Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2397: Mother and daughter meet

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When the middle-aged man, the biological father of Zhan Taixuan, took Xiang Yang as Yun Feiyang who cheated his daughter, and directly shot it, when Da Luo Xianli turned into an energy hand and caught it toward Xiangyang. The ringing of Li Huan around Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed, and he had to block the other side, even killing him.

For Li Huan, although he is actively accepting the magic species into the body, after being refining, he only changed his loyalty to Xiang Yang. Usually he and Xiang Yang look more like friends, but when someone really When he was working on Xiang Yang, he would stand up in the first place.

However, before Li Huan had not really started, Xiang Yang shook his head and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You don't want to move. When you move, the meaning is different. Today we are taking a snowy **** to find. Mother, not to make trouble, it is best to not turn your face."

He said this is not a voice, but a direct use of his mouth, so that all the people around the Zhantai family have changed their face after listening, although Xiang Yang said that it is not a trouble, but the meaning of his words It seems that several people can deal with the entire Zhantai family, which makes everyone very upset.

The people of the Zhantai family have always felt that the Zhantai family is invincible in the world. No one can be the opponent of the Zhantai family. Unless it is the arrival of the immortal king, it is considered to be eligible to be treated equally with the Zhantai family.

It is obviously impossible for Xiangyang to be the existence of the Xianwang class. Therefore, when they heard that Xiangyang said that it would be the best thing to fall out with the Zhantai family, he only thought that Xiangyang was too arrogant, especially It is the young people of the Zhantai family, all of whom look very ugly and look at Xiangyang. If the contemporary homeowners of the Zhantai family have already started to work on Xiangyang, these young people of the Zhantai family have already started.

"Don't be impulsive, in the case of a home agent, he certainly has no way to resist. It won't take long for him to be destroyed by his family."

Then a group of young people from the Zhantai family did not take the shot because they were full of confidence in the middle-aged man, the owner of the Zhantai family. After all, the owner of the Zhantai family was already a master of Da Luo, although it was only the repair of the big Luo However, among all the people's induction, Xiang Yang is only a true fairy peak, with Da Luo master to deal with Xiang Yang alone, in their view, this is too easy.

"Oh, I don't want to do it, but you have to force me."

Xiang Yang sighed and watched the one big energy hand grabbed toward himself. His face had a relaxed color, and there was no worry. He rushed out in one step, and his right hand clenched his fist and slammed it directly.


This fist broke out with the incomparable power of horror. It is the powerful force of Xiang Yang’s physical body, which is a pure physical force, not a fairy power.

However, a fist blasted, the void trembled, and a powerful fist appeared out of thin air, just like destroying the ruin and destroying the big energy hand, which dissipated in the void.

However, Xiang Yang did not think about destroying the other side. The power of this boxing was only to blast the other party's big hand, and did not continue to work on the other side.


Opposite Xiang Yang, the middle-aged man who shot him screamed and looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color. He did not expect Xiang Yang to be able to smash his own big hand.

After all, this can only be a big hand, although it was not sent out by him, but it is not the ordinary true immortal can resist, and the power of Xiangyang’s fist is equivalent to the big Luo’s master. It is the power that can be exerted by the strong man who surpassed the big Luo, so he can easily break his strength.

"The kid is a bit interesting. It seems that you have made great progress in these years, and then take the old man's trick." The middle-aged man looks at Xiangyang with appreciation and looks in his heart. In his heart, Xiang Yang is Yunfei Yang, and At that time, Yunfei Yang was originally a self-cultivator who was not even a fairy. After years, he was able to break his trick. It really made him a little surprised, thinking about the strength of 'Yunfei Yang'. In the end, what level is reached, it is ready to continue to shoot against Xiangyang.

"This guy turned me into a brother, he is obviously the old man of the brother, and this time, I am backing the brother for the brother, um, next time I see the brother, I must tell him, let him know because of his reasons. I was chased by his old man. "Seeing the other side is ready to shoot, Xiang Yang is helpless, but can not kill the other side, can only prepare to continue to block the opponent's attack.


