Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2652: Goodbye Emperor Xingwu

"What is he here to do to see me making a joke? Or is he here to ask for his 1,000 Holy Spirit weapons?" Emperor Xingwu said coldly.

"Your Majesty, then... do you want to see?" the commander below asked weakly.

After a few seconds of pondering, Emperor Xingwu said: "Since he is here, let him in."

"Yes." After the leader responded, he withdrew from the hall.

The gate of the palace.

Lin Yun was standing here waiting.

"Lin... Lin Yun? Why did you come here?"

A clear voice came from behind.

Lin Yun turned his head and saw that Jin Yaoer was greeted.

"Jin Yaoer, it's you!" Lin Yun smiled immediately after seeing Jin Yaoer.

In any case, Jin Yaoer had helped herself in the first place.

But precisely because she is the youngest daughter of Emperor Xingwu, Lin Yun went back to Emperor Xingwu several times to visit her old friends, but never came to see Jin Yaoer.

Speaking of it, the two have not seen each other for a long, long time.

Jin Yaoer quickened his pace and came to Lin Yun in a blink of an eye.

"What a coincidence, I finally came to the Xingwu Imperial Palace and I just happened to meet you." Lin Yun looked at Jin Yaoer.

"You guy, you are a dignified immortal now, do you look down on us little people? I'm afraid you have forgotten little people like me?" Jin Yao'er curled her lips.

"Uh, that's not the case, you know, my relationship with your father is not good, so I definitely won't come." Lin Yun helplessly spread his hands.

Regarding this point, Jin Yaoer certainly knew that she had pleaded for Lin Yun, but was confined by Emperor Xingwu.

"In that case, why did you take the initiative to come here today? I'm not afraid of my father teaching you." Jin Yaoer still looks like a strange spirit.

"Of course not afraid." Lin Yun grinned.

Now that Emperor Xingwu is no longer his opponent, Lin Yun is afraid of what he will do.

"Cut, don't talk big words, you took the father and didn't find you, you leave here quickly, what if the father is bothering you again." Jin Yaoer became serious when she said the second half of the sentence. .

"Jin Yaoer, it's all right." Lin Yun smiled bitterly and spread his hands.

"Forget it, you are now a disciple of the Great Emperor Huoyun, the emperor is embarrassed at most, and dare not really do anything." Jin Yaoer said.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yaoer raised her head, looking at Lin Yun with her clear and beautiful eyes.

"By the way, Lin Yun, today is the day when the Celestial Palace is playing the rankings? The immortals of our Star Martial Empire have all gone to participate. You must have gone too? How are your results? After the immortals of our empire come back, I will look for them. I asked some immortals about your achievements, but they refused to tell me." Jin Yaoer asked curiously.

Although Jin Yaoer is not an immortal, she still knows some things about Tianshen Palace.

"This..., do you really want to listen." Lin Yun shrugged.

Of course Lin Yun knew why the immortals of the Star Wu Empire didn't tell Jin Yaoer about their achievements.

"Of course!" Jin Yaoer nodded vigorously.

"I am now on the tenth **** list," Lin Yun said.


Jin Yaoer was startled, and immediately retorted: "You brag! How long have you joined the Celestial Palace? How could you have reached the tenth place? What's more, as far as I know, my father is the tenth place on the list of gods, you If you are the tenth **** on the list, wouldn't it be you who defeated my father? How could it be possible!"

"Because of this, the immortals of your empire are unwilling to tell you." Lin Yun smiled and shook his head.

"You brag!" Jin Yaoer pouted.

Even if Jin Yaoer knew that Lin Yun was a wicked evildoer, she would not believe that Lin Yun would be able to defeat her father in just ten years after joining the Tiansheng Palace!

At this moment, the commander of the Imperial Guard came out from the gate.

"Lin Yun, your majesty let me lead you in." The leader said.

"Okay, then lead the way." Lin Yun said.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun turned to look at Jin Yaoer: "Jin Yaoer, I'm going to see your father first. You and I are also friends. If you need my help in the future, you can come to me."

Jin Yaoer helped herself, and Lin Yun was a man of gratitude, and the blessing of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring.

Just because Jin Yaoer had such a powerful father as Emperor Xingwu, she basically didn't lack any resources. Under normal circumstances, she didn't need Lin Yun to help her at all.

After speaking, Lin Yun followed the commander of the Imperial Guard and walked into the palace.

Inside the palace hall.

The commander of the imperial guard led Lin Yun into the hall.

Lin Yun also felt familiar with this hall.

It was here when I saw Emperor Xingwu for the first time.

However, to Lin Yun at that time, Emperor Xing Wu was like a'god'. Even if Lin Yun glanced at him, he felt nervous. Once Emperor Xing Wu released his breath, it was enough to make Lin Yun feel When he suffocated, he was dying, and he was like an ant in front of him.

But now, it's already very different, and Lin Yun stood here again, calmly.

Lin Yun looked up, Emperor Xingwu was standing in front of him with his back to him.

"Your Majesty, people have been brought here." The Guards commanded.

"Okay, you can withdraw first." Great Emperor Xing Wu responded.

Wait until the commander of the Forbidden Army exits the hall.

"Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, this is the place where we met for the first time? If you were willing to accept me as a disciple at that time, your Majesty Xingwu, maybe my life is another trajectory." Lin Yunren Can't help but sigh.

For Lin Yun at that time, Emperor Xingwu was such an awesome existence. As long as Emperor Xingwu was willing to take the initiative to accept himself as a disciple, Lin Yun at that time had no reason to refuse.

However, the Xingwu Great Emperor at that time was only interested in Lin Yun's Little Azure Dragon, and didn't pay much attention to Lin Yun, and he didn't mean it at all.

Emperor Xingwu turned his back to Lin Yun and said coldly: "Lin Yun, you came here just to say this? You haven't seen enough of my jokes yet? Or do you want to embarrass me again as a winner?"

He turned his back to Lin Yun and did not face Lin Yun, perhaps because he was embarrassed to lose to Lin Yun and had no face to face Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled helplessly: "His Majesty Xing Wu, if you think so, you will be able to save the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"What? You said I'm a villain?" Emperor Xingwu's tone became cold.

"Naturally, I didn't mean that, you don't want to take a seat."

Lin Yun continued: "Your Majesty, I'll be straight to the point. I am here today to reconcile with you. After all, we are all powerful human races. The evil of the monster race today is a sword hanging over our human race at any time. It’s all possible to fall. If we hold each other's hatred, it is not conducive to unity and stability."

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