Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2585: Serial crit (20,000 words for flowers)

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"The predecessors were the peerless immortals. Isn't there even the day after tomorrow?"

Xiang Yang’s face looked at him with disappointment and sighed. “I originally thought that as long as I defeated my predecessors, I would have a day after tomorrow. I didn’t expect my predecessors to be too weak, too. It’s poor.”

"You are too poor..."

This sentence was said, suddenly let Lu Qing explode, and he yelled. "Boy, do you think that defeating my disciples with conspiracy and tricks will be able to deal with the deity? Just because you are also the opponent of the deity?"

"Is it true that the opponent has to fight before."

Xiang Yang's face changed, no longer pretending to be a model, no longer showing a very simple and kind look, but a faint saying, "How many treasures do the seniors use as a bet? After you say it, you can go straight to war. Of course, you can also Don't take it out, but don't agree on a bet, it's a battle between life and death. Only after you explode you can I get the treasures on you."

At the same time, his gaze is stunned, with a murderous murder. "Not only you, but everyone who comes to power next time must at least take out a magic weapon that is no less than ten pieces of the best fairy level. Otherwise, If you don’t take out the bet, you will be directly bombarded. You have to know that you should take out the bet in advance, that is for your life. If you don’t want to take out the bet, I will only kill you if you don’t let you go back. Then find your magic weapon from your flesh and blood."


After listening to Xiang Yang's words, everyone below was shocked. How much this kid likes treasures, even one mouth gives himself a rule, and how confident he is to his strength? There is confidence that everyone can be blasted.

"The kid is crazy, if you haven't been defeated by Lu Qingxian, I will go up for a while."

"Ten pieces of fairy, only I am ready, I am waiting for you, I hope you will not let me down."

"Isn't it just ten pieces of fairy? There is a treasure that goes beyond the best of the fairy class. As long as you can stick to the end, the deity will gamble with you all."


The bet set by Xiang Yang can be said to be causing public anger. Many people are all looking at Xiang Yang with a gnashing of their teeth. I can’t wait to rush to go to Xiangyang now. Even several people directly take out ten pieces of the best. Just waiting quietly to play.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yang smiled. He knew that his rules were set too well. The people who can come to the birthday of Donghuang Yuxi are very extraordinary. They have strong power behind them, or they are their own strength. Very strong, under normal circumstances, the body can come up with ten pieces of the best fairy, so one round down, I really have to make a profit.

Lu Qing is mad. He thinks that the following people who took out ten of the best items are all too small to look at him. He hasn't started yet. What do these guys think he lost?

Lu Qing looked gloomy and looked at Xiangyang and the people under the stage. He said, "Ten of the best of the best, the deity promised."

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang with a stern look. "You are a true fairy, even a rare fairy is not necessarily there. I dare to make such a bet with me, and you will lose, but you will lose. There are no ten pieces of the best, what about?"

Since Xiang Yang is so small to see him, he doesn't care whether Xiang Yang is the one who is the same person. If you are working with Xiang Yang, you should be warming up. At the same time, you can earn some best products. Why not?

He has made up his mind, and when he starts, he will use all his strength to defeat Xiang Yang.

“Isn't that the ten best items?”

His voice fell, Xiang Yang waved directly, and ten pieces of the best fairy were suspended in front of him. Moreover, he did not take out the ten pieces of the best fairy, directly facing the gold that was suspended above the ring to keep everything. A **** will beckoning, "big man, come down."


Seeing that Xiang Yang actually greeted the referee of the ancient emperor's life and death, the golden armor **** would come down. Everyone was stunned, and then they laughed. These guys thought that this golden armor would be his family? It’s so funny that I just want to let the other person down when I just waved my hand.

"Haha, this is the referee, and it is also the spirit of the emperor's life and death. This is a very small place. It is as extraordinary as the will of the world. It is just and unselfish, and it is impossible to listen to your words." ”

"You think that you are the owner of the East Emperor. The owner of the Eastern Emperor is the master of the ancient emperor. Only then can he have the ability to let this golden armor come down."

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed, even Lu Qing, who was opposite Xiangyang, couldn’t help but say to Xiang Yang, "Are you coming to be funny or are you ready to fight with your deity?"


However, when Lu Qing’s words were just finished, he saw that the golden armor that had been suspended in the sky above the throne of the throne would suddenly move. He’s swaying and appearing in front of Xiangyang in an instant, though Still expressionless, but looking at Xiang Yang, seems to be waiting for Xiang Yang's instructions.

No one knows that this golden armor is very depressed in this moment. As a spirit of the throne of the throne, it is set a rule when it is refining, and the holy class is not bound by it. It also cannot restrain the holy power.

