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Just then, I heard a roar, and when everyone looked at them, they were shocked.

I saw the female fairy who once walked toward Xiangyang and twisted the enchanting figure to attract Xiangyang’s Da Luo’s seven heavens. When she had not walked to Xiangyang, she was directly Yang burst into a **** fog.

You must know that the original Xiang Yang is still very happy, as if he has been tempted by this female fairy, and looks forward to the other person’s look. Everyone feels that Xiang Yang has been recruited. Until now, Everyone knows that Xiang Yang is not really tempted by the other party, but will seduce the other party, and finally directly blast the other party.

The female fairy goddess of a big Luo seven heavens was so ruthlessly bombarded by Xiang Yang that it became a **** fog, making everyone chill and shudder, and further understanding of Xiang Yang, knowing that Xiang Yang is not like usual. The appearance of the smile is actually so terrible when it comes to killing people.


Xiang Yang passed one hand through the blood mist, directly grabbed all the magic weapons, and then threw them into the Promise Immortal, and then pulled back, and the **** fog was the female fairy. Resentful anger and anger.

Then, this group of blood squirming and re-constituting the female fairy statue, but at this time, this female fairy looks a bit wolf, because her body shape has just condensed, even the clothes are not, making everyone After reading it, I couldn’t help but take a breath.

Apparently, Xiang Yang’s punch was only her body, and she did not let her die.

"Kid, do you dare to blow the body of the deity?"

That female fairy is almost going crazy. She didn’t think that Xiangyang’s such a small fairy really dared to explode her body, and what shocked her was that she thought it was a matter of stability. It will be counted and counted.

Originally, this female flower goddess of Baihua Valley thought that although her cultivation was suppressed to the real fairyland, she herself was the degree of spiritual charm that reached the level of Xianzun, absolutely impossible because of the suppression of cultivation. Lost the charm of charm, so, she is thinking that to confuse Xiang Yang charm, you can directly control Xiang Yang.

At that time, no matter what the identity of Xiangyang, no matter how powerful the potential of Xiangyang, everything has become her indirect.

However, what she did not expect was that Xiangyang’s little fairy was not tempted by her, which was incredible.

Her strength as the source of Xianzun is unrivalled. Although she was blown up by Xiangyang, she is still able to reorganize her flesh and blood. However, this time, the reorganization is too expensive. Rao is a fairy. After condensing her body, she was still pale and unwilling to look at Xiang Yang.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? His face is pale, is it sick?"

Xiang Yang smiled softly at the female fairy who had not yet put on clothes after the reorganization. The face was pitiful. "It must be because it is cold because it is not wearing clothes. It is too pitiful."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, countless immortals all burst into laughter. Don’t say that this female fairy has reached the level of Da Luo’s seven heavens. Even ordinary practitioners can’t have any sick things. Poisoning is there. Maybe, but under normal circumstances, who is poisoned?


The female priest was angered by Xiang Yang, and then her energy rolled over and she quickly changed into a suit to cover her body.

"Brother, my sister is really pitiful, my sister is so cold, do you hug your sister?"

Then, when Xiang Yang thought that this female fairy would be furious and would be directly trying to fight with herself, she saw that the woman looked pitifully at herself, and the pitiful expression on her body had a breath. Filled out, Xiang Yang almost thought that this woman is really very pitiful, almost in the heart to hold her in the past.

Obviously, this female fairy will not give up the temptation to Xiangyang at this time, but wants to continue to seduce Xiangyang.

"This demon girl, the method of charm is so strong, even I almost went."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh in the heart. Just now, the charm of the female fairy statue was even if he had the feeling of being confused by the other side. Fortunately, his soul power is strong enough, plus The practice of his cultivation is also very extraordinary, so that he can easily block the temptation of the other side.

Seeing the other side and applying the method of charm, Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "I said sister, since you are cold, then I will help you."


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s hand appeared a flame. Although it was not the fire of Suzaku in his body, but the fire of his true Yuan, but it was also very powerful, even if the body of this fairy woman passed the power of Xianzun. The quenching, she also felt the threat of this group of flames, knowing that if this group of flames met, I am afraid that her body will inevitably be burned to ashes. At that time, even if she has the fairy god, it is not good.

"Why are you a person who doesn't have a pity?"

Seeing that Xiangyang is not invading, this fairy woman is suddenly angry. She is no longer a temptation to Xiangyang, but a Xiangyang, cold voice, "boy, are you still a man?"

"Is it a man who shuts you up?"

Xiang Yang gave her a look. "Reassured, I will never give you a chance to verify if I am a man."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Cousin, don't hesitate, this is the female fairy of Baihua Valley. She is practicing the most famous method of enchanting flowers in the fairy world. If you can get better with her, you will be able to serve you." very comfortable."

"Don't really say that I used to enjoy the service of the female disciple of Baihua Valley. The taste has made me linger, and this female fairy is probably more powerful."

"If you are a man, don't hesitate. You can't beat her directly in this ring and let her surrender to you."


After seeing this scene, the audience around the ring couldn’t help but laugh out loud. In their view, Xiang Yang is really interesting, and it’s not tempted by the female fairy of Baihua Valley. I was stunned with the other side, and I couldn’t help but know that the female sage of this Baihua Valley must collapse.

These onlookers all laughed, and even the men remembered the wonderful times they had spent with the female scent of Baihua Valley, and the faces were lingering.

"Sister, is your Baihua Valley dry?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. According to the laughter of the guys below, this Baihua Valley seems to be the same as the nature of the red building that he once saw in the secular world.

