Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2566: Rebellious downfall

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Numerous people were amazed at the scene, and at this time, the little bald head on the platform was smiling with a smile on the face. "Thank you, can you continue?"

"So, do you give us the one thousand pieces of the best?"

One of the kings said with a sneer.

After a small bald thought seriously, he said, "In this case, I can only get two hundred pieces of the best."

Originally, the little bald head was still thinking about letting go of these guys. As long as these guys are more interesting, he will give them the best of these guys and let them go down. As a result, these guys are not interested, then he If you don't mind defeating these guys, you will win two hundred best pieces.


This time, the small bald head is a real big killing ring. It is full of shots. At one time, the Buddha’s light is shining, the energy of horror is flowing, the power of magic, the sword and the blood are condensed together, and the 20 masters are fully bombarded. .

For a time, these twenty masters changed their faces, and they tried their best to resist the small bald heads. However, when they took out a magic weapon, they saw that the small bald head had taken out ten magic weapons, which made them more stressed. They realized that even if they had twenty people, even if there were more magic weapons on them, they could not compare with the small bald heads. After all, the little bald heads won thousands of pieces of fairy wares not long ago.

However, when they were preparing for the formation, the small bald head directly threw out the beads worn on the neck, and the twenty-four beads were turned into the legendary twenty-four days of the array, directly suppressed, as if twenty The four heavens and the earth generally made the twenty kings almost crushed.

In the end, one of the kings was born and beaten by a small bald head, and the other kings were very straightforward and straightforward. They knew that if they didn’t admit defeat, the end result would be that they were beaten by a small bald head. Then he was smashed out of the ring, but it was better to admit defeat if he was not beaten.


With the 20 kings all descending, the bells ringed on the platform, and the golden armor stood in the volley of the mighty body, and the voice was cold and cold. "The people who finally defended this battle..."

When he was about to say it, he suddenly felt a little bit stunned. It shouldn’t be to let Xiang Yang get the first place or let the little bald head get the first. If you let the little bald head first, what should Xiangyang do to trouble him?

Ever since, in the eyes of the public, the Golden God will look at Xiangyang and ask directly, "Do you think that you want to be the first, or is he the first?"


"Rely, what is going on here? Isn't it true that this golden armor will be the instrumental spirit of the ancient emperor's collapse? Is it true selfless existence? Why, even why the golden armor will be faked, it declares who is Why did the first place need to ask Xiangyang, is Xiangyang the master of the Golden Gods? This is impossible, especially, it is not fair."

"No wonder I will lose. It turns out that the Golden God will always maintain him, too much."


The words of the Golden God will suddenly make everyone angry, they feel incredible, and the legendary ancient emperor collapse should not be very fair and selfless? This instrumental spirit, how did it become like this after evolution?

What does it have to do with Xiangyang? Even with the consent of Xiang Yang, I dare to announce who is the first.

Many people are skeptical in the bottom of the heart that Donghuang Yuxi deliberately wants Xiangyang to win, secretly telling the Golden God to "take care of" Xiangyang, so this scene will appear. After all, this ancient emperor is the East Emperor magic weapon.

However, at the same time, there are too many people who know that this is unlikely. It is unlikely that Donghuang Yuxi will tell the ancient emperor's martyrdom to be partial to Xiangyang.

"Xiang Yang, you have to give me an explanation."

No matter what everyone thinks, Donghuang Yuxi is almost crazy. What she did not expect is that when the singer of his sect is declaring who is the ultimate first person, he also asked Xiangyang.

Didn't you see that the last standing on the top is a small bald head?

Everyone saw that this guy got the first after defeating countless kings. If so, who else should you ask?

Donghuang Yuxi looked coldly at Xiangyang, and could not wait to rush to fight with Xiangyang.

She swears that if Xiang Yang does not give her an account, she is absolutely not good enough to give up.

"This kid, in the end, what can be done to let the ancient emperor fall to listen to him?"

Even the two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi looked at Xiangyang. They were characters who had existed since the ancient times, but they never heard of someone who could control the emperor's collapse.

"Cough... this, this is an accident..."

Xiang Yang coughed a few times, and when he saw that everyone looked at himself, he had to fly up and came to the throne of the emperor, so he stood by the side of the golden armor, suddenly, the golden armor God would seem to be afraid of him, but he took a step back and then carefully watched Xiang Yang.


After seeing this scene, countless people were all shocked. They looked at Xiang Yang in a dull way. They seemed to understand why the spirit of the throne of the throne would look at Xiangyang when he announced the first place. This guy turned out to be the right one. Yang is so afraid, can it be said that Xiang Yang is the true master of the throne?

Or, does Xiang Yang control the magical golden armor of the emperor's squadron, so that the golden armor is full of fear of Xiangyang?

"This, cough, squatting, scorpion scorpion, the spirit of the emperor's squatting, is it so polite to you on weekdays?" The two old men were puzzled and looked at the emperor.

"I don't want to call it out when the instrument is in peace. The eyes are higher than the top. I can't call it at all, let alone make it so polite to me."

Donghuang Yuxi was so angry that the wine glass in her hand was crushed by her. She looked at Xiangyang on the ring and gnawed her teeth. "Bastard guy, I must figure out why."

This is her magic weapon. It is the ancient emperor's downfall. It is also a super treasure. It is comparable to the existence of the day after tomorrow. It turns out to be obedient to Xiang Yang's words. It seems that Xiang Yang is the true master of Jin Jiashen. In general, how can this be tolerated by Donghuang Yuxi?

