Top Shenhao

Chapter 1028: First encounter with monsters

"These two casual cultivators, one is Lin Yun and the other is White Shark, both are in the realm of Golden Core." said the second elder of the temple.

The second elder stroked his beard lightly, and continued: "This white shark is quite interesting. He is born with an extremely special physique, which is very suitable for cultivation. If he can be cultivated by my temple, he will be able to achieve something in the future, so My temple sent him an invitation letter."

They fancy white sharks, of course not because of their realm and strength, but because of their physique.

This is a unique talent that those outside the temple disciples cannot match.

"Where is the kid named Lin Yun? It seems that Hong Ling didn't team up with Zhang Jian and Wu Shuifei because of him?" Elder Xiong said.

"This Lin Yun, compared to the White Shark, is much more ordinary. According to our information, the only time he made a public move was at the gate of Qingyang Ancient Town, defeating Tier 1 Nascent Soul with the Golden Core Stage." Said the elder.

"Although this strength is amazing outside the temple, there is still a big gap compared to my temple outer disciples. Even Shen Yongqi of the Shura Temple is much more eye-catching than him." Said the elder.

"Indeed." The elders on the judges' bench all nodded.

"If it hadn't been for Hong Ling's help, Lin Yun wouldn't even have received an invitation letter for the temple trials," said the second elder of the temple.

If it weren't for Red Aya and White Shark, they wouldn't even notice Lin Yun.

"In that case, it would be extremely difficult for their team to make it into the top fifteen," the elder of the temple said slowly.

"Not to mention it is the top fifteen, it is a problem to be in the top thirty. Although the white shark has a special physique and excellent talent, it has not been well-trained, and its current strength is very low. Look, I'm afraid there is only red silk." The second elder of the temple said.

"How can it be good, if their team can't squeeze into the top fifteen, there will only be one special recruitment quota, for Hong Ling or White Shark?" said the fourth elder of the temple.

"Yes, this is a problem." The elders present nodded one after another.

Hong Ling and the others must be recruited into the inner gate, and the white sharks have special physiques, and they also want to recruit into the inner gate for training.

As for Lin Yun, naturally it is not within their consideration.

Again, if it weren't for Red Aya and White Shark, they wouldn't even pay attention to Lin Yun.

"Let's read it first." The elder of the temple said slowly, leaning on the chair.

Not only the elders in the judges' bench are discussing the strength of each team, but the leaders of the team in the square are also discussing.


the other side.

After 40 minutes of rushing, Lin Yun and the three were taken by a temple deacon to the No. 10 mountain spot.

"You go up the mountain from here, remember, entering the mountain means the game officially begins, all be careful." The deacon of the temple pointed to the front.

"Thank you." Lin Yun bowed his hands to the deacon leading the way.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun and the three directly went up the mountain from here.

"This kid is very polite," the temple deacon murmured.

The contestants are all geniuses in the martial arts, and all of them are very arrogant. Few deacons who lead them like Lin Yun say thank you.

"It's a pity that with the strength of the three of them and the configuration of the team, there is nothing but cannon fodder in this trial mountain." The deacon of the temple shook his head, then turned and left.

Lin Yun and the three people quickly entered the mountain.

At this time, the sky has gradually dimmed.

The woods in the mountains are not dense.

"Brother Yun, you said the temple, where did you get so many monsters?" The white shark looked very curious.

"I don't know either." Lin Yun shook his head.

"These monster beasts are all raised in the temple, and most of them are not high in strength." Hong Ling said.

"Do you want to raise monsters in captivity? I'm afraid it can be done by the temple." Lin Yun muttered.

The temple is indeed much stronger than the ancient sects outside.


At this moment, the roar of a monster beast came down from the mountain.

"What a powerful breath!" White Shark exclaimed.

Lin Yun also felt this powerful breath.

"It should be the half-step transforming monster, roaring." Hong Ling said.

"Half-step transformation of a monster?" Lin Yun was startled.

Lin Yun did not expect that there would be such a powerful monster in the trial mountain.

"This is the strongest monster in the trial mountain. Over the years, all participating teams will bypass him and not provoke this powerful monster. After so many competitions, it still lives in it well. "Hong Ling said.

Lin Yun nodded, who would want to provoke a half-step monster beast? Isn't that looking for death?

Lin Yun asked herself, she didn't dare to provoke such an existence.

Hong Ling continued: "It just yelled. It should have sensed that the participating teams are entering the mountain, so it yelled to warn us not to mess with it."

Lin Yun had to sigh, Hong Ling knew so much.

At this moment, two small monster beasts sprang out of the forest. One of the two monster beasts looked like a wild boar and the other looked like a leopard.


When the two monsters saw Lin Yun's trio, they grinned and screamed at the same time.

"One is in the virtual pill state and the other is in the real pill state, too weak!" Lin Yun shook his head.

"Brother Yun, leave it to me!"

After the white shark finished speaking, he took it directly from his back, and his big sword, which was higher than a human, rushed towards the two monsters.


The battle broke out instantly.

With the strength of the white shark, the two monsters were beheaded in just a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the white shark used a knife to break open the head of the monster beast, and took out two monster beast pills.

"Brother Yun, it's done!"

As White Shark said, he handed the Monster Beast Pill to Lin Yun.

"White shark, you can hold the monster pill first." Lin Yun said.

"Brother Yun, put it there first, you hold it together, and when it's over, you can distribute it to you," Bai Shark said.

"Also." Lin Yun nodded, and then took the two monster pill.

"By the way, White Shark, I will give you another gift."

Lin Yun flipped his hand, took out a storage ring, and handed it to the white shark.

The White Shark does not have a storage ring and it is inconvenient to carry things.

Before the Xiuxian auction, Lin Yun had photographed a storage ring, this is the one in his hand.

This storage ring space is not large, but it is much better than nothing.

"Brother Yun, this thing is very precious." The white shark waved his hand quickly.

"What are you kidding me for being polite!"

As Lin Yun said, he stuffed the storage ring into the hands of White Shark.

"Thank you Brother Yun, then." Bai Sha grinned, and was not polite.

"Let's move on. The monsters under the mountain are mostly lower in strength. The higher you go, the higher the strength of the monsters and the higher the value of the monster pill." Hong Ling said.

When the final score is settled, not only the quantity of the monster pill, but also the quality, then the overall score is evaluated.

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