Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2396: Zhan Tai Xuan Yue! (six more flowers)

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Along with a flash of light, there is no sound, there is a white woman who is similar to Yun Ruo Xue’s eighty-nine points, appearing silently, looking at Yun Ruoxue.

This woman is the last saint of the Zhantai family, Zhan Taixuan.

From her face similar to Yun Ruoxue's eighty-nine points, she can already see that she is the biological mother of Yun Ruoxue, who is also the teacher of Xiangyang.

However, at this moment, Yun Ruo Xue is in the situation of the activation of her own blood, she still closed her eyes, not knowing that her mother has arrived.

Zhan Taixuan stood in front of Yun Ruoxue, staring at Yun Ruoxue, her tears had soaked her entire face, trembling, and seemed to have exhausted all her strength and marched toward the clouds. Shot.

This process is very slow and slow, as if Zhantai Xuanyue is not a big Luoqiang, but a seven-and-eighty-eight, old man who has already done the deadwood.

When her hand reached the face of Yun Ruoxue's face, she stopped again. She did not dare to disturb the clouds, but her hands were constantly shaking.

Xiang Yang and others did not bother Zhantai Hyun Moon, but quietly looked at her and Yun Ruo Xue, even if it was **** unicorns, it also happened to be standing beside Xiangyang.

"It's over... I am dead..."

Only Zhan Taifeng trembled and looked at this scene. He only felt that he was definitely dead. Although the little blood had not stood by him to block him, he did not dare to move, and all his strength had disappeared.

The family style of the Zhantai family is extremely strict, especially for the battle between the ties, and the control is very good. The shackles can be misbehaving outside, but they can’t do anything about the Zhantai’s shackles. Otherwise, the punishment to be imposed will be very serious.

Although Zhan Taifeng had to deal with her if she did not know that Yun Ruoxue was the shack of the Zhantai family, he wanted to get Yun Ruo Xue to his bed. If this behavior is to the criminal law of the Zhantai family. Don, his end will probably be very tragic.

"It’s a bright moon aunt, what happened, she, I rely on... is it..."


"Oh my God, it turned out to be."


Next, there are countless streams of light coming. It is the arrival of the younger generation of the Jantai family. Almost all of them are strong in the realm of immortality. Even those who have been trained as powerful have already understood the rules of the Da Luo and become a quasi-large Luo Qiang.

When the younger generations of the Zhantai family saw that Zhantai Xuanyue and Yun Ruoxue were similar in eighty-nine points, they already understood everything, and all of them changed their faces at the same time. I dare not discuss it, but after seeing the typhoon of Zhan, one by one went to Zhan Taifeng.

"Little madman, you have to make a great contribution this time, even for our Zhantai family to find the blood of the aunt's blood, hehe, after the aunt knows it will definitely reward you after the event, you have to show off the limelight this time, If you develop in the future, don't forget your sister." A woman smiled and said to Zhan Typhoon.


After Zhan Taifeng listened, I almost collapsed. Your sister, Laozi is dead this time, and still make meritorious deeds? The people in the Criminal Law Hall have thanked me for using less punishment.

As for what the other party said after the aunt wants to reward him, he is even more trembling in his heart. He knows that Hyun’s aunt will definitely find him afterwards, but it is impossible to reward him, but he must be looking for trouble. He will even shoot him directly.

Although the Zhantai family is very strict with the control of the internal fighting, it is for their juniors. His cultivation of the aunt of the moon has already reached the realm of the Da Luo. In the family, he can truly surpass his aunt. There aren't many people, let alone killing a typhoon, even if it kills a few more.

"It won't be something that your kid should do to the aunt's bloodline?"

When I saw that the face of Zhan Taifeng was not quite right, these people suddenly understood a bit. Zhan Taifeng not only did not make meritorious deeds in this matter, but it caused great trouble in this matter.

I remembered that during the time when Zhan Typhoon was idle and stayed at the gate of the city to catch a beautiful woman who was looking good, these young people of the Jantai family understood that it was definitely Zhan Typhoon’s kick on the iron board and made them dazzle. The aunt’s **** daughter’s body.

"You kid is asking for more happiness."

A group of young people from the Zhantai family looked at Zhan Typhoon with a look of disappointment. They offended the descendants of the **** aunts. With their understanding of the aunts of the moon, it is very clear that the next typhoon will not be comfortable.

Zhan Taifeng still looks dull, only that all the meanings of life have disappeared.

"Hey, the little madman and Mingge are brothers, but the gap between the two is so big."

Someone looked at Zhan Taiming, the brother of Zhan Typhoon, and sighed.

Zhan Taiming is the brother of Zhan Taifeng. Although he is not much older than Zhan Typhoon, he did not realize the rule of the Da Luo rule.

However, Zhan Taifeng himself has only cultivated to reach the real fairyland. Even the peaks of the true fairy have not reached the point of saying no, and they have been in trouble everywhere. The contrast between the two is directly reflected.

However, when the young people of the group of Zhantai looked at Zhan Taiming, they found that Zhan Taiming was looking at the rear of the woman who was a little similar to their Hyun Moon aunt, but he was handsome. There is no strong breath on the body that shows the young man.

Moreover, Zhan Taiming is not just looking at it, but his face is white and his body is shaking and swaying.

The two brothers, in this same place, at the same time, their faces are very ugly, and they are all a bit wrong.

"What happened to Mingge?"

A group of young people from the Zhantai family looked at Zhan Taiming without knowing it. I don’t know what happened to Zhan Taiming, who was ranked in the top three in their family.

Zhan Typhoon is because of his own rumors, knowing that what he will face next is the horrific blow of Zhantai Hyunyue. However, Zhan Taiming has just arrived here and has not done anything. Why is this so expression? This is something that everyone does not understand.

