Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2550: Encounter porcelain

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Wan Yao Tian Chau is the continent where the base of the Wan Yao Group is located. It is a super continent. In the legend, it is a continent where the demon family in the ancient wilderness fell after the ancient war. Continent.

Between the celestial worlds, if there is a long-distance road, there is actually a transmission array. However, the transmission array is generally in the hands of the strongest forces on all continents. If you want to leave the region through the transmission array, you must pay a certain amount of treasure. Generally speaking, they are all based on Xianshi, but it depends on the requirements of the controllers of each transmission array. After all, the energy required to carry out the transmission between the continents is also quite large, and the treasures paid are naturally It will not be less.

For immortals, they have an infinite life span. The most important thing is time. Unless the place to go is really too far and too dangerous, it will not normally leave by using the transmission matrix.

At this time, Xiang Yang appeared alone in the central position of this Fangzhou domain, step by step toward the transmission array, but while he was walking, he held a very famous light brain in the hands of the researcher. Wan Yao Tianzhou information.

This light brain is similar to the computer in the secular world of Xiangyang in the lower bound of the source, but it is more high-end, which records some basic information about the continents of the world.

For example, Xiangyang is now an ordinary small continent in this continent, and Qingqiuzhou is a large-scale continent. As for the Wanjuan Tianzhou, it is the highest end. It is the ancient heavenly court of the fairyland in the legendary ancient floods. Tianzhou.

Wan Yao Tian Chau can be said to be the largest continent in the entire Eastern Tianyu, except for the continent where the most central Xiancheng is located. Moreover, it is named after Tianzhou, which confirms that Wan Yao Tian Chau was an ancient floodland. The legend of the heavens.

Wan Yao Group itself is one of the five major groups in the fairy world. It has very terrible energy, and it is a group composed of the remaining forces after the ancient heavens are broken. They occupy no one in the Wan Yao Tian Chau. Therefore, the Wan Yao Group has always occupied this terrible continent.

Xiang Yang studied these things and saw the wonderful places could not help but see the light.

At this moment, the place he traveled to is the transmission array of this continent. Of course, because it is necessary to pay the sacred stone according to the number of people through the transmission array, Xiang Yang is very wise to let Xiaoxue bring Xiaoyin and Xiaohong into the Promise. In the middle of it to play, and he himself is prepared to go to the Wan Yao Tianzhou to participate in the adult birthday celebration of the East Emperor Yuxi.


At this time, when Xiang Yang was walking, he suddenly felt himself hit a person. He looked up and looked at the front. His eyes flashed through the cold, and he saw a tall, strong man in front of him. Standing face to face.

Obviously, it was just that the other party suddenly rushed over and ran into himself.

Of course, with the current strength of Xiang Yang, in fact, the average person can't hit him. However, just after he was thinking about entering the Wan Yao Tian Chau, he should go to the East Emperor Yuxi, or hide the figure first. When the time was revealed, the Emperor Yuxi was arrested. When he was not careful, he did not notice that someone in front was deliberately trying to hit himself.

"Kid, you hit the old man, and you will be treated with the scars of Xianshi and Xiandan. Otherwise, you will wait to die."

The brawny sneered at Xiangyang, and as his voice fell, there was a group of people who looked like ragged clothes, all of them were brawny, although they looked very lonely and ragged, but each looked The breath is very majestic, even under the shackles of Xiang Yang, it is found that the repair of these ragged brawny has reached the peak of true fairy.

Moreover, their blood is very strong, so that Xiang Yang is shocked that these guys are actually physically fit.

"Physical repair?"

Xiang Yang looked at these big men, with a look of interest on his face. It was too difficult to meet a group of repairs under such circumstances, and it looked very lonely.

The body repair of a group of true fairy peaks, the strength of blood, can be said to reach the peak of true fairy, but their appearance is too lonely.

"none of your business."

The brawny and other ragged men changed their faces after listening to Xiang Yang’s words. They quickly yelled, “Don’t talk nonsense, and quickly take out all of my healing stones and healing medicines. Otherwise, we will kill you.”

While talking, the guy looked up and held a huge mace in his hand. However, Xiang Yang thought that this mace was just the best level of the spirit, a body training of the true fairy A superb spirit level of mace is also a good idea to threaten people?

The moment I saw the mace in this guy's hand, Xiang Yang finally confirmed that these people are very good, but they are too embarrassed. As a true fairy, they even took the best spirit. Weapons, this is simply the same as those in the world of the world, holding a broken bowl to beg.

