Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2549: Invitation (four more flowers)

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"Once, oh, are you my ancestors right?"

"Are you not nonsense?" When Xiang Yang extended his hand to the ancestors of the Xiang family to ask if he was his own ancestor, the Xiangzu ancestors answered very quickly, and suddenly felt that the problem was a bit wrong, the boy suddenly said What do these things do?

Sure enough, when the face of the ancestor’s ancestors was condensed, he said that Xiang Yang smiled and said, “When the younger generation of Xiangyang saw the ancestors for the first time, the ancestors should not be very happy rewards to the younger generations. Is it a treasure of self-defense?"


The ancestors of Xiangjia couldn’t help but be shocked. There are still such shameless people in this world. Moreover, the other party is still a descendant of their own. Obviously, they have gotten treasures from their own hands, and all kinds of innate materials can be He swallowed it, and even the picture of the day after he arrived at Baoshan River, he was not satisfied.

"My ancestors, in fact, as a younger disciple, I shouldn’t ask you for this. But, I think, if someone knows that I am a family member in the future, and I have seen the ancestors of the family, they will Asking my ancestors to reward me with something, I can't say that my ancestors didn't give me any rewards. In this case, my ancestors would be too smashed, so I can only ask my ancestors to reward me thousands of hundred. The best of the pieces."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "It is not easy to be a disciple of the next generation. I am too straightforward. If someone asks me, I will say it directly, so if the ancestors are slandered, I will I don’t want to go."

"The mountain river map is not a baby?"

Xiang’s ancestors stared at Xiang Yang with squinting eyes. He originally gave birth to a good-handed soldier and a jade slip because of Xiang Yang’s good feelings. At this moment, all of them disappeared.

"Yeah, but that is not what you gave me as an ancestor. And, don't you say that you can't let people know that the mountain river map is in my hands? I really can't say it, oh, ancestor, you too You are welcome, just reward me with thousands of pieces of the best fairy. Ha, don't worry, I won't ask you to ask for the treasures like the mountains and rivers." Xiang Yang said seriously.

"You dare to say."

Xiangjia’s first ancestor looked at Xiang Yang and sighed and said, “I have seen more people in this life, shameless people. Among them, the most shameful is the Western Buddhism, the vultures, the poor times, because of the impoverishedness of the West, The bald heads are very shameless everywhere to grab people to grab treasures, but I think you will never be worse than them."

"What is the ancestor saying? I am your descendant, not a vulture. Besides, can those vultures compare with me?"

Xiang Yang had an unhappy color on his face. "You compare me to them, it is an insult to me."

"I have done it, I will give it to you."

When Xiangchu’s first ancestor saw Xiangyang, he still couldn’t help it. He was afraid that Xiangyang would wait for a while and then there would be any conspiracy. He quickly threw a dangerous weapon to Xiangyang, and then waved his hand and issued a force to roll up Xiangyang disappeared. .

When Xiang Yang reappeared, it appeared in the restaurant of Xiancheng that appeared not long ago.

Everything hasn't changed. Xiang Yang is still sitting in that position. Even the table is the same as before. Of course, the little blood is not in the Promise of Xiangyang. Otherwise, Xiang Yang would even think The scene that I have just experienced is a dream.

"The power of the saint is strange and unpredictable. Although the ancestor of the ancestors was only the sacred, his power was so terrible that he did not know what the true saints and sages beyond the saint would be."

Xiang Yang sighed, and the heart became more and more unpredictable and vigilant about the strength of the great sanctuary. If you encounter a strong sacred person in the future, you must not underestimate each other. His means are in the face of the Daluo. When Wang Xianzun was there, he still had a card. If he really angered him, he could naturally smash the other person. However, when he met the strong man of the Holy Land, even if he had all the means, it is estimated that there is no usefulness.

He looked around carefully and found that the people around the same floor had already become other people. It was not the one he was familiar with. He was relieved. He really left for a few months, but at that time. The silence was quiet, and after returning, it was still silent. The ancestors of the family used his terrible power to directly implant the illusion that they were eating here, so that everyone saw that they appeared. There is no weird feeling.

"Small blood, come out."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, letting the little blood come out with small silver and Xiaohong. However, when the three small ones appeared, the three little guys who appeared in front of Xiangyang suddenly made Xiang Yang scared a big jump. The original Xiaoyue Sirius Silver's puppy's body shape turned into a little girl of only seven or eight years old, with two silver scorpions, looking very cute, and next to Xiaoyin is a I was covered in a red little girl, but this little girl was just wearing a ponytail, red hair and a red dress. It looked wild and wild, although it was only seven or eight years old, but it was seen. After that, I couldn’t help but blink.

