Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2597: Confucian descendants?

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Xiang Yang still walked toward the female fairy, step by step, and after the body of the other person was shattered into a **** fog, the power of the female sage’s sacred ancestor broke out and shaped the body again. Angry and screaming, "boy, you dare... touch..."

However, her voice just fell, and was directly shattered. Xiang Yang’s whole person walked rhythmically, stepping towards her step by step, with a faint smile on her face.

However, under this smile, it is hidden and cruel.

"Want to control me?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, "What if you are the evil of the evil? If you want to control me, you should know how the end is."

While talking, he still walked toward the front, stepping on step by step, even the whole ring was shaking, and even at this moment, even the owner of the ancient emperor’s ruins, Donghuang Yuxi also endured. Can not help but watched Xiang Yang, "This kid is really moving to kill, I want to kill the immortal in the throne of the emperor with the power of true immortals."

If a true immortal kills the fairy, if it is spread out, such a record is enough to shock the fairy world.

Even if Donghuang Yuxi is the young master of the Wan Yao Group, her talent and blood force are very unparalleled. At this moment, she is only the king of the fairy king, she dare not say that she can destroy Xianzun.

"Oh, that's interesting."

The two old men looked at Xiang Yang with a smile, and said, "This kid is very interesting and very strong. In this real world, it can be said that almost no one can compare."

"However, he is so angry that it should be that the demon girl in Baihua Valley wants to control him, and really caused his killing."

"Haha, it’s fun, fun, it’s fun."


These two old men feel very funny. For other people, this is not the case. The audience are still joking. At this moment, they all closed their mouths. They know that Xiangyang’s real move is to kill the fairy. At that time, it is sucking cold air.

"This kid is really crazy."

When countless people looked at Xiangyang with a horror, Xiang Yang stepped out and still showed the rhythm rules. This time, this female fairy immortal simply couldn’t recombine the body and it would be shocked again. A **** fog is constantly exploding.

"No, little thief, you dare to destroy my god, you have to be chased by my hundred flower valley generation."


"you dare..."

The goddess of this female fairy is roaring, and the gods contained in the **** fog are also constantly shattered by the power of Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s face was sneer, step by step, and in front of the **** fog, whispered and said, “The demon girl, want to control me, you know what is going on?”

At the same time, he directly waved his beckoning. Suddenly, the blood was scattered. There were several magic weapons flying directly out of him. He was caught in his hands. These magic weapons were hidden in the gods in the body of this female fairy. There was no magic weapon to be taken away by Xiang Yang. At this moment, the **** of this female fairy was also shattered. Therefore, all her magic weapons were taken away by Xiang Yang.


Until Xiang Yang took all these magic weapons in his hands, the female fairy of Baihua Valley could reunite the flesh. She quickly put on a dress. This time, Xiang Yang’s eyes were already with fear.


As a fairy in the seven heavens of Da Luo, when she faced Xiang Yang, she was so scared that her teeth were shaking, even with her hands tightly holding her clothes, the whole person was shaking, as if Xiang Yang just did what she did to her.

When many men see this scene, they will all think that Xiangyang must have forced this woman to do something unnamed. Even Xiangyang thinks that this female Luozun in the seven heavens is a bit pitiful and can’t help it. Waving his hand and saying, "Okay, let's go."

Baby has already got his hand, and Xiang Yang is too lazy to kill people in this ring. If the person who wants to challenge himself is scared away, then it will not be worth the loss.


This female goddess of the seven heavens is really afraid of Xiangyang. She thought that this time she could not escape the end of the gods. She did not expect Xiangyang to wave her hand to let her leave. For a moment, she suddenly stayed.

"You, you let me go?"

She thought that Xiang Yang would always keep her body continually smashed until her **** was also collapsed, and eventually she was completely destroyed. However, what she did not expect was that Xiang Yang had let her go. This made her feel incredible in her heart, and she was very grateful to Xiang Yang.

"Do you still want to stay and continue to control me with your charm?"

Xiang Yang turned over and looked at her. To be honest, this female fairy is really very good, plus the reason for her practice of cultivation, the natural charm is too great, if not a few women’s murderous moment reminder She can't think of this female fairy, and he even gave birth to the idea of ​​earning this female fairy.

However, when she thought of the other person's dusty woman like the red building, Xiang Yang had no interest.

"No, no..."

The female fairy shook her head quickly, and then said to Xiang Yang, "That, then I am gone."

After all, she looked at Xiangyang cautiously, then quickly turned and left, so that after Xiang Yang met, she couldn’t help but smile on her face and waved her hand. "Miss sister, goodbye, and later want to control me." You can come to me, but remember to bring your treasures."

"No, don't dare..."

This female fairy is really frightened by Xiang Yang. Although she has already left the ring, but the answer is at the same time, the speed is faster, and she directly flees the void and escapes.

Obviously, everything that happened today will make her unforgettable in her life. It’s incredible that a true fairy can scare her like a fairy.

"Hey, am I so terrible?"

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the countless audiences under the stage. He said with a smile, "You, look, how good I am, obviously killing the young lady, but I still I have let go of her, so you don't have to worry about being destroyed by me after going to power. Who else wants to continue to come to power? Who wants to get the guest of the East Emperor? Come on, come on, I will give you a chance."

"Kid, what are you talking about?"

After his words were finished, the sound of the impertinence of Donghuang Yuxi was suddenly passed over. I saw that the little girl was angry and glared at Xiangyang, and was very angry at Xiangyang’s ‘the guest of the curtain’.

"Cough, I mean, who wants to be the neighbor of the East Emperor, you must hurry." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

At the same time, he blinked at Donghuangyu. "Is it true that the rewards of the Emperor of the East Emperor are not counted?"

