Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2527: High difficulty

This bald immortal was ranked sixty-eighth on the gods list, and among the fifteen people at the scene, he was at a low level.

Seeing this, everyone looked up at the ring.

If this bald immortal can pass the three arenas, then most of the immortals among them can pass.

And everyone can also take a look at the difficulty of the three arenas through the battle of the bald immortal.

After the bald immortal of the Star Martial Empire took the stage, the brawny man holding the big axe on the first ring suddenly swung the axe and attacked the bald immortal fiercely.

Boom boom boom!

The fierce battle suddenly broke out in the ring.

"The opponent of this ring is about the same strength as this bald head." Lin Yun muttered while looking at the ring.

"The opponents of the first ring are already so strong. The opponents of the second stage are probably stronger. This time, I am afraid it will be very sad." Dong Guo Wuji sighed.

The bald immortal is in a fierce battle with the big axe, and the bald immortal is still very difficult to defeat by all means.

The old monster of the Star Wu Empire Yuan Qing immediately turned towards the big guy in the ring: "Don't waste it with him, rush to the second thunder platform!"

All the immortals present suddenly realized when they heard this.

After all, according to the tree spirit just said, passing the three arenas can pass the test of this level.

In this case, it is not necessary to defeat the opponent in the arena, and the opponent in the arena is formed by the formation of formations. Under the situation of considerable strength, it is too difficult to defeat!

The bald-headed immortal on the ring heard the words and immediately stood up. While fighting, he tried his best to get rid of his opponent and rushed to the second thunder stage.

This bald-headed immortal, after exhausting all his energy, finally succeeded in hitting the second ring.

But as soon as it rushed to the second ring, the man with long hair and fluttering hair holding a short sword in the second ring quickly attacked him with a terrifying attack!

Because there is no gap between the first arena and the second arena, when you rush to the second arena, it means that the battle for the second arena has begun, and there is no chance of breathing at all.

The fierce battle of the Bald Immortal in the first ring had already made him in a bad state, and the terrorist attack by his opponent in the second ring made it even more difficult for him to resist.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately after taking a few moves, the bald immortal's mouth gushed with blood, and his stature retreated again and again. It was obvious that he was completely inferior to the opponent in the second ring.

"I surrender!"

The bald immortal screamed in surprise, and at the same time quickly backed away, exited the second ring, and returned to the first ring.

The big axe in this first ring didn't attack him immediately.

After the bald immortals retreated to the first ring, they quickly withdrew from the first ring and returned to the place where all the immortals were.

"Damn, the difficulty of this test is too high, I can't even pass the second ring." The bald man was pale.

He couldn't even get through the second ring, let alone the third ring behind.

At this moment, the bald man had realized that his ruins went straight this time, and I am afraid that he could only stop here.

"The difficulty of this level is really high."

All the immortals present were also embarrassed.

The tragedy of the rabbit and the fox, and the defeat of the bald man also made everyone feel heavy.

Although the bald-headed immortals are among the fifteen immortal ones, their strength is low, but through the defeat of the bald-headed man, all the immortals have also understood that for them, these three arenas are undoubtedly extremely difficult. .

"Even immortals like us feel so difficult. Why would the owner of the ruins set a test of such a high degree of difficulty? If he wants to find someone who accepts its inheritance, he can't make it so difficult, right? We are already among humans. The top powerhouse." An immortal of the Tiangan Empire complained.

With their experience and feelings, everyone can already feel it. The owner of this relic set a checkpoint and should be looking for heirs, at least this possibility accounts for 80%!

But these immortals are already the top existence in the human race, if they can't even pass, who else can pass?

Moreover, the defeat of those who live forever with the bald head can already explain that many of them can't pass this level.

The immortal of Taixu Tavern also sighed: "Yes, this is the third level. There may be more difficult later. There are not many immortals who can pass this level alone, let alone the latter. "

"In this way, we can also see the vision and strength of the owner of the ruins. If we can't make it to the end, then we can only bring the top 20 strongest of the gods to come, how much we can gain, Count how much." Xin Yu of the Tianshen Temple said.

Everyone nodded.

Xin Yu continued: "Who wants to go second?"

"Old man, go and try!" The old monster Yuan Qing of the Xingwu Empire rushed directly to the ring.

The strength of the Yuan Qing old monster is on the upper side among this group of immortals.

What level he can hit is undoubtedly more worth seeing!

"The strength of this old monster Yuanqing is not much different from me. If he can't pass it, I am afraid it will be difficult." Dong Guo Wuji looked solemn.

"Don't worry, Xiangguo, let's watch it first." Lin Yun stared at the ring.

After the Yuan Qing old monster boarded the first ring, the battle broke out soon.

"Huh? The attack of this first big axe man in the ring seems to be stronger than the previous attack against the bald head? What is going on?" Everyone was surprised.

"Does it have something to do with the realm? The realm of the old monster Yuanqing is higher than that of a bald head."

"No? Or is it related to age?"

Everyone speculated.

Even if it is the same arena, different people challenge, and the strength of opponents is also different. This undoubtedly makes everyone more worried, which means that uncertain factors are increasing.

Everyone does not know what the basis for the change in the strength of the opponent in the ring is based.

Fortunately, this change is not too high. Although the strength of the big axe in the first ring is stronger than before, but fortunately, there are not many enhancements.

The old monster Yuan Qing rushed through the first level, seemingly easy.

When he arrived at the second ring, the short sword man from the second ring quickly attacked him and blocked him from moving forward.

The old monster Yuan Qing on the ring used frequent methods and used a very powerful sword technique, and finally successfully rushed through the second ring and reached the third ring.

But in the second arena, this old man of Yuanqing had almost exhausted his means, and he had been playing a bit hard.

After he came to the third ring, the two strong men with double hammers in the third ring launched fierce attacks on him from the left and right sides at the same time, without giving him a chance to breathe!

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