The best spirit is very precious for the self-cultivator, but in this fairy world, the best spirit can be said to be the most common.

"What do you use to kill me, use this mace?"

Xiang Yang smiled and pointed to the mace in the hands of this guy, and looked at the other people’s ragged look. He couldn’t help but say, “You might as well lose these broken copper and use your fists to kill me. The power of the body of your true fairy is stronger."

The body repair of the true fairy peak, the strength of the body is already comparable to the fairy, even if it is a freehand attack, it is much stronger than holding a great spirit level.

"What are you talking about, who is physically trained, we are the practicing spirits of the realm of heaven."

The brawny listened to Xiang Yang and said that they were physical repairs. They suddenly changed their faces and their mouths were stunned. At the same time, they screamed at Xiang Yangxuan. "No matter how you look at it, it is not your business. Now You hurry to go, otherwise, we will really pinch you."

While drinking, this strong man has regretted to block Xiangyang from touching porcelain. They originally thought about it and looked at Xiangyang’s smirk while walking. Moreover, Xiangyang’s cultivation was only to reach the peak of true fairy. The temperament of the temperament, it is still very easy to deal with Xiangyang with their group of real fairy tales. As a result, I did not expect that I mentioned the iron plate.

At this time, they no longer thought about what kind of healing medicinal herbs and Xianshi would 'compensate' them. Instead, they hoped that Xiangyang would leave quickly, and the province would make things big, and they would certainly not be good.

"It’s you guys who just stopped me. It’s also you who let me go now. Do you really think I’m bullied?”

Xiang Yang stood in the same place, holding his arms and looking at the brawny and other people, sneer, "Let's say, you are the body of the true fairy peak, if you are willing to work hard, you will not fall to the streets and touch the porcelain. To the extent that you are in the end?"

Although the body of the fairy tales has fallen, but the body of the real fairy is not so pitiful like these people, Xiang Yang face the strange color and look at this group of ragged guys, always feel their It looks like it is pitiful to the extreme.

"who are you?"

The brawny breathped quickly, with a murderous murder on his body, and his companions were also ragged, but all of them were not looking good.

Even, Xiang Yang found that there are dozens of seemingly unsatisfactory physical exercises, all of whom are masters of the true fairy peaks, quietly surrounded by the side, ready to deal with themselves.

"I went, there are dozens of real body repairs, this is ready to play big."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of shock, although there are thousands of strong practitioners in his Promise, and most of them have already broken through to the state of Da Luo, but this is just walking on the road. When I walked, I encountered a group of people, and dozens of them were actually the body repairs of the true fairy peaks. They were also very lonely to touch the porcelain for life. This made Xiang Yang feel very interesting. He believed that this is a group. The big brother of the story.

Even Xiang Yang thought that these guys are prepared to intercept those who are ready to transmit in the distance of the transmission. If they can make a success after they have successfully touched the porcelain, they intend to send them away directly.

As a result, these guys should have a strong enemy behind them and are busy escaping.

"Kid, are you from their group?"

Sure enough, I saw that the brawny looked coldly at Xiangyang and found that when someone had noticed them around him, his face became more ugly, and he quickly said, "I didn't feel their breath in you. Prove that you are not theirs, you must go, don't be curious, don't think about watching the fun, these have nothing to do with you."

At the same time, the true Chinese spirit of this true fairy has already been hurried.

"If you don't stop me, don't touch porcelain, it's naturally not related to me, but you hit me first, and you still have to rely on me, that is to me."

Everything is in the expectation of Xiangyang. Although these physical repairs are definitely facing the pursuit of strong enemies, Xiang Yang does not feel that they are pitiful. Instead, he stands in his arms and stands sneeringly. "Man, Let's talk about it, explain your origins and purpose. If you don't make it clear, you may have to explain it today."

Since the other party dares to target themselves and feels that they are bullying and looking for themselves to touch the porcelain, then Xiang Yang cannot easily let go of these guys.

Even if Xiang Yang is used to the title of the first person in the body, he can't see all the physical training because of this name. He feels that he should help these lonely guys, even even being touched by porcelain. I still don't care.

Some people dare to touch themselves, this kind of grievance, Xiang Yang does not endure.

"Don't dare to threaten us and kill him."

After the brawny listened, his eyes flashed a sigh of relief, and he screamed, and the mace in his hand first bowed toward Xiangyang.


However, when his mace was not really hit by Xiang Yang, he was blocked by a figure that suddenly appeared in front of Xiang Yang.