"Cough, I said the big brother, although I have no fighting power, but you don't have to be so polite to me. I know that you are very respectful of the strongest in every realm. However, I am more modest. You still have to be polite."

Xiang Yang coughed and patted the shoulder of the golden armor.


The golden armor will answer with respectful respect, but in my heart, it is a grumpy one. Your sister’s, you are obviously a sacred place. The power of the soul is so powerful that you can easily kill me, and even pretend to be the real fairy. It’s too much fun.

However, on the surface, it did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, but looked at Xiang Yang very respectfully.

After Xiang Yang met, he sighed in the heart that this golden armor is actually very extraordinary. If you can bring the emperor down to the side, it is good to follow such a big man at any time.


When I think of it, he suddenly feels a little bit wrong. In any case, this emperor is the treasure of the Eastern Emperor, how can he win the love?

Xiang Yang’s treasures are so many, it’s really a bit of a look down on this emperor’s downfall.

"This is my younger brother. I just let him take the place of me. Since he won, naturally I won. Then, this first place is barely given to me. After all, my younger brother is mine, I am. Still my, hahaha."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, and then he extended his hand to the Golden God. After the latter smashed, he quickly handed over countless celestial items to Xiang Yang. These fairy lights shone, and it was the small bald head won for Xiangyang. Treasures.


When I saw so many of the best fairy wares, countless people all sucked in the cool air. This is a thousand pieces of the best fairy ware. It was so taken away by Xiang Yang, it was too shocking. .

Especially those who lost to Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou, all of them are very upset.

Jinjia Shen will not care about what other people think, it directly pulls the scorpion, and expressionlessly declares that Xiangyang is the first person to win, "First place, Xiang Yangsheng..."

"Haha, thank you, thank you..."

However, when it was prepared to say that the first person was Xiangyang Shengzun, Xiang Yang realized that something was wrong and quickly took the word. At the same time, after waiting for it, he suddenly dared not speak, and the dingy turned into a light. Break into the throne of the emperor.

"You, this time is only a friendly battle. You see, there have been no incidents of casualties. Moreover, you have learned and learned your weaknesses. In the future, as long as you cultivate well, make up for your own shortcomings, maybe It is possible to go further in a short time."

"If you still want to thank me, you don't have to. I like this person best to do good things."

"If there are people who think about finding me in the future, you can remember, but you must remember to bring the treasures. My favorite thing is to be a strong and very strong local strongman. I exchanged ideas, but remember to take a bet."


Xiang Yang cleared his throat, and after he finished laughing, he flew away from the ring with a small bald head. The people below had already been angry, and they were angry and screaming. "Shameless, it is too Shameless."

"It is obviously that he is too shameless, and he even said that he did not leave a name for good things."

"No, I must beat him with a face, or else I will only hate it."


Donghuang Yuxi also had a very ugly face. She reached out and squeezed a law, and summoned the ancient emperor’s downsizing. This emperor’s downsizing narrowed down countless times in her palm, and then her eyes looked at the emperor. Block down, cold channel, "spiritual, why are you so respectful to him?"


The spirit of the emperor’s squadron was too lazy to pay attention to the emperor’s jade, and he did not move.

Although the instrumental spirit of the ancient emperor's martial arts was the treasure of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi, it has always been ignorant of the Eastern Emperor's jade, and has a completely different expression when facing Xiangyang.

"Do you dare to ignore me?"

At this time, it was just that Lan Tingting and Jubilee were also around. They were also curious to watch the emperor's collapse. However, the emperor's martial arts did not care about her, and the emperor was suddenly angry. The implementation of a law, directly will be called out.

Suddenly, the golden armor will be turned into a tall, one-person image in front of her.

"the host."

The golden armor will open the lazy, its face is all hidden under the mask, but with its voice is not difficult to hear, this guy must be a look of disdain.

"Say, why is Xiangyang so eye-catching?"

Donghuang Yuxi endured the urge to beat this golden armor with a violent beat, and asked with a black face.

"can not say."

The golden armor will shake his head directly, because when he was in the ring, Xiang Yang explained it with the power of the soul, and he must not say it indiscriminately. Otherwise, he would directly erase its consciousness.

Although the golden armor will be a treasure of the ancient emperor, but it is really afraid that Xiang Yang, a sage who has a strong accomplishment in the soul, will erase its consciousness. It naturally does not dare to say.


After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi suddenly became angry. The whole person kept breathing and his chest was constantly undulating. Fortunately, Xiangyang was not here, otherwise Xiangyang could open his eyes.

"You don't say yes?"

Donghuang Yuxi looked cold and looked at this golden armor.

"Master, can't say, after you say it, you and I have to go wrong. It doesn't matter what you ask." The golden armor will say it coldly, and the figure will directly become a ray of light into the throne of the emperor. It disappeared in the middle.


Donghuang Yuxi was so angry that she said a swearing word directly. She knew that it would be useless to call out the golden armor. Then, the whole person directly turned into a light and rushed to Xiangyang. At this time, Xiang Yang continued. Drinking with the five dragons, and the small bald head is also holding a pot of wine and drinking very imageless.


Dong Huang Yu's figure appeared in front of Xiang Yang, looking coldly at Xiang Yang, "said, what have you done?"

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