at Lin Yun: "If I say, I like adventure, I like challenge, do you believe it?"

"Faith! A monk who pursues comfort and safety, and dares not to take risks, cannot become a climate." Lin Yun said.

"Yes, you should be such a person too?" Mo Qing said with a smile.

"Perhaps." Lin Yun smiled and shook his head.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Mo Qing, you and Elder Cui... seem to have friendship?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"My grandfather and Elder Cui are old friends, so Elder Cui is my grandfather." Mo Qing explained.

"So that's it." Lin Yun nodded suddenly.

The two followed the ladder road all the way up, and when the ladder road came to the end, it was a magnificent mountain gate.

In the open space in front of the mountain gate, hundreds of people have gathered, and more people have come here one after another.

Those gathered here are all new disciples who have passed the primary election. Today, they will accept a new round of tests. If they can pass, they will officially become the new disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

To stay here, you must wear rating badges, and there are several deacons checking on the spot.

The new disciples gathered here looked at them with awe and admiration when they saw the Grade A badge that Lin Yun and Mo Qingxin were wearing.

Who doesn't aspire to get a Grade A rating?

As time goes by, more people gather.

Tassel rhyme also came here.

After she saw Lin Yun, she came to meet Lin Yun.

Twelve o'clock noon.

At this time, more than 7,000 people have gathered here.

This is a person selected from nearly 20 counties in the three kingdoms.

"There are so many people." Lin Yun couldn't help sighing.

Although only 426 people were elected in Dongtan County, there are indeed many people in other counties and countries.

This is the terrible aspect of the large population base. The proportion of geniuses may be one in ten thousand, but in the case of a large population, these geniuses can be gathered together.

"Regardless of the number of people, there are probably only a thousand people who can pass today's test," Mo Qing said.

"Is it so cruel?" Lin Yun murmured.

Lin Yun knew that the 7,000 people present were all young talents with good qualifications. Even so, about 90% of them would be eliminated? This number is too terrible.

"Heaven Sword Sect chooses people from among geniuses. It is naturally cruel. Even so, there are a large number of people who want to enter the Sky Sword Sect. After all, this is a famous sect, which is much stronger than those ordinary sects." Mo Qing explained. .

Mo Qing continued: "However, there is generally no need to worry about Grade A ratings. Among the more than 7,000 people today, only 30 are Grade A graders."

It is really difficult to get Grade A ratings, so Grade A graders are so rare.

At this time, a figure fell from the sky.

Those who came were three elders with all white beards and hairs in Tsing Yi. Among them was the elder Cui, and the other was a female elder, Tong Yan Hefa.

As soon as the three elders arrived, the scene instantly became quiet.

Elder Cui said, "Everyone, today is the day when the Heavenly Sword Sect is retested. The little guy who passes today's test can officially join my Heavenly Sword Sect.

"The test is divided into two levels. The first level is the climbing gate. Behind the main gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect, there are 99 steps. After these 99 steps, it is the small square of the Heavenly Sword Sect. You can use your own By all means, try your best to reach the top."

Elder Cui said as he pointed to the 99 steps.

Everyone can see that there are indeed 99 stairs behind the main entrance.

"In three minutes, those who rushed up these 99 steps and arrived at the small square would be considered as passing this level." Elder Cui said.

As soon as Elder Cui's words came out, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"This is too simple, right?"

"What's the simple? Haven't you heard of it? Every time the Tianjian Sect recruits students, there is a test of this climbing road. Below these 99 steps, there is a formation designed to test new disciples. Every step up, The steps will exert tremendous pressure. It is extremely difficult to climb to the top within three minutes!"

"It turns out that this is the case, let me just say, how can climbing a ladder be a test."

"I want to see how difficult it can be!"


"be quiet!"

Elder Cui waved his hand.

The bottom suddenly became quiet.

"Next, the deacon at the scene will divide you into 20 batches, each with 350 people, and climb the trail in batches! Our three elders will watch your performance in the sky." Elder Cui's voice spread throughout field.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Cui and the other two elders flew directly into the air, flying into the air.

The deacon of the Tianjianzong at the scene was divided into 20 batches according to where everyone stood, and began to test the mountain trail in batches.

Lin Yun was assigned to the eighth batch. Mo Qing and Liu Suyun were also in the eighth batch because they were standing with Lin Yun.

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