I saw the front of Xiang Yang. There was a burly old man with a burly face in the air. The old man blocked the mace directly with a finger, and his face was not red and not breathing.

Although the mace in the hands of this great man is only the best level of the spirit, but it is not blocked by the average person with his physical strength. Even when he shot, he has already calculated it. Even the temperament of Xiangyang, the true peak of the fairy, may not be able to stop it.

"who are you?"

On the face of Dahan, with a horrified color, he looked at the old man who appeared in Turkic. His face was scared. He looked at the score. The old man did not use any fairy power at all, but blocked him by the force of the flesh. Said that the old man's physical strength is stronger than him.

Of course, the flesh is not exclusive to physical repair. After all, there are many people who practice and practice while practicing. However, he did not feel any fluctuations about Xianli in this old man, but felt the old man. The majestic blood is as if it is a wild and savage dragon that is about to awaken. All this makes the old man feel that this old man is very likely to be a strong person in the body, and it is very likely that there is no such thing as a great man. On the strong.


This old man is not someone else. It is the master of Mo Dao, Wu Qing, the head of Xiao Shengshan. At this moment, he sneered, and directly crushed the mace, a big drink, a powerful sound wave. The force spread out, and the body shape of the strong man slid back toward the rear, and then fell to the ground.

"the host."

Wu Qing turned her head and gave a gift to Xiang Yang with a respectful look on her face.

Today's Wu Qing's cultivation has broken through to the state of Da Luo, although it still looks exactly the same as before, there is no change on the surface.

However, when Wu Qing really broke out, the blood was like a rainbow, even if the ordinary Da Luo is a heavenly king, the fairy is not necessarily his opponent.

Moreover, Wu Qing is still practicing the most famous refining body in ancient times, and the success of Dacheng’s fighting warfare method is successful. His foundation is better than Mo Dao. The strength after the breakthrough can be said to be more than Mo Dao. Strong on the front line.

In the face of this group of wolverines, Xiang Yang was too lazy to do it himself, so he directly called Wu Qing to deal with these guys. Seeing the strength of Wu Qing, he was very satisfied, and he sighed with a group of masters. In fact, it is also very good. When you need to be hungry, you can call it directly as a bodyguard. When you don't need it, you can throw it directly into the Promise Immortal. It is really beautiful.

"Yes, the strength after your breakthrough is even stronger than Mo Dao."

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Wu Qing with a smile. Wu Qing was the gatekeeper of Xiaosheng Mountain. Although there was no strong desire to open up his own path, he could become a small mountain. How can the strength of the person who is the master of the body of the Zongmeng be weak? Before he broke through, the strength of the foundation was definitely more terrible than that of Mo Dao. Therefore, after the breakthrough, although it was also the strong Luo of the refining body, his true strength was stronger than Mo Dao.

"Wu Qing can have today's achievements, relying on the cultivation of the master."

Wu Qing’s body was against Xiang Yang’s ceremony. When he saw Xiang Yang’s eyes, his eyes were filled with the enthusiasm of the eyes, as if he had seen his own beliefs.

Xiang Yang’s heart sighed that the magical species was so good to use. The strong man who was attacked by Wu Qing’s attack and turned away was looking at Wu Qing with anger and horror on his face. “You, you Is it the strong man in the realm of the body?"

Because he did not sense the fluctuation of Xianli in Wu Qing, he only felt the boundless blood, which made him understand that Wu Qing is definitely the strongest person in the body.


Originally, other people saw that the strong man was directly blocked by Wu Qing. He had already rushed toward Wu Qing with anger. At the moment, after hearing the words of the strong man, his face suddenly changed, all of them stopped, and the eyes were taken. Looking at Wu Qing with a look of uncertainty.

"How is it possible to be a strong man? Is he the legendary person?"

"He is Xiang Yang!"

"God, he is the hope of our refining, I did not expect that we finally saw him."

"See the ancestors."


Then, the refining monks of these immortal peaks, although very embarrassed, still ragged, before they wanted to attack the Xiangyang and Wu Qing, but all of them were facing Wu Qingyu.

They turned Wu Qing into Xiangyang.

In their view, Wu Qing does not have the slightest energy fluctuations. Only the blood is like a rainbow. It is like a wild animal. How do you see that Wu Qing is the strongest in the realm of the body, and in their perception, In today's fairy world, there is only one strong person in the realm of the physical body, that is Xiangyang.

Of course, they directly regarded Wu Qing as Xiang Yang.

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