In this ring, there is such a heresy in Xiangyang, and he feels helpless. However, he follows the rules that have been refined. He does not bind Xiangyang, and he cannot tell anyone the difference of Xiangyang. He has to pretend to pretend that Fair and unselfish, quietly suspended above the watch to look at Xiang Yang to force bully.

When I saw that Xiang Yang was bullying Lu Xinyun, this one should have been very uncomfortable in the heart of the unselfish referee. He always felt that he had violated the inner rules. However, he did not dare to move. He could only pretend that nothing was seen. The way it is.

As a result, Xiang Yang even bullied it to the top of his head and called it down. Its heart was very depressed, but on the surface it looked calmly at Xiangyang.

It also thought about ignoring Xiangyang, but when he remembered Xiangyang’s horrible soul power, he would not dare not listen to Xiangyang’s words, but he could only go to Xiangyang immediately and listen to Xiang Yang’s instructions. .

"This... what is this?"

"Can the ancient base platform be used like this?"


Not only Lu Qing, but even the other strong players are all staring at Xiang Yang and this golden armor.

They just ridiculed Xiang Yang's unwillingness to order the ancient emperor to collapse. As a result, this ancient emperor's downfall came down directly, which made everyone feel that there was a feeling of being hit on the spot by Xiang Yang.

"Little ancestors, why don't I remember that the ancient sects have such a function? Did you change it after you mastered it?"

The two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi also looked at Donghuang Yuxi with a strange look.

The two of them grew up watching the emperor's jade, and saw that the little emperor of the emperor would be a little bit raised to the realm of the present up to the present, and they also witnessed the mighty power of this ancient emperor, even in ancient times. A lot of fairy magic blood sprinkled the throne, but never heard that this golden armor will be able to follow the orders of those who participated in the battle.

"I don't know why the instrumental spirit of this emperor will listen to him."

On the face of Donghuang Yuxi, with a dull color, he said with a sigh of relief. "Maybe this is the rule that has been fixed when the ancient saints refine this emperor."


The two old men are speechless. They always think that Xiangyang is too weird, but they don’t know what it is. Donghuang Yuxi has been staring at Xiangyang. He wants to catch Xiangyang and ask why. Can let the Golden God of God also listen to him.

"This is my ten best bet. I will keep it for me. Then every game begins. If I lose, I will give these bets to the other party. If I win, you will keep it. ""

When everyone was shocked, Xiang Yang waved his hand and directly sent the ten pieces of the best fairy to the front of the golden armor, and said awkwardly.


The golden armor will answer aloud, and actually put away the ten pieces of the best fairy, and then look at Xiangyang, it seems to be waiting for Xiangyang's next command.

"Okay, without your business, continue to exercise your mission."

Xiang Yang waved his hand, and this golden armor returned to the top of the ring to exercise its mission as a referee, but everyone has already been shocked.

This is the instrumental spirit of the ancient emperor. This golden armor will actually listen to Xiangyang’s words. Is this because of the special nature of Xiangyang? Or did they never realize that the emperor’s downfall still has such a role?

No matter how everyone guesses, Xiang Yang has already handed over ten pieces of the best fairy to the gold armor. At this time, he looked at Lu Qing and smiled. "How is Xianzun planning?" ”

"The deity can't lose."

Lu Qing is full of self-confidence and feels that he is impossible to lose. He sneered aloud. "If you can really win the deity, the deity will not eat anything, let alone ten pieces of the best, even if it is Other treasures can also be given to you."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang listened, his eyes glowed, and he climbed up the pole and said directly, "If this is the case, then I don't want ten pieces of the best fairy. If Xianzun loses, you will be your best fairy." The gourd will be given to me."

"Junior, you are too arrogant."

After Lu Qing listened, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiang Yang with a cold color on her face.

Ten pieces of the best fairy, although quite a lot for him, but can not be counted as treasures, however, the succulent gourd on his body is his magic weapon, is the symbol of the immortal ancestor of the sacred knives, Xiang Yang I chose to ask him to fly the knife, which is equivalent to the red fruit hitting his face. How can he tolerate it?

“Is the seniors feeling that they will lose the knives to me? If you are afraid, then forget it.”

Xiang Yang’s face with a regretful expression, sighed and said, “Since the predecessors have no grasp of their own victory, then they still don’t gamble. Otherwise, if they lose, they will not only lose face, but also the magic of the life. It’s also lost, it’s a bit miserable.”


Although he knows that Xiang Yang is using the radical method to deal with him, but Lu Qing is still being promoted by Xiang Yang, he chills, "the junior, so this is fixed, if the deity loses, it will be the best level of the fairy." The fairy gourd is given to you, but the deity will not lose."

He is the ultimate sage, with invincible beliefs, to be able to cultivate to the present level, it is absolutely impossible to feel that he will lose to Xiangyang in the real fairy.

