Top Shenhao

Chapter 1029: Be blocked

A Monster Beast Pill of an Infant Infant Monster Beast must have a much higher score than a virtual pill and a real Pill Monster Beast Pill.

While the three of Lin Yun hunted the monster beasts, other teams also began to enter the mountains, starting their own journey of hunting the monster beasts.

Three days passed quickly after such a day.

Three days later.

Somewhere in the mountains.


The white shark once again killed a half-step Yuanying monster, then took out the monster pill and handed it to Lin Yun.

The white shark still took some effort and fought a fierce battle just after killing this half-step Yuanying monster.

In these three days, the trio hunted more than 30 monster beasts, and the one with the highest strength was this half-step Yuan Ying.

These monsters were all killed by the white shark, and neither Lin Yun nor Hong Ling did it.

White Shark usually has little actual combat, this is the opportunity for actual combat.

These low-strength monsters didn't need Lin Yun to do anything.

In three days, they did not meet other teams.

During these three days, as I walked up the mountain, I could clearly feel that the strength of the monsters I encountered was also increasing.

The more you go up the mountain, the more likely you are to encounter other teams.

At this time, another monster appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

This monster beast walks on all fours with a horn on its head.


After seeing the three of Lin Yun, the monster immediately let out a roar.

"The monster of Tier 1 Nascent Soul, this is a real Tier 1 Nascent Soul!" White Shark said quickly.

After the voice fell, the white shark rushed up immediately, waved the big knife in his hand, and launched an attack on the monster beast.

Boom boom boom!

The fierce battle began instantly.

This Tier One Nascent Soul's monster is of great strength. Although the White Shark can have a certain advantage against him, it is difficult to defeat it in a short time.

With the white shark's special physique, strength and superb weapon blessing, he can defeat the enemies of the first-order Yuan Ying and fight the second-order Yuan Ying.

However, this monster beast is extremely agile, and the white shark lacks in speed. When the two increases and the other decreases, the speed gap is widened, and the battle is deadlocked.

Although the white shark can have the upper hand in the battle, it can't kill this monster beast in a short time.

After more than ten minutes of fierce fighting.

"Lin Yun, let me help the white shark. If you drag it on, it will waste time." Hong Ling said.

"Senior Sister Hongling, you are a girl, just stay aside, unless you have to do it, you don't need to take action." Lin Yun said to Hongling.

"White Shark, let me come!"

Lin Yun found the right time and rushed directly into the battlefield.


The monster beast was dealing with the white shark, Lin Yun attacked from behind, and the power of the blade was strong enough, the monster beast was directly beheaded to death with a single sword.

Lin Yun knew that the white shark did not have a jade pendant, and his exhaustion was terrifying when he burst out with all his strength.

"Brother Yun, this monster beast is too fast, it's really hard to deal with." The white shark wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the battle just now consumed him a lot.

"Generally speaking, monsters are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monks in the same realm." Lin Yun said.

There are essential differences between monsters and humans. Some monsters have thick skins, some are extremely aggressive, and some are super flexible.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun waved the Scarlet Blood Sword, broke open the head of the monster beast of the first-order Nascent Soul, and took out the monster beast pill.

At the same time, Lin Yun also put the body of this monster beast into the storage space.

Lin Yun didn't take the corpses of the monster beasts with low strength before.

And the corpse of the monster beast that reached the first-order Yuanying also had a certain value.

"Let's go." After Lin Yun put away the spoils, he was ready to continue.

"Three stay!" A voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Yun turned his head to see, six voices and shadows sprang out of the forest.

"Brother Yun, it's a six-member squad composed of Xiaoyao faction and Shenghuo faction." The white shark looked at the six.

"They should not be far away from us. The fighting here just now attracted them." Lin Yun said.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After these six people just rushed over, they first hid in the distance and watched.

After they found out that it was Lin Yun and the others, they rushed out.

After all, in their eyes, Lin Yun's team is three golden cores, belonging to the soft persimmon team.

If they encounter a strong team, they must hide from a distance and take a look and run quickly instead of rushing out.

The Alliance of Xiaoyao Sect and Holy Fire Sect has one first-order Yuan Ying, one half-step Yuan Ying, and four Jin Dan.

This kind of team configuration is considered mid-level in the trial mountain.

"Six, I don't know what you can do?" Lin Yun looked at them.

"I just want to ask you how many Monster Beast Pills have been collected," said the leading short-haired man.

This short-haired man is the most powerful genius disciple of the Xiaoyao faction, and is also the pillar of the entire team. His strength is the first-order Yuan Ying.

"It doesn't seem to be your business, right?" Lin Yun said slowly.

"Of course it's our business. If you want to leave safely, you will hand over half of the monster pill!" the short-haired man said proudly.

"Want to grab the monster pill?"

Lin Yun couldn't help laughing: "You should have heard that I have defeated the first-order Yuan Ying. Are you sure you want us to be soft persimmons? Believe me, this will be your biggest mistake."

"Of course I have heard about you defeating Tier 1 Yuan Ying."

"However, there are six of us here. Even if we are divided into two to deal with your teammates, the four of us will work together to deal with you, and we still have some certainty." The short-haired man laughed.

Generally speaking, if the gap is not particularly large, a few more people can work together to fill the gap.

For example, a Tier One Nascent Soul can't beat a Tier Two Nascent Soul.

However, five first-order primordial souls can fight one second-tier primordial soul, and six or seven first-tier primordial souls can join forces and even have a chance to defeat a second-tier primordial soul.

The short-haired man turned his words: "Of course, it may be bad for any of us if it really fights. I don't want all of your trophies. If you hand over half of the monster pill, we will let you go."


Trial on the square below the mountain.

"Look, those two teams have encountered each other!"

Everyone noticed the projection screen of Lin Yun's encounter with the Xiaoyao faction and the Holy Fire faction.

"Finally some team has encountered it, and finally there is a good show!"

People watching the game on the square all cast their eyes on the front projection screen.

Over the past three days, the screens were full of images of various teams fighting monsters.

Team-to-team battle has not occurred yet.

Lin Yun, Xiaoyao faction and Shenghuo faction were the first teams to encounter head-on.

It will naturally attract everyone's attention.

In the judges' seat.

"I didn't expect Hong Ling and his team to encounter other teams so soon." said the second elder of the temple.

"The gap between the two of them is not very big. If it really fights, it's hard to say who wins and who wins. However, the Xiaoyao faction and the Holy Fire faction have a numerical advantage. From the current point of view, they have a greater victory." The Third Elder said.

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