Top Shenhao

Chapter 1532: Brutal selection

Soon, the first group of climbers were already waiting in front of the stairs.

The others stood watching, and Lin Yun also watched curiously.

"The first mountain trails, start!" The deacon on the scene issued an order.

Chong Chong Chong!

After the order was given, these three hundred and fifty people used their internal forces one after another, rushing upwards with great effort!

In the beginning, these hundreds of people rushed very quickly, but as they went up, everyone's speed suddenly decreased. According to different strengths, their speed decreased to different degrees.

The gap widened at once, and the one who rushed to the front was a disciple wearing a Class A badge. He had reached more than fifty steps, and the one who fell behind was only more than thirty.

From more than thirty steps to more than fifty steps, like throwing beans, there are many disciples scattered on each step.

And as everyone goes up, this speed decreases, the more outrageous.

Even the disciple who rushed to the front, wearing the Grade A badge, slowed down significantly.

He could run twenty steps in almost a second at first.

But the current speed is almost one step per second.

The monks who lag behind looked extremely uncomfortable, even struggling.

"No way! To the limit, I can't get up!"

A disciple who fell behind gave up on the spot and returned to the starting point.

The deacon of the starting point immediately took off the rating badge of the abandoner and let him go down the mountain and leave.

As time goes by, more and more disciples who are struggling at the end have chosen to give up because they feel the difficulty firsthand and they know that they can no longer reach the top within three minutes.

At 1 minute and 24 seconds, the first person successfully reached the top!

It is the new disciple who wears the Grade A badge. He is also the only Grade A grader in the first batch.

When this disciple reached the last tenth order, he could only go one step forward almost every four or five seconds, and it took a full nine seconds for the last one.

In the sky.

"1 minute and 24 seconds, this result is not bad, worthy of his Grade A rating, as long as the climbers pass within one minute and 30 seconds, they are considered excellent results." Elder Cui said.

"Among the new disciples of this year, I don't know if there will be disciples who will reach the top within a minute." said the female elder with a beautiful face.

"Within one minute? Mei Gu, this kind of achievement has only been achieved in three or four hundred years. I have only seen one of them in the past few years as the elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Mei Gu, you have been promoted to the elder for a short time. You probably have not seen one. , The kind of disciple who can reach the top within a minute?" Elder Cui said with a smile.

The female elder named Mei Gu nodded: "Indeed, it is too difficult to get results within 1 minute. The climbing trail becomes more difficult as you go back, especially the last 10 steps, which exert a great pressure on the body. It is a great test, unless you have extremely high attainments in physical training."

"But these little guys are all under 40. At such a young age, how many can achieve extremely high attainments in physical training? Many of them have not even learned physical training."

Another Tsing Yi elder next to him also said: “Don’t guess within 1 minute. It’s better to guess. In this session, who can get the results within 1 minute and 15 seconds, this may be more realistic. There are so many."

"Most of the Grade A graders can enter within 1 minute and 30 seconds, but wanting to get results within 1 minute and 15 seconds is also a great challenge for those Grade A graders. The people who are most hopeful of achieving results within 1 minute and 15 seconds are nothing more than Mo Qing from the Anyuan royal family, Ximenpu from the Ximen family, and Dali Yuantai from the Dali family." Mei Gu said.

"Yes, especially Dali Yuantai. His Dali family is good at physical exercises. He is definitely the best in this level. He may get the best results." Another Tsing Yi elder said.

"Indeed, Dali Yuantai broke 1 minute and 15 seconds. Hope is great." Elder Cui nodded in agreement.

Elder Cui continued: "By the way, the little guy named Lin Yun in Dongtan County is unusual. Maybe you can pay more attention to it. He might have the opportunity to rush for this result within 1 minute and 15 seconds."

"Lin Yun? I heard it was a Grade A rating, but among the disciples with Grade A rating, he is not too extraordinary, right?" Mei Gu said.

Elder Tsing Yi next to him also nodded: "Yes, it's not Elder Cui you mentioned this name, I might not pay attention to this person yet."

"I'm just a hunch, what on earth, let's keep a look." Elder Cui said.

Elder Cui said this mainly because when inspecting Lin Yun's storage jade pendant today, he found super god-level weapons and magical instruments, which made him look at Lin Yun differently, which made him feel that Lin Yun was very unusual.

Prior to this, he was the same as the two elders next to him, except that Lin Yun was regarded as a Grade A disciple. He might decide, but he would not pay special attention.

In the conversation between the three elders, three minutes has come.

"Three minutes is up! All those who have not yet reached the summit, quickly retreat and leave the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

The deacon's loud voice sounded.

Those disciples who are still on the ladder can only retreat.

In particular, there is a disciple who has reached step 97 at this time. If he goes up two more steps, he can reach the top.

Unfortunately, three minutes has come.

Among the first group of 350 people, 143 successfully reached the summit.

The remaining 107 people were all eliminated.

The elimination rate is extremely high!

You know, these eliminated people are already the elites of thousands of choices!

Although they were eliminated by the Heavenly Sword Sect, if they change to a small sect, they can easily join in, and they can also be regarded as the end-point training target.

Passers cheered and celebrated at the finish line, and the elimination system can only leave in frustration and despair.

"It seems that the difficulty of this hiking trail is not low." Lin Yun couldn't help sighing when seeing so many people eliminated.

"This level is difficult and difficult to say, simple and simple. If you have a little practice in physical training, you can basically pass it. If you have not practiced physical training, you must have a high enough level and means to pass. Enough." Mo Qing said.

"Really?" Lin Yun felt relieved after hearing this.

Lin Yun was still very confident in his physical exercises.

Especially among his peers, Lin Yun believes that his physical exercises should be pretty good, right?

Next, the second batch, the third batch, the fourth batch..., started hiking trails one after another.

The elimination rate of each batch is extremely high.

In the fourth batch, there was a more eye-catching disciple. Although he was graded B, his score reached 1 minute and 28 seconds, which was comparable to many disciples with grade A.

In the fifth batch, a Grade A disciple only got a score of 1 minute and 48 seconds. This result can only be compared with a Grade B disciple.

In the sixth batch, Liu Changtian scored 1 minute and 22 seconds, which is quite eye-catching, enough to rank in the top 15 today.

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