Top Shenhao

Vol 5 Chapter 2653: Battle of the Nuwang River

"Reconciliation?" Emperor Xingwu was startled.

Obviously he did not expect that Lin Yun was here for this purpose.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xingwu turned around and looked at Lin Yun.

"I didn't expect it, Lin Yun also took the initiative to lower his head, it is really rare, but how does this emperor know whether you are sincere?" Great Emperor Xingwu laughed.

"Your Majesty Xingwu, I am now above you, but I still voluntarily come to reconcile, isn't this sincere enough?" Lin Yun asked rhetorically.

Lin Yun continued: "Your Majesty Xing Wu, to show your sincerity, I don't need the Holy Spirit weapon before."

Lin Yun also knows that it is still difficult for him to reconcile directly by saying a few words on his own.

"This emperor is not someone who can't afford to lose. If you lose a thousand holy spirit-level weapons, you will lose to you. If you just bow your head for these thousand holy spirit-level weapons, wouldn't it be laughed at by the world?" Xingwu Great Emperor said. .

After Emperor Xingwu's voice fell, a figure wearing an armor walked in.

"Your Majesty, this is something ordered."

This soldier in armor gave a storage ring to Emperor Xingwu.

"Okay, you can give this storage ring to Lin Yun, and then withdraw."

Emperor Xingwu issued the order.


This soldier in armor was about to hand over the storage ring in his hand to Lin Yun, and then exited the hall.

"In Lin Yun, there are exactly a thousand holy spirit-level weapons, and the things will be handed over to you, and the gambling agreement will be cleared." Xing Wu said.

Lin Yun checked a little, and there were a thousand holy spirit weapons inside.

"it is good."

Lin Yun smiled and nodded, then put the storage ring away.

For Lin Yun, so many Holy Spirit level weapons is definitely a great gain.

"Lin Yun, didn't you say that you came to me for reconciliation? The emperor also put forward the conditions for reconciliation." Xingwu Great Emperor said.

Since Emperor Xingwu said so, it naturally represents the possibility of reconciliation.

"Your Majesty has any conditions, just mention it." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun was curious about what conditions the Great Emperor Xingwu wanted to offer.

"The conditions are very simple. Another battle with the emperor, if you can still win, I will agree to reconciliation." Xingwu Great Emperor said.

"Another fight?" Lin Yun was startled, but he didn't expect Emperor Xingwu to make this condition.

However, Lin Yun quickly thought that in the previous battle with him, he said later that he had not lost yet and that he would fight Lin Yun.

It was only at that time that Deputy Palace Master Yao stood up and expressed his stance, saying that the game was over and Lin Yun won, which ended.

Now it seems that Emperor Xingwu was not convinced that he lost at that time.

Emperor Xingwu continued: "Yes, one more battle, but it's no longer an arena, but an actual field battle. There are no rules for the arena. Just like a real battle, if you can win, everything between you and me will be the same. During the festival, completely canceled, how about it, do you dare to take it?"

There are definitely many differences between actual field combat and the challenge of a ring.

"Your Majesty, why don't I dare?" Lin Yun said with a smile.

If there is a reconciliation after another fight, it may not be necessary.

And Lin Yun also likes this kind of difficult challenge.

"Okay! In that case, let's choose a time and a place!" said Emperor Xingwu.

It can be seen that Emperor Xingwu was very dissatisfied with the loss today. He didn't feel that he really lost to Lin Yun. He wanted to win back his face and dignity through this battle.

"Time, place, and place, please speak up, Your Majesty Xingwu." Lin Yun looked very refreshed.

"Okay, then tomorrow noon, five thousand miles west of the city, on the bank of the Nuwang River, I will wait for you there at that time." Xingwu Great Emperor directly reported the time and place.

"Okay!" Lin Yun noted the time and place, and then left the palace.

After leaving the palace, Lin Yun was in the city and found an inn to stay in, waiting for tomorrow's appointment.

Inside the inn.

"Master, in the previous battle in the Tianshen Palace, Emperor Xingwu already understood your strength. If he dares to challenge you again, he must have some means and assurance to win. If he has no confidence at all, then he will not do this." Ling said.

"I know this naturally. I would like to see what he can do under the circumstances of complete unrestricted field combat." Lin Yun nodded.

For Lin Yun, this is even more challenging.

"In addition, in the previous battle on Mingyuetai, the Great Emperor Xingwu used the Slaughter Heaven and Killing Seal, and now the effect has passed, and the side effects are still there. You have to quickly eliminate it." Lin Yun murmured.

Once used, there will be extremely strong side effects.

If Lin Yun fights again at this time, he will definitely not be as strong as before.

"But with one day, it shouldn't be a big problem." Lin Yun murmured.

If placed in the past, this side effect would make Lin Yun very weak, and the duration would be quite long.

But now Lin Yun’s physical body has reached the original body. The impact of this side effect on Lin Yun is not as exaggerated as before, and the original body’s ability to recover is extremely terrifying. It is natural to recover from this weak state. Also fast.

In one day, if you enter the Ziyun Pagoda given to Lin Yun by Emperor Huoyun, it will take eight days to recover, which is more than enough.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun showed the Ziyun Pagoda, and then directly entered it.


Time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yun also rushed to the Nuwang River as agreed.

The Nuwang River, the river rolls like a roar.

After Lin Yun came to the Nuwang River, he saw it at a glance, the Great Emperor Xingwu, who was suspended above the river surface, thousands of meters in the sky.

"The place is pretty good." Lin Yun raised his eyes and looked around.

On the riverside, there are several immortals of the Star Martial Empire, including Cao Jun and Xiaojian Xian Zhuang Song.

After Lin Yun saw them, he knew clearly that Emperor Xing Wu brought them here, fearing that he wanted to be ashamed in front of them.

After all, the last time he fought at Mingyuetai in the Tianshen Palace, Emperor Xingwu also lost in front of them.

"Lin Yun is here!" said the immortal Zhuang Song who was watching the battle by the river.

"Your Majesty dares to challenge again, he must have a certain degree of certainty, and this is very different from a ring battle, there are no restrictions, Lin Yun wants to win, it is not easy!" said the immortal Cao Jun.

They also looked forward to this battle.

Just as they were discussing, Lin Yun also rose into the sky, went to the high sky of the Nuwang River, and went to the front of Emperor Xingwu.

The Nuwang River, above the sky.

Lin Yun and Emperor Xingwu stood opposite each other.

"Lin Yun, in this battle, there are no rules. Everything is just like actual battles. Each depends on your ability. This time, I will let you understand that there is still a gap between you and me!" Xing Wu said coldly.

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