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As Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he saw the long, **** dragon that had been split into two halves exploding.

This million-year-old blood-colored dragon is the body of Xiangyang is too strong, bloody, although the real power can not compete with the other strong man of the big Luo Santian peak, but the real self-destruction brings The momentum is also amazing.

At this moment, in the sky, the smoke is suffocating, and everyone in the Zhantai family seems to have seen the fireworks. Even Zhantai City feels trembled, thinking that the end of the world, if it is not known, even think that Zhantai City is to be broken. general.

The three ancestors of the Zhantai family did not expect that Xiang Yang was so decisive. He was still proud, and felt a powerful shock wave. When he was caught off guard, his clothes were instantly smashed, but good. The energy on him immediately emerged, guarding him, making him not injured.

However, when the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the three ancestors of the Zhantai family had become a big golden man surrounded by golden light. The general true fairy could not see his situation at the moment, but as long as it was repaired to a big Luo's realm, it can be seen that the three ancestors of the Zhantai family have been shackled, and there is no filming.

"Old is not shy."

Below, Zhan Taixuan sees this scene, this can not help but sigh, with deep contempt in his eyes.

The ancestors of the above-mentioned Zhantai family all showed strange colors, and the great ancestors yelled at the two ancestors. "Look at the **** you gave birth, even if you were beaten by a man." Of course, it is normal for the strong to fight and the clothes to be torn. However, the key is that the other party is just a real fairy. How can you be so born?"

"I can't, you can, you are born..."

The second ancestor was lying in the middle of the gun. He felt that he had been cripized by a million points. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. He only felt that it was too difficult to be a man. He had become the ancestor of the Zhantai family. Even though I have to be embarrassed by my father every day, this day is really impossible.

At the same time, his heart was extremely angry with the three ancestors. This kid, since he was a child, he did not let him worry about it. He didn’t know how many years old, but he still had such a mess, and he must educate him in the future.


At this time, the battle below is still not over. Xiangyang’s self-destructive **** dragon has a certain influence on the three ancestors, but it has not affected the golden knives of the three ancestors.

At the moment, the knife is still killing Xiangyang.

This is the root of the strong testimony of the Dalu Sanzhao Tianzhu Peak. Although it is not necessarily the strongest blow of the Three ancestors, it is also the energy of the very powerful horror.

Where the knife passed, the emptiness trembled, and a knife left a mark, and the mark could not be dispersed for a long time.

The knife can stay in the void, and it can be done by the true supreme power. The three ancestors can do this step. It can be seen that his strength has truly reached the peak of Xianjun, saying that he can follow the general fairy. The king’s confrontation is not without reason.

For those ordinary emperors who have just realized the four major rules of Luo, who have just broken through the Xianwang, before the energy has not been truly consolidated, naturally there is no way to have more strength, and only this step can be done.

And Xiang Yang has a light smile on his face. He is not afraid of this knife that can kill Da Luo’s triple heaven. He whispered, "Your knife is still not working, and I can see it broken."

He has not yet broken through the big Luo, and even the taunting of the red fruit is a knife that can not be accomplished by the swordsman of the powerful king of the great king.

After the three ancestors heard it, they suddenly felt mad at the corners of their mouths. However, Xiang Yang’s movements changed his look. He had to think carefully and cope with Xiang Yang.


With the fall of Xiang Yang's voice, a horrible boxing spirit rose from his body, and his fist shape changed into a illusory boxing dragon around him.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart rises to a kind of enlightenment. This is the rule of the Taekwondo. After Xiang Yang’s full exertion of his own boxing, his mind is enlightened. At this moment, the boxing is sublimated and turned into Road.

With fists into the road, turned into a rule of Da Luo.

This is the essence of the rules of the Da Luo, which can be achieved by any one of the great Luo who is trained to progress.

For the general strong, even if it has become a strong Luo, it is difficult to understand the rules of the Da Luo again. However, at this moment, Xiang Yang has not broken through to the Da Luo, but has already realized a Da Luo rules.

"Hahaha, I want to thank you, let me understand the rules of the Da Luo."

Xiang Yang laughed happily, his face was full of excitement, and when he saw that the knife was about to reach his front, he made a fist in his right hand and slammed it directly.


That boxing rhythm rule was instantly incorporated into the fist. At this moment, Xiangyang’s boxing broke out, overbearing, and full of softness, as if it were ever-changing.

The boxing is the existence of the invincible and invincible. However, when Xiangyang’s boxing is completely sublimated into the rules of the boxing Tarot, it has changed. It can be soft and can be ever-changing. This is what Xiangyang controls. Kickboxing is the real perfect boxing power.

After a fist hit, the frontal void has been collapsed by a terrible boxing, and this fist has actually stayed in the void, and it has not been able to disperse for a long time, forming a real brand of punch.

Moreover, the golden knives were weakened by the long-blooded dragon of Xiangyang. At the moment when they really encountered the fist of Xiangyang, they were instantly broken.

Xiang Yang bears his hands and volleys, his long hair fluttering, his clothes fluttering, and his body is no longer a simple and simple atmosphere, but has become a hegemonic boxing.

At this moment, he seems to have become a supreme fighter.

His eyes are like electricity. Looking at the three ancestors of the Zhantai family in front, the eyes of the three ancestors of the Zhantai family glanced at Xiangyang, and suddenly their hearts trembled. There was a feeling of scorning in the heart. .