"Yes, your cultivation has been broken, and now you can become a human figure." Xiang Yang sighed, watching two little girls, suddenly there is a kind of feeling that they will grow up with two children. As if they were their father.

Speaking of Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, they were first conquered by Xiangyang, and it was also Xiangyang who taught them how to practice, and let them cultivate a little bit. Until now, they have become very immortal, and they are already very powerful.

"Boss, hey, do people look good?" Xiaoyin smiled and asked.

"Good-looking and good-looking." Xiang Yang touched the head of Xiaoyin. The little guy was a descendant of Xiaoyue Sirius. Later, after he arrived at the fairyland, he became a real one because of the inheritance of Xiaoyue Sirius. The purebred Xiaoyue Sirius, after she really grows up, will certainly have endless potential.

"Boss, there is me."

Xiaohong also came forward, and the smile was ringing the neck of Xiangyang. Although the little girl had only a ponytail, her forehead had two dragons bulging. Obviously, this is the little girl who will evolve. For the embodiment of the real dragon.

"Little girl, you look good."

Xiang Yang was helpless. When he touched the little girl’s head and touched the two horns that were bulging, he couldn’t help but ask, “Shantou, you have not completely turned into a dragon, you have to become a real dragon. Now, how fast is it?"

"Hey, this is what my sister-in-law taught me."

Although Xiaohong was touched by Xiangyang, he was not mad, but he was used to it. He said with a smile, "Silver sister said that if the snakes become completely 蛟, the potential will be almost exhausted. The last trace of the true dragon blood in the body is exhausted. At that time, it is impossible to break through to become a real dragon. Therefore, after giving me a succession of the true dragon, it will make people directly change. Become a real dragon, otherwise, people have already broken through to the state of Da Luo, how can it be just a true fairy."

At the same time, Xiao Shantou looked at Xiang Yang very proudly. "Boss, you see, after I become a real dragon, you can drive me to fly over nine days. It will definitely be very prestige." of."

"You are my sister, how can I drive you to fly in nine days?"

Xiang Yangbai took a look at the little girl.

"But people just want you to drive me." Xiaohong said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, come over and eat." The little blood is very happy. She is now a mature adult. After she became a human figure, her appearance has changed a little. The whole person is tall. The height reached a meter of seven meters, only half a head shorter than Xiang Yang.

Moreover, the temperament of the little blood has become very cold, and even with a murderous look, when Xiang Yang sees the little blood, he can't help but think of the Suzaku woman. The little blood and the Suzaku female are fallen beasts, although small After the blood became Da Luo, there was a breakthrough. It became the blood of the chaotic unicorn ancestor and the sacred unicorn, and the original blood of the fallen unicorn. When the avatar became a blood unicorn, there were three colors of light, but In essence, she is actually a **** unicorn. If they meet each other, there will definitely be a common language.

At this time, Xiang Yang looked at the little blood and said with a soft voice, "Small blood, you grow up."

"Yes, the parents are big." After listening to the little blood, I didn't know who to look for. It turned out to be quite a chest and a look of pride.

After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly became speechless. I really don’t want to say that after the adulthood, the figure is quite proud. However, there seems to be no girl in the Promise, and where is the little blood? Is it innate?

Xiang Yang wants to go, just can't think of the reason. In the end, it can only be attributed to the small blood, which likes beauty. The way to show her proud appearance in front of her is natural.

"It is a woman, the pursuit of beauty will never stop." Xiang Yang sighed, while the waiter in exchange for the hotel, let the other party to change all the dishes on the table.

Coincidentally, the waiter was still the same one, but the other party obviously did not feel anything about Xiang Yang, and did not know that Xiang Yang and others disappeared after more than three months. At this moment, they also enthusiastically changed the dishes for them.

For ordinary people, it takes a long time to eat a meal for three or four hours. However, for immortals, they have an endless life. It takes a few months for them to eat a meal, although it is strange. A little bit, but it is not unacceptable.

Soon after, a table of delicious and delicious dishes was sent up. Xiangyang took out the monkey wine and shared it with three little steamed buns. However, in addition to Xiangyang, Xiaoxue and other three little steamed buns apparently prefer to eat, they are for monkeys. The wine is more disliked.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the little blood that had become the superb level of the king. With the child's temperament and Xiaoyin and Xiaohong robbed, he couldn't help but sigh, followed by three little gimmicks. It is also very good. At least, there are three little girls who follow, and they are not too lonely on the road.

"Next, it’s time for the Million Island to start." Xiang Yang whispered to himself. During this time, he seemed to walk aimlessly. In fact, he was mainly waiting for millions of people. The opening of the war, originally wanted to find Mei Aoxue, but Mei Aoxue came to him by himself, and no longer needed this trip.

