Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2586: Please read with me...

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"This kid is too embarrassed, Lu Xianzun must be very painful."

"Hey, if I am Lu Qingxian, I am afraid I have already been fainted."

"It hurts too much, even if I can feel the pain of Lu Qingxian."


After seeing this scene, countless people felt pain in Lu Qing, and then stepped on the face with one foot and one foot. Even the big incisors were stepped on, even the nose collapsed directly, and a face turned directly into a flat face. This feeling, I am afraid that only Lu Qing, a person who has personally endured, can feel the pain.

However, everyone looked at Lu Qing’s tragic look, and all of them felt pain and felt pain for Lu Qing’s fairy.

As a lord of the big eight heavens, Xianzun is going to be beaten like this. If the other party is a master who is stronger than the Eight Heavens, or the same level, the key is that Lu Qingxian’s The opponent turned out to be just a little fairy with a true peak.


Of course, some people are laughing, such as Wu Wuji and others. While they are drinking wine, they look at this scene. The comments are added. They are not afraid of Lu Qing, who is the sage of the sacred knives, and is not afraid of being smashed by the knives. A revenge.


At this time, Lu Qing suddenly turned up, his body stirred the powerful power of the true fairy peak, and he yelled loudly, "Boy, hey, you are so dark..."

This guy, because he was too embarrassed by Xiang Yang, even his speech was a bit abnormal. He quickly used energy to treat the injuries on his body. Fortunately, the power of Xianzun itself contains infinite power, and will soon The injury on his body was treated well, and then he looked at Xiangyang coldly.

At this time, Lu Qingxian’s respect was too angry. He even forgot that Xiangyang was the identity of the descendant of that pulse, and he forgot that the pulse had been reported that Da Luo’s eight heavens could not deal with Xiang Yang. Of course, he still remembers that he now only has the strength of the true peak.

However, he is really full of killing Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang did not say a word, and his figure once again appeared in front of Lu Qingxianzun, and he still walked toward the other side.

This time in the ring, he stepped on Lu Qing, stepped on too cool, and couldn't take his hand for a while, but he really felt that it was really cool to step on a fairyland in a big heaven.

"Asshole, you are still here."

Lu Qing is angry. He has lived for so many years. He has finally cultivated into the realm of the great world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He said that he was trampled on his face with such a series of crit, even if he was beaten by people. After all, the things that have been encountered, after all, have been repaired to this extent. If they are really hands-on, they are almost all killed by life and death. Under normal circumstances, they will not be hands-on.

And Xiang Yang actually smashed his entire face after a series of two, which is an insult to the red fruit of his sacred celestial being. He is angry and screaming. After shattering for nine days, the strongest force broke out, and the hand was pinched and printed against Xiangyang.

However, he is only the strength of the true fairy peak, no matter how it broke out, it is still not in the eyes of Xiang Yang.

"Hey, I have already played this way. Do you think you have the power to fight back?"

Xiang Yang sneered, and this foot was still slamming down. Suddenly, he only heard the sound of 'Boom', and his ankles stepped on Lu Qing’s boxing, accompanied by a '咔嚓' sound. At the same time, the sound of the sound was heard, and Lu Qing’s whole person screamed. His hand was instantly crushed by Xiang Yang’s foot. Then, Xiang Yang’s foot still suppressed with great strength. Step directly on Lu Qing's chest.


This time, Xiang Yang stepped on Lu Qi directly on the ground with a pedal. Lu Qing’s chest was sunken, his eyes were protruding, his mouth was bloody, his face was incredibly colored, and his voice was loud and angry. ..."

This time, he really broke out all the power of the true fairy peak. He is confident that the power of this blow has surpassed the limit that he broke out when he was in the real fairyland, even if it is a strong man, unless It is the environment of the big three heavens. Otherwise, it is not easy to block him.

However, in this way, this attack was easily cracked by Xiang Yang, which made Lu Qingxian dumbfounded.


Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief. "As a strong man in the world of Da Luo, he is not even a bet in the day after tomorrow. You are really poor."


At the same time, he directly flew out Lu Qing whip, and suddenly Lu Qing was on the other side of the ring.

Then, Xiang Yang followed suit and rushed straight again. This time, he did not use his feet, but directly grabbed Lu Qing’s beating.


"I am going, this guy is really on the same line with the 斩仙飞刀, this is how much hatred with Lu Qingxian."

"God, it’s crazy to beat a fairy in public."

"In the future, he must be cautious when he goes out. Otherwise, if he is attacked by Xianzun, who is a pulse of the sacred knives, he will definitely die without a burial place."


Seeing Xiangyang’s violent fight against Lu Qingxianzun, those audiences all exclaimed, and they were very clear that Xiangyang’s violent beating of Lu Qingxian once this time was equivalent to completely offending Lu Qingxian, unless this time directly Lu Qing was killed, otherwise, the days of Xiang Yang must not be good.

Some informed people know that Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, and that the strong people of Da Luo’s Eight Heavens are absolutely afraid to make a clear shot on Xiang Yang. However, they are more clear that since then, Lu Qing completely You can let the fairy king of the celestial flying knives and the celestial sage of the big seven heavens to the Xiangyang shot.

Although Xiangyang is strong, after all, it is only the peak of the true fairy. How can you stop the fairy knives of the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens?

Countless strong people are not optimistic about Xiangyang. For them, Xiang Yang is definitely dead, even if it is now useless, after all, in the face of everyone, so violently beat Lu Qing, unless Lu Qing directly 斩Killed, or else, Xiang Yang must bear the revenge of the sinister flying knife.

"No, now Lu Qingxian is not a peerless sage in the world of Da Luo's eight heavens. It is only the strength of the true fairy peak. Moreover, with the seal of the emperor's ring, Xiang Yang can really really be Lu Qingxianzun. Killed."

"Oh... this kid is going to break the record. Although it is only a battle of the same realm, it is destined to be famous for killing the top of the world in the real world."

"No wonder he is not afraid of the revenge of Lu Qingxian, but he is so humiliating."


Many people are exclaimed, thinking that Xiangyang is definitely going to live with Lu Qingxian, and all of them are very excited. It is really rare to see the powerful people who kill the world.


As everyone exclaimed, they saw Lu Qing suddenly violently erupted, his body burst into a strong breath, his fists were shocked, his body was powerful and unparalleled, surpassing the limit of the true fairy peak, banging towards the item Yang bombarded the past.

At this time, Lu Qing is still the strength of the true fairy peak, but he has applied the secret method, constantly squeezing his own energy, making his fist out of the power stronger than before.

"Little thief, today the deity is not dead with you."

With a loud roar, Lu Qing’s body was full of blood, and there was a lot of power in the body, with a sorrowful color.

"I can't think of you being beaten like this by me."

After Xiang Yang saw it, it was a strange color on his face. He did not expect that Lu Qing was so hard, and he used his secret method to squeeze his potential and fight with his own life. It is worthy of being a fairy **** in the world of Da Luo.

However, it is useless for the other party to be strong. After all, it is only the realm of the true fairy peak. For the practitioners of this realm, no matter how the other side squeezes the physical potential, how can a powerful attack occur, Xiangyang is fearless.

Seeing each other's fistprints with powerful power to attack, Xiang Yanghe smiled, his right hand clenched his fist, the same punch hit.


The two fists slammed together, and Lu Qing flew out toward the rear at a faster speed. In the process, his mouth was bloody, and his face was shocked and exclaimed. Impossible, how could your strength be so strong?"

This time, he was very certain that he had burned his own potential, and almost broke out the strength equivalent to the big three heavens. However, it was still too easy to fly by Xiangyang. This is incredible. .

"Nothing is impossible."