However, it is incredible that the people in the red building can actually cultivate themselves into the realm of Xianzun.

Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at the female sage who had been beaten by herself. The heart of the sigh was amazed. A woman in a red building could practice in the sacred sacred place. I am afraid that it is the practice of cultivating the sun and filling the yin.

"What do you say?"

Although the female fairy of Baihuagu also heard the laughter of the immortals around the ring, she was not angry, but she showed a smug color. She showed a flattering look at Xiangyang and said with a smile, "If the younger brother wants If you know it, it is better to go to Baihua Valley with your sister to see if you are lingering, and never want to leave Baihua Valley again."


After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but take a breath. However, he was not shocked by the female fairy in Baihua Valley, but because at this moment he actually felt that many murderous murders came from all directions. Don't even think about it, these murderous are the two women, Jubilee and Blue Tingting. Hey, isn't it right, and the chick of Donghuang Yuxi is also showing murderousness to himself after hearing such words?

Xiang Yang feels a little bit uncomfortable. She can't help but look at the direction of Donghuang Yuxi, but sees that this chick is actually blind to herself. It seems that she hates herself because of the words of Baihuagu.

There is also a murderous, Xiang Yang carefully looked for, found that it is actually a blue tone.

"Your sister, what is the situation?"

Xiang Yang’s look is a bit sluggish. He really doesn’t know what it is. After the voice of the female fairy of the Baihua Valley falls, so many women are killing themselves, and even Qingyin and Dong Huang Yuxi, the two chicks who are not very familiar with themselves, are also murderous to themselves. This is a bit unbelievable.

It seems that as long as I promised to go to Baihua Valley along with the female fairy of Baihua Valley, these murderous will be turned into a substantial killing sword to kill myself.

"Brother, don't be nervous, as long as you are in Baihua Valley, your sister will definitely entertain you."

The female fairy of Baihua Valley opposite Xiangyang thought that Xiangyang was recruited, and could not help but smug in her heart. "Although it can be invincible, but it is only a young girl, with the martial arts, minutes and minutes. I can fix you."

Although she was blown up by Xiang Yang not long ago, she was not angry at all, but she still wanted to control Xiang Yang in her hands.

Baihua Valley has been weak since ancient times and must be attached to powerful forces to survive. For a long time, Baihua Valley wants to cultivate its own strong. Therefore, when she saw Xiangyang, she thought that if she could control Xiangyang, Let Xiang Yang grow up and become a super strong person, then you can use it for Baihua Valley, you can get rid of the situation that there is no strong support in Baihua Valley.

"I also want to go to Baihua Valley, but I am poor."

Xiangyang mouth with a weird color, sighed and said, "If my sister can give me all the treasures of Baihua Valley, I will not talk about it, I will pack things and go to Baihua Valley with my sister."

"Are you still poor?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Baihua Guxian Xianzun suddenly became angry. This bastard, when he just blew himself, had already taken away all the magic weapons in his body. Now he dares to say poor, but also himself. All the treasures in Baihua Valley are too much.

However, this also made her understand that this time it was her self-love, and Xiang Yang was not tempted by her.

She was helpless in her heart, and on the surface she was shouting. "Little guy, are you a hard-hearted stone, even the temptation of the deity can hold on."

The fairy goddess of Baihua Valley has been cultivated to the extent that she has cultivated the method of charm into the bones. Every move will give off a very amazing charm. It is reasonable to say that even the same level of Xianzun can’t Tolerate her power of charm, but Xiang Yang is a freak, even indifferent.

"Is your temptation great?"

Xiang Yang smiled faintly, carrying his hands and steps toward the female fairy.

"What do you mean?"

After watching this female fairy, she suddenly became angry. As a female goddess of Baihua Valley, she is a natural charm, and after practicing a specific practice, the power of charm has reached almost no one can resist. The extent of her daring to come to power is precisely because she firmly believes that she can get the little nestling of Xiangyang after she took office. However, she was questioned by Xiang Yang that she lacked her skills. This is the female fairy of her Baihua Valley. Insults of red fruit.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, stepping toward the other side step by step, with a cold color on his face. "After you are a little bit beautiful, you have not reached the level that can seduce me."

At the same time, as Xiang Yang stepped on the ground step by step, the ground was shaking regularly. The female fairy in front of him was trembled, and his face looked incredibly with an incredible color.



She had just said a word. Suddenly, she only felt that a horrible force broke out from the soles of her feet and instantly acted on her flesh, causing her body to re-agglomerate.


Seeing this scene, countless people on the platform below have a shocking color on their faces.

Even if the other party is only the female fairy of Baihua Valley, it can be said that it is the weakest among the immortals. However, how weak is the immortal, and the flesh is refined by the power of the immortal, even if it is not physical repair, the flesh is also It has reached a very extraordinary level. It is definitely not comparable to the average fairy. However, Xiang Yang actually only shakes the power of the ground when walking, so that a force passes through and breaks the other side. This power It is really terrible.

"Is this guy a true fairy?"

"It should be that the demon girl in Baihua Valley is too weak. After all, they practice different methods."

"However, as a true immortal, he can only pass the power to the ground and can blast the other side. This power is really terrible."

"Oh, I can do this when I am in the real world."


Some sucked the cold air, and some felt that Xiang Yang could do this step too horrible, while others were very disdainful. They thought that Xiang Yang’s means were the same, even if they could do it.

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