The rest of him only needs to go to the largest fairy city in the eastern Tianyu area to find the flamboyant, take back the treasures that the fire owes to himself, and then wait for the opening of the Million Chapel.

He is really curious about what kind of opportunity can be obtained in the first place in the World of Immortals. If it is really as everyone said, because the Mega Continent has a super chance, it is also very good for him. of.


However, at this time, Xiang Yang suddenly felt that there was a difference in his own sacred ring, and he couldn't help but change his face. When he saw it, he saw a token that had been thrown aside by himself. The light floated in the air, and it seemed to feel the general knowledge of Xiang Yang. There was a message that was introduced into the knowledge of Xiang Yang.

"I am the owner of the Wan Yao Group, Dong Huang Yu, the friend of the road has won the invitation letter, that is, my VIP, will soon be the Donghuang Yuxi adult birthday celebration, invite friends to visit the ceremony."

The voice in this message is the voice of the woman who was met by the young master of the Wan Yao Group, who was met by Xiang Wang in the previous period. Her voice is full of noble atmosphere, as if it is high above. Like the emperor, although Xiang Yang was invited to participate, the tone of the other party was not humble and did not show excessive enthusiasm.

As the young master of the Wan Yao Group, Dong Huang Yu is able to invite others to participate in her adult birthday ceremony. It is very difficult, and it is impossible to let anyone go.

"I want to go to her longevity? Isn't it, this girl said last time that her adult birthday celebration is three months later, I have already passed three months, how have you not finished?"

Xiang Yang blinked and whispered, feeling that the invitation seemed to be a bit wrong.

"Original, the celebration of the East Emperor Yuxi was two months ago. However, due to the breakthrough of Donghuang Yuxi, the retreat led to the miss, so the ceremony was reissued."

As if answering Xiang Yang’s words, the token once again burst into a ray of light, and it was a voice that passed into Xiang Yang’s knowledge that Xiang Yang understood everything.

"I am going, what the little girls have broken through?"

Xiang Yang was very shocked. The original Donghuang Yuxi’s recognition of the birthday celebration was confirmed to be correct, but the little girl was postponed because of the breakthrough.

You must know that the original Donghuang Yuxi’s cultivation has reached the level of Xianwang. Although I have not seen what kind of realm the little girl is, it should not be weak. If it is broken, it will not Is it a fairy, right?

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang suddenly hesitated and said, "This little girl's men were killed by two, the dragon was baked, and the little bird was eaten by small blood. It is estimated that this little lady is I still remember my hate. If I go, don’t I send it to my door?”

"Boss, what happened?"

Although Xiangyang’s voice was small, he did not conceal the small blood three, and the three looked curious at Xiangyang at the same time.

"Remember, did you eat the roast pork last time?" Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"Of course, I remember that the dragon meat is really delicious." It’s not someone else who said this. It’s the little red that has gradually changed towards the real dragon. Although the little girl has the blood of the dragon, it should have been turned into a dragon, but At this moment, when she talked about the dragon meat, she turned a look of excitement.

"The boss suddenly recalled the delicious taste of the dragon meat at that time. Are you ready to take us to kill the dragon to roast?"

Xiaoyin was very excited and looked at Xiang Yang.

Xiaoyue Sirius, in the ancient wilderness period itself, is based on the dragons, and even the adult Xiaoyue Sirius can fight with the adult real dragon. For Xiaoyin, if you can go hunting the dragon to barbecue, simply It is the biggest delicious food in the world.

"Hey, you think too much."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh and watched the three foods. "The last time I baked the dragon, it made us feel scared. I was afraid that the young master of the Wan Yao Group would come to the door. How dare I dare to Going to roast the dragon?"

"Then you also mention the dragon meat, which reminds me of the delicious taste of the dragon meat, which makes me have no appetite for these foods." The **** face has an unhappy color, although she has a general appetite, but But it is very picky about eating...

"I want to say that the young master of the Wan Yao Group, Dong Huang Yu, held an adult birthday in Wan Yao Tian Chau three months later, invited me to participate, you said I want to go?"

Xiang Yang was helpless and said to the three.

“Is it delicious?”

Xiaoyin asked quickly.

"Yes, there are definitely a lot, so you can't finish it."

After Xiang Yang finished, he found that not only Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, but even small blood and eyes, he immediately understood the choice of three little girl, um, although I asked three little girl opinions are not correct. However, since the three little gimmicks have made a choice, go ahead.

"Okay, then we will set off for Wan Yao Tian Chau."

Author Meng Yu said: Today's update is completed, four more than 20,000 words, and ask flowers....

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