However, Zhan Taixuan, who was looking at Yun Ruoxue, suddenly screamed with anger. "Old man, you stop for me, he is not Yunlang."

"Hey, it’s not the cloud flying the bastard, who are you?" The middle-aged man was a little bit forced after listening to it, touched his head, and looked at Xiangyang with a look of wonder.

"Yunfei Yang is my brother."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not immediately report his name because he knew very well that if he would report his name now, it is estimated that everyone must be attracted to himself. He did not want to be the first bird. When you can hide everything, you have to hide it.

"Oh, it turned out to be the younger brother of Yunfeiyang."

The middle-aged man frowned, and then he said, "When the clouds fly, why didn't the kid come?"

Although the middle-aged man said that Yunfei Yang is a jerk, his face has a faint smile. Obviously, he does not have much dissatisfaction with Yunfei Yang.

Because of this, let Xiang Yang feel very different in his heart, do not understand why even Laozhang people are very satisfied with their brothers, why should the brothers and teachers of the same year be forced to separate?

Moreover, this middle-aged man is the owner of the Zhantai family. According to the truth, since the owner will not see Yunfeiyang very uncomfortable, then it is unlikely to block the two together, but in fact, his brother is It has been separated from the teacher for countless years, even for more than 10,000 years.

When Xiang Yang was puzzled, he did not disguise the other party's problems, but directly replied, "The brothers are breaking through the Da Luo in retreat."

"Oh, it seems that the speed of the kid’s practice in the past few years is not slow. However, he thought that if he broke through the big Luo, he would become the son-in-law of Laozi? Oh, I used to say that he wanted to be my son-in-law unless I could play. I will pass it, or I will not recognize him..." The middle-aged man said with a sneer.

"To shut up."

However, after his words had not been finished, he heard a scream and screamed, and saw that Zhantai Hyun Yue looked at him with a cold look. "Old man, if you don't close your mouth again, don't blame the old lady."

At this moment, Zhantai Hyunyue does not look like a middle-aged man's daughter. Instead, he is more like a mother of the other side.

Even after Xiang Yang met, he also showed the strange color.

However, when Xiang Yang saw the cultivation of Zhantai Xuanyue, he already understood that it was normal for Zhantai Xuanyue to sip a middle-aged man. After all, the repair of Zhantai Hyunyue was already a big day. The realm of the peak, and the middle-aged man is only a peak of the sky. In the fairyland of strength, even if it is a father and a daughter, the father’s strength is inferior to that of the daughter. Obviously, it is unlikely that there will be many majestys as fathers. .


After the middle-aged man listened, he suddenly trembled and whispered, "You are my daughter, or are you my mother? I am so arrogant to me, coughing... forget it, you cow, I am not your opponent. Shut up and shut up."

After whispering, he actually closed his mouth and stopped talking. However, his eyes kept staring at Xiangyang and found that although Xiangyang was not a big Luo, he had the power to fight against Da Luo. It seems that a serious middle-aged man is quietly passing to Xiang Yang. "Kid, look at you pretty good, or you can replace Yunfei Yang as my son-in-law..."


After listening to the words of this middle-aged man, Xiang Yang almost spewed out a blood. This middle-aged man is really too bullish. He even dared to say anything. What is special, this old guy is really crazy, just inexplicable Being regarded as a brother by the other side, nowadays, he even talks like this, and Xiang Yang’s face is sullen, and almost rushed over to destroy this guy.

"If you talk again, don't blame me."

When the middle-aged man was smug in his heart, he suddenly saw Zhan Taixuan turned his head and looked at him. His expression was cold. It seems that if the middle-aged man is talking, Zhan Taixuan will really look like this.

The middle-aged man who knew his daughter very well knew that his daughter was really angry. He quickly laughed and said, "Dear your daughter, don't be angry, I won't talk anymore. I really don't say this time."

When he spoke, he really closed his mouth completely and completely. He didn’t say a word, and he didn’t even dare to pass the sound.

However, he looked at Xiang Yang's eyes still spinning, and he also blinked at Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang saw the strange color after seeing it. He sighed, "What is this Zhantai family, this big? Luo Yitian’s owner seems too unfair.”

