Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2526: New test

"Okay, then thank you senior." Lin Yun immediately responded.

Lin Yun felt that this reward was still very good.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun found a light and shadow screen in front of him, a figure that couldn't see clearly, and began to dance his sword.

"Curious special swordsmanship!"

Looking at this figure dancing sword, Lin Yun suddenly felt very mysterious.

The opponent's sword dance is not fast, but the use of the sword in it contains infinite mysteries.

Lin Yun quickly became intoxicated and watched, until the end of the figure dance sword, Lin Yun remained sluggish in place.

When Lin Yun saw him dancing his sword, he immediately felt like he was open, as if he had opened a new door for his sword practice.

It turns out that the sword can still be used in this way, and it turns out that there is this way of walking the sword.

Lin Yun even refreshed his knowledge of swordsmanship from the dancing sword of this figure, and even surpassed Lin Yun's imagination.

It's like you specialize in one thing. You can only learn these ways of using it when you read, study, and comprehend by yourself, but suddenly a master will show you a completely different way of using it, which will refresh your cognition and change it all at once. Cognition.

Lin Yun thinks that his use and mastery of swordsmanship is not weak anymore.

However, the sword dancing scene just now was still in many aspects of sword practice, which once again subverted Lin Yun's cognition.

In Lin Yun's sword dance picture just now, he even saw some of his own shortcomings and mistakes.

Before the Great Emperor Huoyun specially trained Lin Yun to practice swordsmanship, even the Shadow Sword Art that Lin Yun learned was created by the Great Emperor Huoyun combining a variety of swordsmanship.

Therefore, Lin Yun's use of swordsmanship was largely influenced by Emperor Huoyun, and even Lin Yun's use of swordsmanship was almost his comprehension of swordsmanship.

Lin Yun couldn't find it, it was even more powerful than Emperor Huoyun's use of swordsmanship.

But just in the sword dance scene that Lin Yun watched just now, Lin Yun even discovered that the sword dancers' use of swords in certain aspects is completely different from that of the Emperor Huo Yun!

Lin Yun is certain that the sword dancer in the picture just now has a mastery of the sword, definitely much better than the Great Emperor Huo Yun!

At this moment, his consciousness was suddenly pushed away from that chaotic space.

Lin Yun opened his eyes, with joy on his face.

The image of the sword dancing before was deeply imprinted in Lin Yun's mind.

"If the strong sword dancer just now was the owner of the relic, then how terrifying his strength..." Lin Yun muttered to himself.

At the same time, Lin Yun was more curious, who is the owner of the ruins? How high is the strength? Why does this ruin suddenly appear?

There are still many doubts lingering in Lin Yun's mind.

"Lin Yun." Xiang Guodong Guo Wuji's voice sounded.

Lin Yun turned his head and saw that Dong Guo Wuji and Mo Qing had already ended. Obviously, they spent a lot of time watching the sword dance.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun stood up.

"Senior Gong Yi, please please." Lin Yun made a request.

"Lin Yun, your time on this futon is longer than anyone else. It seems that your harvest is pretty good." Xiaoyao Lou Gong Yi said with a smile.

As Gong Yi said, he walked directly to the front futon with another immortal in Xiaoyao Tower.

"not bad."

Lin Yun smiled and replied, and then returned to Mo Qing and Dong Guo Wuji.

"We'll be here first, waiting for the two seniors, Gong Yi, and set off together later." Lin Yun said.

Mo Qing and Dong Guo Wuji both nodded in response.

Dong Guo Wuji also smiled and said, "Lin Yun, you should have something unusual."

After all, Lin Yun stayed on the futon for a long time.

"Maybe something is different." Lin Yun nodded.

"This is the chance." Dong Guo Wuji sighed.

It didn't take long for the two of Gong Yi to finish receiving the reward.

Five people formed a team and marched towards the tree hole on the left.

After entering the tree hole, there is a long passage, and the five people go forward along the passage. When they reach the end, it is a long and narrow space.

Three arenas, blocking the way.

The other immortals are all gathered here.

"Arena? What does this mean?" Lin Yun looked at the three arena ahead in surprise.

Each of the three arenas is the size of a football field.

"Three arenas, blocking the way, it seems that if you want to continue forward, you have to pass these three arenas." Mo Qing said.

Sure enough, as soon as Mo Qing’s voice fell, the tree spirit’s voice rang: "Everyone is here. I announce the rules for this round of testing. There are three arenas. You can only reach the end and receive the rewards of this round. It can also start the next round of trials."

After the voice fell, the three empty arenas suddenly appeared.

The first ring is a strong man holding a big axe.

The second ring is a handsome man with white hair and fluttering hair holding a short sword.

The third ring is two strong men who both hold double hammers.

"They... are not real humans!"

"Yes, they don't have the slightest breath of life, they are condensed by the formation!"

All the immortals at the scene looked at the ring and started talking.

Lin Yun also felt that the people on these arena had no human appearance.

"Lin Yun, it seems that the master of this ruin also has great achievements in formations. There are not many strong ones who are proficient in formations." Mo Qing stared at the ring with a pair of beautiful eyes.

To achieve success in the formation, it must consume a lot of time and effort. Most cultivators will spend more time on the cultivation of their own realm and various secrets, and the cultivation of the formation also depends on talent.

Even among immortals, not many are very proficient in formations.

Like Lin Yun's master, Huoyun the Great, he has also studied the formations and knows some ways of formations, but he is not very good in the formations.

"Yes, the previous black figures may have been condensed by the formation. The master of the ruins is absolutely brilliant in the formation." Lin Yun also nodded in agreement.

The tree spirit's voice sounded again: "This round, you have to completely test your own strength. You need to go up and fight alone. Next, let's start."

"Everyone, who will come first?" Xin Yu of the Celestial Palace looked at the other fourteen immortals present.

The strength of the opponents of these three arenas is unknown to everyone. Naturally, no one wants to be the first bird, and wants to watch others fight first.

After a moment of silence.

"I'm coming!" The bald immortal of the Xingwu Empire flew directly towards the first ring.

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