"Impossible, this kid is only comprehending a rule of the Da Luo. How can I have an illusion that is not his opponent, want to succumb to defeat?"

The three ancestors of the Zhantai family were shocked, but they never dared to look down on Xiangyang.

Really fighting with Xiangyang until now, he has already understood that this kid who seems to have only a real fairy realm is absolutely weird. There is too much strength beyond the real fairyland, even if he has reached the strength of the big Luo Santian Tianfeng, Not necessarily much stronger than Xiang Yang, not to mention, when he found that Xiang Yang had already realized the rules of the Taekwondo in this process, his heart was even more incomparable to Xiang Yang.

"Right, until now, he has not used any qi energy, that is to say, the cultivation of his true fairy has actually become a display, then his strongest is the power of the flesh, so to speak His identity is self-evident, that is, the young strong man of the incarnate Da Luo who has been rumored in the fairy world."

Suddenly, the three ancestors of the Zhantai family thought that Xiang Yang had always confronted himself with the power of the flesh. He suddenly understood the true identity of Xiang Yang.

"He is Xiang Yang."

At this moment, not only the three ancestors of the Zhantai family recognized Xiangyang’s identity, but almost all the strong men who were observing this war understood that Xiangyang was definitely the youngest of the most incarnate in this period. The person who claims to be the first person in modern refining.

"It’s really a pity that it’s really not the younger generation of the Jantai family."

In the sky above, the ancestors of the Zhantai family also guessed the identity of Xiang Yang and sighed.

He founded the Zhantai family in one hand, and after a long period of time, the Zhantai family has not only failed, but has become stronger and stronger. However, his talent potential has been exhausted, and he can only go to the realm of the Sixth Heavenly King of Daluo. I can't get in, but among the Zhantai's family, although there are some masters who are in the realm of Da Luo, but those younger disciples do not live up to expectations, one by one, they have reached the top of the three days of Da Luo, and they can't break through the fairy king, making him feel in his heart. very worried about.

Because of this, it is not easy for Zhantai to have a Zhantai Hyun Moon, and there is a fairy king, which makes him attach great importance. Of course, he did not bother Zhantai Xuanyue’s usual life, but wanted to let Zhantai dazzle the moon freely. Growing up and eventually becoming a fairy king.

However, what he did not expect was that the only one in the Zhantai family who had hopeful breakthroughs became the Xianwang, and it was actually forced by the three ancestors to turn out the Zhantai family. The great ancestors were extremely angry.

At this moment, I saw that Xiangyang was obviously a group with Zhantai Hyunyue. It turned out to be the strongman who passed down the body of the big body. Moreover, the body of the big man could actually fight against the three ancestors of the big three heavens. At the same time, his ancestors were filled with sighs, and his mind was active.

"This kid is young and vigorous, especially the physical practitioners. It should be more bloody. Yes, there should be better women in the generation of the Jantai family. They are given to him. No matter what he wants, give him. As long as he can enter my home in Zhantai."

The great ancestors waved a hand and directly ordered the ancestors of the other Zhantai families around them. "Everyone has told me to bring in the young and beautiful girls of the generation of the Zhantai family. Let the kid pick the time." Look at which one he is looking at, or if he is all fancy, and give it to him. This kid, I have to fix it."

"There is also a treasure house of the Zhantai family ready to open, as long as he is willing to enter my Zhantai family, even the entire treasure house can give him."

This time, the ancestors of the Zhantai family were really worried, and even the entire treasure house should be given to Xiangyang. You must know that there are many treasures in the treasure house of the Zhantai family, and some even have ancestors from ancient times. The treasure that has been collected is worthless.


After listening to a group of Zhantai’s ancestors, they were stunned and found that the great ancestors were not joking. They also understood that if this matter could be done, perhaps it would be a super-super ally to the Zhantai family, and even let Zhan It is possible for Taiwanese to become super strong.

At this moment, these old foxes all know that this is a business, and they must not be delayed. So they really want to contact their own descendants, so that they can quickly recruit all the beautiful women in the family and are preparing to introduce them to Xiang Yang.

"The great ancestor, the battle below..."

The five ancestors looked at the battle below. At this moment, the three ancestors of Xiangyang and Zhantai’s family stopped temporarily because of a move. However, everyone knows that this is not a truce, but a brewing A stronger battle.

If the two sides are really desperate to fight, whether the three ancestors were destroyed or Xiangyang was killed, it would be great for those who have made up their minds to pull Xiangyang into a part of the Zhantai family. Loss.

"No problem, there are old men staring, no one can die, let them compare, let us see how this kid can become the first person of the modern body to become the first person of the refining body. ""

The great ancestors were very confident and waved, let everyone continue to watch this battle, and don't intervene in the battle between the two sides.

In his view, the battle below is like a child fighting. There is a king here. Anyway, he can stop both sides at any time. At that time, when both of them are playing well, he will stop and stop. Naturally. It is a matter of course.

"Yes, there are great ancestors, everything is worry-free."

The ancestors of this group of Zhantai continue to slap their arrogance, but the ancestor is the presence of Xianfeng’s peak. No matter the strength of the two people below, it is impossible to be the opponent of the ancestors. As a result, the two seem to play. It’s just a matter of learning and playing.

However, the second ancestor of the Zhantai family looked at the war below and looked at his old father. Although he did not hit his father's face again, he always felt a bit uncomfortable.

"But it, anyway, my father is the king of the six kings of Dalu, and there is nothing wrong with him."

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