Yes, there is such a seemingly weird homeowner, this family can still be good, Xiang Yang himself feels very weird.

"You are the younger brother of Yunlang? Why didn't I listen to Yunlang who said you?"

At this time, Yun Ruoxue’s mother, Zhan Taixuan, looked at Xiangyang with a curiosity in her eyes.

At the moment, Zhan Taixuan’s face still has tears on her face. Although her eyes looked at Xiangyang, she just looked at it. She immediately turned her head to look at Yun Ruoxue and kept staring at the daughter who made her tremble. .

"I am under 100 years old, and the time I have known with my brother is only twenty years ago. It is impossible for my nephew to see me."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "However, the blind man can rest assured that I am indeed a younger brother of the brothers, and if Xue Xuetou is also a special brother, let me take her to the fairy world to find you."

"He, what about others?"

Zhan Taixuan’s look changed and he trembled and asked.

Obviously, in her mind, Yunfei Yang did not come to the fairyland by herself, but let Xiang Yang bring her daughter to the fairyland to find her. It is very likely that Yunfei Yang had an accident.

At the moment, Zhan Taixuan asked the place where Xiang Yangyun was flying. Her voice shook, and the whole person took a sad color. Even Xiang Yang could sense her grief.

"Don't be nervous, the brothers have nothing to do."

Xiang Yang said quickly, "The brothers have broken through the big Luo in a broken ancient world. They have been closed for more than ten years. It should take a long time to break through to the state of Da Luo."

According to his estimation, with the talent of his brother, Yunfeiyang, even if it is to break through Da Luo, it needs to integrate all the avatars, and it will not take much time.

Moreover, he has not seen the extent to which his other brethren's avatars have reached, but he has guessed that since the brothers have practiced tens of thousands of years or even longer, the talents of the brothers and brothers are flying. It is impossible to just be the realm of the robbery period. It is even possible that some of the avatars have reached the peak of the true fairy and even the quasi-Daro.

It is conceivable that as long as Yunfeiyang has eighty-nine avatars comprehending a different Dalu rule, then what a terrible strength he will have after his breakthrough.

Even if you can't suddenly break through and become a big Luo Xianzun, he realized that the nine Dalu rules have achieved Da Luo, at least it is also the big Luo Santian Tianfeng, and then, maybe, you can make another breakthrough, and instantly become a Da Luo. The fairy king is all possible.

"It's okay, nothing, just fine."

After Zhan Taixuan’s listening, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then, her eyes looked at Yun Ruoxue, with a color of love and pity in her eyes, whispering, “The blood of Zhan’s family is awakened in Xue’s body. It will take a little while, and it’s better to take a rest with my father and go to the Zhantai home."

Although her words are like this, her eyes have never left Yun Ruoxue, and her eyes are the kindness of her mother.

"No, I am still waiting for it, or else I will not see me after I wake up, maybe the scorpion may not be able to get her." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Although I have already said it to Yun Ruoxue before, this girl seems to be ready, but when I really see her mother, what kind of situation Xiangyang does not know.

Xiang Yang knows that he must be staying at Yun Ruoxue, or she will be very flustered by then.

"That would thank the younger brother."

After listening to the month, Zhan Taixuan’s eyes narrowed, but did not say much, but looked at Yun Ruoxue tightly.

There are no other people in her eyes. Only this daughter who has been sealed since her birth has been a daughter who has not seen her for many years. The baby girl in front of her eyes is strikingly similar to her face, even the look of the gods. It’s not bad to get up. If the mother and the daughter stand together and don’t say it, they will think they are a pair of sisters.

However, the more she looks at her daughter, the more she feels that the heart is more uncomfortable. As a mother, she has not been able to take good care of her daughter. Instead, she has sealed her daughter from a young age. After she grows up, she must let her daughter personally find herself. It is really incompetent for my mother to be a man.

Even if Zhantai Xuanyue was originally a very tough person, at this moment, he felt the heart tremble, and his heart gave birth to a bitter taste.

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