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "Don't think that you are a fairy, you can be invincible in the realm of true fairy. I tell you, in this real fairy realm, I dare to say invincible, even if the saint came, I can't fight against me. ""

This is not Xiangyang bragging, let alone his strong physical strength, even if the king of the king is not necessarily able to block his full blow, he is directed at the power of his present soul, there is a card, Even if the Holy Land is coming, it is not necessarily his opponent to cultivate it in the real world.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s figure rushed past, and instantly blasted thousands of punches toward Lu Qing.

When Lu Qing’s face was horrified, it was a display of powerful and powerful gods. However, he was accustomed to the power of the top of the world, and he was sealed to the true fairy. At the peak of the situation, I was very unaccustomed to it. What's more, being beaten up by Xiang Yang has already cast a shadow on his heart. Even if he uses various powerful laws, he can't exert any powerful power, plus Xiang Yang really hands-on. The power is definitely not blocked by the true fairy. Even if Lu Qingxian is doing his best, it will not be able to block Xiangyang’s attack.

Regardless of how Lu Qing’s powerful laws and deeds were exerted, Xiang Yang was only a punch and rushed to the other side’s law.

At this time, Lu Qing’s heart was desperate. He finally understood why his disciples had to say goodbye to Xiangyang when he heard that he would push the other side to show up with him. Nima, it turns out that The confrontation with Xiang Yang is equal to finding a dead end.

"I'm wrong."

Lu Qing sighed and filled her heart with despair.

He knows that unless he admits himself, he is really killed by Xiang Yang. Otherwise, there will be no other ones.

However, he also had a doubt in his heart. Why did his disciples confront Xiangyang? In the end, although the injury was very serious, but it allowed Xiangyang to leave Lu Xinyun to leave?

Can you say that your strength in the real fairyland cannot be compared with your own disciple Lu Xinyun?

Thinking of this, even Lu Qing feels incredible.

However, at this time, he is more urgent to solve the problem of how to block the attack of Xiang Yang.

As a peerless immortal, it was forced to such a degree. For Lu Qing, it is too sorrowful. He constantly echoes a few words in his mind, admitting defeat, not admitting defeat...

To admit defeat means to lose face and throw home, and not admit defeat means that it is very likely to be killed by Xiang Yang.


Lu Qing repeatedly opened his mouth and wanted to admit defeat. However, the word "confirmation" has not yet reached the mouth, and he was swallowed back by him. He really did not have the face to shout out and admit defeat.

Later, after Lu Qing was bombarded by Xiang Yang, he didn't even want to open his mouth to admit defeat, because his mouth could not be opened, the voice could not be released, and his eyes were also smeared with blood. .

"Lu Qing Xian Zun, if you want to admit defeat, follow me."

Xiang Yang introduced a force into Lu Qing’s body to help him reopen. At the same time, while violently hitting Lu Qing, he directly recited the words. “The heavens are on the top, and I’m the fairy goddess Lu Qing, willing to swear by the true spirit of the life, willing to give all the treasures of his body unconditionally to Xiang Yang, and, from then on, see Xiang Yang shouting a big brother, do not revenge Xiang Yang by any means, do not resentment against Xiang Yang, Don't let friends, family, etc. deal with Xiangyang... If there is a violation of the oath, let me die, the heavens will be killed, and even the sacred knives will be implicated by me, but by Tiandao. Bombing..."

"Oh... this guy is so embarrassing."

When Xiang Yang’s voice spread, everyone took a breath and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes full of shocking colors. Those who originally thought about rushing to deal with Xiang Yang were suddenly at this time. There was a bit of change in their minds. They were really afraid that they would become Lu Qingxianzun. The pain when they were hit by Xiangyang was still second, mainly because they were too shameful.

Regardless of how others think, at this moment, Xiangyang is fully prepared. When the sound falls, he continues to attack Lu Qing, and this fairy is beaten to death. At the same time, there is still a force that can lead Lu Qing to speak. I want to force Lu Qing to swear to Heaven, so that I can get all the treasures of Lu Qingxian, and I can guarantee that no one will deal with myself in the future.

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