"Natural arithmetic."

In the eyes of the public, Donghuang Yuxi naturally can't say no, can only answer, while biting his teeth and looking at Xiangyang, turned his head and said to the little maid around him, "Prepare all my magic weapons, right. I will prepare a killer for me, and if this guy can persist until the end, I will go up to fight with him."

"Yes, but, the Lord, you want to go to battle with him, this is not very good?"

The little maid saw that her own lord was so angry that she rushed to fight with Xiangyang, and suddenly she was shocked and whispered. "Less master, today is the celebration of your birthday, you can't be reckless."

"Yeah, Lord, you can't bump, and the kid looks very good."


The imperial maid of the East Emperor Yuxi is definitely more than one, but a large group. At the moment, she is all around her, whispering her to her, for fear that she will really rush to go to Xiangyang.

Of course, if Donghuang Yuxi can win Xiangyang, but seeing Xiangyang so ferocious, even these little maids do not think that their little ancestors can defeat Xiangyang, if at the birthday ceremony, their own little ancestors Was defeated by Xiang Yang, let alone the face of the East Emperor Yuxi lost, even the Wan Yao Group must be laughed at.


"I must beat him up, don't beat him, it's hard to eliminate my heart."

Donghuang Yuxi gritted his teeth, but she also knew that it was not a good time now, so she did not really do it, but she still looked at Xiangyang and wanted to see how Xiangyang on the stage continued.

At this time, the most hopeful thing in the heart of Donghuang Yuxi is that someone can surpass Xiangyang in the real fairyland, directly to defeat Xiangyang, and then swearing Xiangyang, let Xiangyang know what the arrogant end is.

However, somehow, after the idea came up, even Donghuang Yuzizi felt that he was thinking a little bit more. If he wanted Xiangyang to fail, it might not be possible for him.

At this time, there was another challenger on the stage. It was a fairy king in the world of Da Luo. This is the weakest guy he has encountered since Xiang Yang came to power. His face is strange. I didn’t expect Da Luo to dare to come to the stage to challenge himself.

However, Da Luo’s four heavens are also better than Xiang Yang’s realm, and they must be suppressed to the real fairy.

"Big brother, I just want to come to the stage to see how big the gap is with you. It is definitely not much hatred with you, so please be merciful."

This guy is a young man who looks white and pure, and looks a bit like a scholar. He arched his hand at Xiang Yang, with a gentle smile on his face. After that, I will have a good feeling in my heart.

Many people don’t blame, and they don’t even smile. Even Xiang Yang can’t fall into the cliché. At this moment, his eyes look at each other with a smile on his face. “Let’s say it.”

"Then let's get started." The young man was very happy and said quickly.

"Don't worry, you should take out your ten best items and say them again." Xiang Yang waved his hand, he said with a smile.


The young man had no choice but to take out ten pieces of the best fairy, and he sighed in the heart. It turned out that this guy is really invincible, even if he is no longer polite, he still has to take out the best fairy.

After the Golden Armor will take down the ten pieces of the best fairy, the young man will shoot on Xiangyang. However, what makes Xiangyang feel shocked is that this big Luo’s four-day world’s small scholar’s ​​shot is not used. Very strong brute force attack, but the body glowed with milky white, a book appeared in the hand.

“A book is a magic weapon?”

Xiang Yang has some mistakes. Although there are all kinds of magic weapons in each of the worlds, but a book is his own magic weapon, Xiang Yang is the first time to see it.

"No, this milky white light is the pride of Confucianism. He is a Confucian person."

Then, Xiang Yang suddenly woke up, he stared at the other side, did not expect the other party to be the legendary Confucian.

This is the second Confucian person that Xiang Yang has ever seen. The first one is naturally his own brother Yunfei Yang. Although Yun Feiyang is his own brother, he is only a registered disciple of his own master. It is a Confucian disciple, and the practice of Confucianism is the righteousness.

Since entering the realm of comprehension, Xiang Yang knows that there are various physical repairs in the realm of comprehension, including Confucianism, Buddhism, and Devilism. However, he has never seen Buddhism and Buddhism in the realm of comprehension. Confucian people, even to the immortal world for so long, did not encounter Confucian and Buddhist descendants, which made him very puzzled, and finally let him see a Confucian descendant.

"I have a temperament, called Hao Ranzheng."

The young man took the book in his hand, and the whole person broke out with a rush of weather. The powerful and unparalleled arrogance broke out, and it broke through the real fairy level and broke through the realm of Da Luo.

His strength was still sealed by the ring to the real fairy, but the breath that broke out after he held the book broke through the existing realm.

This is only because the energy that he was suppressed to the real fairyland has passed the blessing of the book, and then broke through the limits of the real fairy realm and reached the realm of Da Luo.

"Is this a Confucian disciple, not bad."

Xiang Yang Rao looked at the young man with interest, especially when he saw that the breath of the other party had reached the level of Da Luo’s heavy heaven. He couldn’t help but smile and said, “Man, this book looks like Very good look, what is the treasure?"

"This is not a treasure. It is just an ordinary book. My cultivation has not yet reached the level that I can do whatever I want. Therefore, I can only release the great meaning of my Confucianism with the help of a book."

This young young voice said.

At the same time, his book also had a faint radiance. It seems that the book's aroma is released. Moreover, Xiang Yang can also see that some fonts are appearing in the light. This is his power. In books, books have also produced incredible changes. Although they are ordinary books, they have become uncommon under the influence of Confucianism.

“Is there such an operation?”

Xiang Yang was a bit dull, and even with a book, he could release the great meaning of Confucianism, and let himself break out of the power of the real world with the power of the real fairy.

This Confucian seems to be a bit fun.

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