Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2405: One palm shot

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"Who is this kid? It seems that it is just a true fairy. I can actually play against the third child. Is there such a terrible fairy in the fairy world?"

"Isn't it better to say that it is the little girl who is playing with the third child of Zhantai Xuanyue? It turned out to be this kid, is he the man of that year?"

"If the man had such a strong strength with the body of the true fairy, then he might not have the position of a fairy king, but the potential of having a fairy."

Among the voids, the original enthusiasm of the ancestors of the Zhantai family who planned to stop the three ancestors and the Zhantai Hyun Moon War were all shocked when they saw the Xiangyang and the Three ancestors.

"Who is this kid?"

The ancestors looked at Xiang Yang, his eyes flashed brightly, and turned to ask the other ancestors of the Zhantai family.

He is very clear that if Xiangyang is a descendant of the Zhantai family, or a man who was related to Zhantai Hyunyue, it would be of great benefit to the Zhantai family.

The Zhantai family already has a fairy king, and there is a strong person who has the position of a fairy king in Zhantai Xuanyue. It is destined to break through to become a fairy king in the future, and if it can come back to have a potential of Xianzun, it will be cultivated and will become directly in the future. Xianzun, that is the time when the Jantai family really rose.

Thinking of this, the ancestors of the Zhantai family suddenly trembled with excitement. They never said that they would kill the whole family, but they looked at Xiangyang without hesitation. The more they watched, the more happy they were.

"I don't know, there is no such a strong young man in the Zhantai family. If there is, it has already been cultivated in the ancestral land. The real fairyland can fight against the three ancestors. This is incredible. Let him break through the big Luo, will not be able to fight against the king of the king immediately, this is the real fairy king."

The two groups of Zhantai’s family had a dignified color on their faces. At the same time, they looked at their old father, the ancestor of the Zhantai family.

After listening to the ancestors of other Zhantai families, they all twitched slightly. The second ancestor said something interesting. What he said in his words is that if the young man below breaks through the situation of Dalu, if the other party is Zhantai The words of the family, the first master of the Zhantai family did not have the ancestors of the Zhantai family.

My son’s father heard of it, but it’s the first time these old guys saw it.

At this moment, the attitude of the ancestors of the Zhantai family did not appear to be very good. He sighed. "What do you guys eat all day? The family has come up with such a young and powerful man." I know, I will find the owner of the house at speed. I don’t understand the identity of this kid today. I will peel off your skin."

At this moment, the ancestors of the Zhantai family are both happy and angry. What is happy is that in addition to Zhantai Hyun Moon, there is such a strong person who has the position of a fairy king, regardless of whether the other party is a Zhantai family. The descendants of the blood, he must get the other hand.

The anger is that the big Zhantai family, no one knows who this person is.

He looked at all the ancestors of the Zhantai family, and he wished that all these old guys would be cramped and snarled. "You old things, all day long, stay in the back hill and enjoy the family, do not care about the family. The end is not for the Son of Man."


These ancestors of the Zhantai family face each other face to face. They want to tell the great ancestors that he is not just waiting for the whole family to stay in the forbidden land. No matter what the outside world is, there are other people in the face, but When they saw the very unsightly face of the great ancestors, they all chose wisely to close their mouths. After all, the strength of the great ancestors was the strongest among all, and the highest in class, the things he told. Still have to be done.

"Thirteen, don't you go soon?"

The other ancestors of the Zhantai family looked at the 13th ancestors with the least status among the ancestors of the Zhantai family. Obviously, the thirteen ancestors were the youngest and the easiest to be sent. With a depressed face on his face, his eyes glanced over the bottom, and he finally found the owner of the Zhantai family who was almost affected by the war. He directly grabbed the other side and grabbed the other party.

"He is the contemporary owner of the Zhantai family."

The thirteen ancestors said with sullenness, and then they stood on the side and depressed. Although in the home of Zhantai, he is the ancestor of the ancestors. However, in this generation, he is not taller than him. In front of the ancestors of the Taiwanese family, even if his strength has already rushed up, he has also reached the three realms of the big Luo, but he can still be sent.

He felt that he should not choose to enter the Houshan ancestral land at the time, but should stay in the outside world. In this way, he can truly live like an ancestor of the Zhantai family.

In front of the other ancestors of the Zhantai family, he was not at the ancestor level, but his grandson...

"I have seen my ancestors."

The owner of the Zhantai family was arrogant at the moment. He initially thought that his daughter had to work with the three ancestors. It was a very shocking time. He wanted to stop the two big battles.

However, his strength is just that he has just reached the big realm of the big Luo, and he can't intervene in the battle of the two big Luo Santian's strongmen. The heart is very puzzled, and he sees Xiangyang, a little guy who looks like a real fairy. The three ancestors were raised a few times, making the face of the three ancestors as high as the pig's head.

At that moment, when he clearly saw Xiang Yang’s positive posture, he directly fanned his face on the face of the three ancestors, causing the face of the three ancestors to swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then a kick in the past, directly When the whole ancestor was bombarded into the mountain like a cannonball, his heart could not help but be shocked.