However, Zhan Taiming did not listen to their words, but his face turned white, and his body shivered and looked at Xiang Yang. His pupil was magnified, his eyes were horrified, and he shivered and shouted. ”

However, even Xiangyang’s Yangzi couldn’t be said, and he stood there trembling, and he didn’t dare to move.

It is hard to imagine that the Tianjiao of a Zhantai family would be scared into this, and what kind of indelible impression Xiangyang left in his heart.

At this time, Xiang Yang had a faint smile on his face and said hello to Zhan Taiming. "Xiao Mingzi, I haven't seen it for a long time, I miss it."

"Item, item boss..."

When he heard Xiang Yang’s greeting, Zhan Taiming became much better. The horror of the eyes was slightly dissipated, and he looked at Xiang Yang bitterly.

I didn't expect Xiang Yang to be here. In his opinion, Xiang Yang appeared in Zhantai City, nothing more than looking for him to settle accounts.

At that time, he was in the lower bounds, but he promised Xiangyang to come to the Zhantai family in Xianjie with Xiangyang. Later, he sneaked away with Xiangyang’s ‘one inattention’.

Of course, he would never know that it was Xiangyang who felt that even if he took him, he did not use it, so he specially let him go.

And Zhan Taiming thought that he was carrying a sneaky departure from Xiangyang. After returning to the fairyland, he found a place to evade and practice retreat. He was afraid that Xiangyang would come to the door. Later, the fire invincible took Xiangyang’s debt to find him. He will understand that Xiang Yang must have come to the fairy world, and it is also the time when he is afraid of Xiang Yang.

Left and right, etc., and now finally waited for Xiangyang. At this moment, after he saw Xiangyang, he naturally thought that Xiangyang was looking for him to settle accounts.

In the face of Zhan Taiming's face panic, Xiang Yang's face with a faint smile, "Come, tell me that this fairy is your Zhantai family?"

At the same time, the gaze is to look at the Zhantai Hyun Moon, who is staring at Yun Ruo Xue’s tears, and let Zhan Taiming tell himself about Zhantai’s moonlight.


After listening to it, Zhan Taiming first hesitated. He didn’t dare to tell Xiangyang that Zhantai Hyunyue was free. However, Xiang Yang in front of him was very cold in his eyes, and suddenly he changed his mind and remembered those who followed the lower bound. The Tianjiao are one by one, and when the person who owes the debt to the innocent king is invincible, he will never dare to hide it, and directly tells Xiang Yang all this.

"She is a bright moon aunt, the full name of Zhantai Hyun Yue, is the last generation of the Zhantai family's saints, talented, and has reached the status of Daluo at a young age, and is very important in the Zhantai family. High, even in the Zhantai’s Da Luoqiang, there are not many positions higher than her..."

After listening to the voice of Zhan Taiming, Xiang Yang finally understood everything. He looked at Zhantai Hyunyue with great interest. He sighed in his heart, his brother is really powerful, and even a comprehension person who is not a fairy is able to Hook up to such a fairy who is in the upper bounds, and, after so many years, the other party has already broken through to become the great Luoqiang, such talent is definitely not comparable to the average person.

However, what makes Xiangyang feel depressed is that since Zhantai Xuanyue is already a strong man, it is reasonable to say that no one in Zhantai can limit her freedom. Why has she not gone to the lower bounds to find her husband and daughter for so many years?

"Young Master, this body of Zhantai Hyunyue is a little weird. I see that her head is surrounded by blood and seems to be restricted."

At this time, Li Huan, near the Xiangyang, said softly.


Xiang Yang's look changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with a sly glare. He opened the sky and looked straight ahead. Seeing the blood on the top of the screen of Zhantai Hyunyue became a symbol. It should be a very vicious blood swear to bind her. However, with the appearance of Yun Ruoxue, it seems that there is a very strange energy in the blood of the cloud, which is just a little bit of dispelling the blood.

"It's a bit interesting. The vow she made should not be able to take the initiative to find Ruo Xue, unless she took the initiative to come to the Xianjie Zhantai home to find her, otherwise she and her daughter could not meet in this life, and if Xue came to the fairy world, It is equivalent to cracking her vows."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, and he has already guessed the **** situation on the top of Zhantai’s head. It seems very obvious at the moment. It can be seen that Zhantai’s head is tied to her head. The energy of the blood color is dissipating a little bit, and obviously it has no effect.


At this time, the Zhantai family finally had a big Luoqiang who found the situation of Zhantai Hyunyue and came down. It was a middle-aged man who seemed to have a sigh of anger and exuberance. The repair of Tianzhu Peak.

When he saw the appearance of Yun Ruoxue, he suddenly trembled and exclaimed, "It’s the daughter of the lower bound who was in the middle of the month. It’s really looking for the fairy world. The bastard, the **** named Yun’s Where, I got out of Laozi, when my daughter was in the lower bounds, you specially cheated her, and gave birth to a daughter in the lower bound. You know, over the years, you are happy in the lower bounds, how long my daughter has been waiting for you. Already?"

While talking, his gaze was watching everywhere. When he was not careful, he just saw Xiang Yang. So he didn’t know what the guy thought in his heart. He even identified Xiang Yang as Yunfei Yang.

"It's you, I didn't even dare to admit it, boy, this is not like the one you used to be."

"Give me over."

The middle-aged man sneered, standing directly in the same place, and reaching out to Xiang Yang, Da Luo Xianli condensed into an energy hand and caught it toward Xiang Yang.


Seeing that one of the big energy hands with the great power of Da Luo Xianjun grabbed himself, Xiang Yang had the feeling of stepping on the **** when he went out, your sister, Laozi once again lay the gun!

Moreover, this time, I still have a pot for my brother.


Author Meng Yu said: six more than 20,000 words to ask flowers....

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