"So very good."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was very pleased. He smiled and said to the top of the golden armor that he would wave his hand. "Old iron, do it directly, seal him to the same realm as me, then take your referee, be careful, don't Let him use the realm of transcending the real fairy."


As Xiang Yang’s voice fell, Lu Qing only felt that his body was trembled, and there was a force of heaven acting on him, which made his body tremble, and the power of the powerful typhoon’s heavenly power It was suppressed to the realm of the true fairy peak.

Lu Qing took a look at the muscles and bones, and felt that this power was even stronger when compared with the realm of his true fairy peak. The heart secretly rejoiced, secretly, this kid will call for the golden armor. It must have angered the Golden God, so the Golden God will deliberately give me some power. As a result, it is too simple to deal with this kid.

While thinking about it, he looked up and looked at Xiang Yang with a confident face.


However, when Lu Qing just raised his head, he heard a roaring sound. Then he felt a violent force rushing toward him. He was shocked and habitually used the power of Xianzun. However, he found that his strength was not so smooth. He was shocked and knew that he had not adapted to such a weak force, so he could not get used to it at this moment. He could only lift his hand to stop this violent force.


Then, everyone saw a scene that made them look strange, only to see Xiangyang Turkic shot, Lu Qingxian raised his hand to block, but was hit by Xiang Yang in one hand, At the same time, the other foot slammed into Lu Qing’s face and directly deformed Lu Qing’s face. Not only that, but this huge force made Lu Qing’s whole person fly out, at the same time, in the mouth. Blood squirts, accompanied by several large front teeth.


Everyone who saw this scene took a sip of cold, even if they were bystanders, they could feel the pain of Lu Qingxian, so that they would come over and smash the big incisors. How painful it is, and the pain of the flesh is still second, mainly because Lu Qing’s heart suffers a lot of pain.

"It hurts."

I don't know who spoke up and made everyone feel the same feeling. They looked at Xiang Yang's eyes with a dignified color, especially those who made up their minds to play against Xiang Yang. Even if you make up your mind, you must be careful to guard against Xiangyang. If you let Xiangyang sneak up, then he will lose his face as a face of Xianzun.

"This kid is very good, very appetizing for me."

"Hey, I have the style of my time."

The two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi were very excited to speak. The more they saw Xiang Yang, the more pleasing to the eye, they couldn’t help but yell, "Okay, play well, cheer, and blast him."

"Ha ha ha, kid, as long as you can stick to the end, our two brothers will marry your brother."

"We are preparing a celebration party for you."


Everyone listened to it all without a word, these two old guys are too shameless. As a strong man in the world of Da Luo, he still wants to worship his brother with Xiang Yang. This is to make Xiang Yang completely famous. ?

Moreover, these two guys are not afraid of Lu Qingxian respected after the anger and their accounts after the fall, after all, these two people as the powerful demon of the Wan Yao Group's Da Luo eight heavens, but also followed the East Huang Yu, Obviously, the identity is very unusual, even if Lu Qing does not dare to offend these two people.

"If you are on stage, you must be careful. You can't let this guy sneak up. This guy is too shameless."

Someone whispered to himself, although the voice was not big, but it was passed to everyone’s ears. Everyone felt the same feeling and nodded. When Lu Qing suddenly flew out, Xiang Xiangyu, everyone knows, Lu Qing has no hope.

After a failure, for Lu Qing, it is already doomed.


Sure enough, after Xiang Yang’s sneak attack, the figure was followed up in an instant. When Lu Qing was beaten and not yet reacted, it broke out and appeared directly on Lu Qing’s head and slammed down.


It was Lu Qing’s face that was unlucky. His mouth was still bleeding, but Xiang Yang stepped on his nose this time, causing Lu Qing’s entire nose to collapse, if not because he was a big man. The fairy **** of the heavens has already tempered the body to a very extraordinary degree. I am afraid that Xiang Yang’s foot is enough to smash his head.

Rao is so, Lu Qing also feels severe pain. His eyes are round and his eyes are almost protruding. He desperately wants to explode his own strength, but he simply has no time to display his own strength. Yang is a crit that is on his body.

"Come back."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed and slammed down again. This time, it was Lu Qing’s face. He planned to step on the bottom and smashed Lu Qing’s head directly.


Lu Qing roared and wanted to fight with Xiangyang, but after the sound came out, it came to his mouth, but it became a sly voice. The fierce shame came up. He tried hard to encourage his body and wanted to fight back. However, Xiang Yang stepped on a pedal and directly trampled his whole person into the underground of the ring. The whole person was almost trampled into meat.


Author Meng Yu said: four more 20,000 words to ask flowers...

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