However, when the owner of the Zhantai family looked at Xiangyang with an envious color, the family’s thirteenth ancestors suddenly said that the ancestors wanted to see him. He was wondering when the guy saw what he was doing, in the blink of an eye. He was moved to the sky, and when he saw it, he was shocked. All the ancestors of the Houshan ancestral land appeared, and all of them were staring at themselves.

The home of the Zhantai family was so scared that the whole person almost scared the urine. So many ancestors couldn’t see it on weekdays. Today they all appeared, and they all stared like wolves. As if you are a piece of fresh and delicious meat, he only feels like a cool shuttle.

"Who is the guy who is hard to beat with the third child?"

The ancestors of the Zhantai family asked directly with a sullen face.

"No, don't know..."

After the body of the Zhantai family trembled a few times, he swallowed a mouthful of water and reluctantly answered.

"Oh, don't you know?"

The ancestors of the Zhantai family were suddenly angry when they heard it. The face of the girl was a slap in the face. "You are the family's owner. Even the elite in the family don't know. How is your owner?" Who? Let you be the master of the house, which is not the long-eyed bastard, even agrees that you are the incompetent generation as the owner of the Zhantai family..."

The mood of the great ancestors is really too bad. In the face of these ordinary ancestors who usually look down and see the land, they are also lower than him. However, he is embarrassed to fight those guys, but now he hears the owner. When you don't know, you can't help it anymore.

"Cough, ancestor, you were very appreciative of the current owner, the master of the family that you personally hosted, have you forgotten?"

The two ancestors of the Zhantai family couldn't help but cough, and once again, the red fruit hit the face of the great ancestors.


When Dazu heard it, he suddenly stopped. Then, the old face was a little red, and he snorted. His face was not red and he said, "I forgot. Well, this guy was still good, but these years. After I got on the house, I slacked off, but I believe that my eyes will not be wrong. You will later find out who the young man is below. If he is a Zhantai family, Lao Tzu wants to recognize him as a son. If he is not a Zhantai family, you can find a way to turn him into a Zhantai family. Some of the better girls in the respective veins will find out for him."

"Oh..." After listening to the words of the great ancestors, all of the ancestors of the Zhantai family were simmering in the air. The ancestor was really a talent. It has already been seen that the other party is probably not the Zhantai family. People, thinking of using the beauty of the later generations of the Zhantai family to tie the other side to the home of Zhantai, but this method is really good.

Since ancient times, the hero has been saddened by the beauty. When he was young, it was said that he was almost confused by a fox. When he retaliated, he used the beauty to lure the young man below. This method is a bit shameless. However, it is also very easy to use.

For a time, these ancestors felt that the shameless realm of the great ancestors had reached a level that they could not reach.

"It is a great ancestor, wise and unparalleled."

"The great ancestor is powerful. Hey, this kid looks like a **** man. It must be a hero who is saddened by the beauty. When he changes his beauty every day, he will be very happy. He doesn't need us to say that he also asks to stay. It is."

"The great ancestor is the great ancestor, the vision is unique, the knowledge is unique, I admire."


The ancestors of these Zhantai families sent a bunch of flattering cigarettes, and the ancestors who had been beaten several times by their sons were very refreshed. They nodded with a smile. "You can’t grow your strength, However, um, the growth of the heart is still good, as long as we continue to work hard, I believe that there will be hope to become a fairy king in the future."


Everyone fainted...

At this time, it was just when Xiang Yangzheng punched and confronted the three ancestors of the Zhantai family. Only when Xiangyang punched out, the horrible boxing broke out, and the mighty blood was turned into a million feet. The long-blooded dragon, whistling and rushing forward.

Moreover, along with this long, **** dragon rushing out, the void trembled and trembled with Xiang Yang's breathing. It seems that the whole void was controlled by Xiang Yang.

Even the three ancestors opposite Xiangyang trembled, his face showed a dignified color, because his body was involuntarily followed by Xiang Yang and he trembled. He knew that this is the secret of Xiang Yang’s exhibition to control him. If he is really controlled by Xiang Yang, it will be awful.

His mind is ethereal, running Xuan Gong, letting himself resist the force of Xiang Yang's rhythm, but at the same time, he is fully committed.


The three ancestors of the Zhantai family collided with the **** dragons. The golden knives cut into the **** dragons, and they were unobstructed. They cut the **** long dragons that formed the blood of a million feet into two halves.

"Ha ha ha, the district juniors, even if the body is strong again, how can blood gas compare with Laozi's knife?"

After the three ancestors of the Zhantai family saw it, they suddenly laughed out loudly. He already saw it. Xiangyang is still only the real fairyland. The really strong place is that the blood is relatively strong, and the rest is There is nothing exciting.

His knife is the way he has proved Dalu’s knives, and he can even open the celestial void, not to mention Xiang Yang. He seems to have seen Xiang Yang directly by him. In a situation where a knife is open, the mood is really good.

"You think it's too good. This **** dragon is just because I have drained excess blood from my body."

However, Xiang Yang was laughing and laughing. Although his long blood was condensed by the other party, he still had no tension. Instead, he smiled and said, "Give me a burst."

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